Monday 31 July 2017

Secret underground bunkers are used to store dead alien bodies

dead alien photo
The thought of this, has compelled people for years and many believe it to be true. A number of aliens are believed to be stored underground at various undisclosed locations.
Many of these dead alien beings have been dissected and tested over time—while secret government operations continue to learn more. How many aliens may be still alive is another question altogether.
Dissected alien
According to a United States Air Force employee, they made mention that underground bunkers are being used as study labs. This employee wishes to remain anonymous and is no longer currently employed with the U.S. Air Force. Where this person worked, was at the location of the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base located in Ohio.
It is here, that they learned more and witnessed some rather incredible sights. Used as a disposal of sorts, this location during this time had numerous dead aliens inside the premises. All of which were later stored for further examination and study.
dead alien location
Many of these facilities, have been well secured upon installation. How many places actually house deceased aliens is unknown, however this location has quite the reputations for being the resting place for fallen aliens. A number of these found aliens, are believed to be from crash sights and secretly taken to this location and to others for further study and action. Perhaps some of these aliens were not so well-preserved and only pieces of them were salvageable for study.
The premise of this, is similar to a science fiction series or film and many do think it is utter nonsense. However, one retired employee isn’t ready to rule it out yet, as they made mention of this. When they were 27 years old back in 1988, they were then ordered to enter one particular building. (a storage facility also stocked with weapons) It gave them the creeps, as it was winter time and three different men approached them all wearing dark suits.
Were these the infamous Men in Black in disguise? The former employee said that they went through a door that led to a large elevator where the strange men then descended down. After this, they were taken to a corridor where a vaulted door was at the end. One of these men then opened up the door. Their voice sounded very peculiar and was high pitched when heard.
dead alien
This man then ordered them into the room, it was here where he was instructed to glance inside a big container. What he witnessed was the unthinkable as he looked down to see a badly damaged body of what appeared to be an extraterrestrial. Whatever it was, had a large shaped head with big black eyes and a slender frame.
The torso of the body was badly severed. After what he had seen, he was then instructed to sign some sort of document. This document stated that he wouldn’t disclose anything about the incident, as it was top secret.
After signing this document, they were then allowed to go back to the surface and continue with their work. It was five days later, when they were shown these dead aliens inside the container. The entire story is quite amazing, whether or not it is true is unknown yet it makes you wonder what might be going on under our feet.

Sunday 30 July 2017

Mysterious dark mirror becomes part of traveling paranormal museum

Greg Newkirk and Dana Matthews
What seemingly appears to be another mirror isn’t. Paranormal researchers and traveling haunted object specialists Greg Newkirk and his wife Dana Matthews—have searched far and wide for strange items and places. Together, they are quite the dynamic duo. Each of them bringing their own perspective to the table.
Seen below, Greg is holding an unusual dark mirror, this mirror has a haunted history behind it. He admits to never seeing anything else quite like it in his life. The infamous mirror, has turned true skeptics into real believers.
Greg Newkirk with Dark Mirror
Greg has been tracking down unexplained paranormal mysteries for over 17 years, including many different cryptozoological monsters. His wife Dana, originally founded one of the world’s all-female paranormal investigation teams.
Shows such as the X-Files fascinated and inspired Dana growing up. Both of them have appeared on various television series, including TLC’s Paranormal Lockdown, Kindred Spirits, Animal Planet’s Finding Bigfoot among others.
Greg Newkirk and Dana Matthews Week in Weird
Together, both Dana and Greg formed The Traveling Museum of the Paranormal and the Occult. This traveling roadshow, brings haunted objects to the masses. Both of them, have traveled around in different places and have met some rather interesting characters along the way.
The dark mirror, inevitably became a part of their traveling museum exhibit show. They were approached long ago by a woman, who wishes to remain anonymous. This woman’s mother obtained the mirror from a yearly Psychic Expo. After taking a keen interest in this rather unusual mirror, she decided to buy it.
Dark mirror The Traveling Museum of the Paranormal and the Occult
The use for a mirror such as this, is for scrying. Dating back to the 10th century, people used crystal balls, water bowls and mirrors to glimpse into the future. Often, they would use these items to make predictions, communicate with the dead or even to cast different spells. The dark glass of the mirror, is used to encourage someone to fall under a trance of sorts.
Not having luck with the mirror, the lady’s mother became further withdrawn from others—meanwhile trying to perfect her divination skills by using the mirror. However, there was something not right with this mirror. One day, this woman went to check on her mother, only to find her quite upset.
Her mother went over to the closet, reaching for the mirror which was draped in a black veil. The woman asked her mother why the mirror was kept inside the closet. She simply said it was “evil”. The woman then took the mirror, wrapped in cloth and took it with her. Clearly, her mother was upset over it. Eventually, the mirror was donated to The Traveling Museum of the Paranormal and the Occult.
Back in June of 2015, a woman approached the museum booth table and let loose a loud “hell no!”. This woman grabbed the mirror and ripped off the veil. After glancing at it for a mere thirty seconds or so, the expression on her face drastically changed. She was in shock and terror as she kept looking into this strange mirror.
Greg asked the woman: “So, what did you just see?”
The woman there then replied: “I saw my own decomposing corpse looking back at me,” she stammered. “That’s a dark mirror. I should not have done that. I need to go say a prayer. Excuse me.”
This mirror from then onward, was known as the Dark Mirror. Only a few people at the event, were brave enough to try the mirror for themselves after the incident. Those who looked into the mirror, only noticed their reflection. However, a few others gazed upon something else entirely.
As the mirror made its way to the next show, some people reported an intense feeling of dread, headaches and one woman recalled the feeling and taste of blood filling her mouth. Others reported about this mirror, radiating an intense electrical energy as well. Greg and Dana continue to monitor cursed items such as this on the live video feed from their site Week in Weird. The mirror remains a mystery.

Jean Hilliard’s frozen miracle

frozen hand
A woman named Jean Hilliard experienced something which still baffles medical science today. The body is an incredible machine. The human body has overcome some rather extraordinary feats throughout time. Some of them are mind bending to think about.
Jean Hilliard car
Sometimes things happen for a reason which are simply unexplained—to a defined logical explanation. Back in Lengby, Minnesota in the year of 1980, Jean Hilliard was on her way to see her friend, when her car skidded off an isolated gravel road.
In fear of the sub-zero temperatures of the season, she braved forward by foot to her friend’s house. This would become one of the most extraordinary events ever documented in human history. Jean was determined to reach her friend’s home, but it was a long journey by foot in these wintry conditions.
Jean Hilliard on ice
She had to walk for several miles before reaching her friend’s home in heavy wind and snow. Just before she reached their home, she collapsed onto the ground where she laid  for 6 hours in sub-zero temperatures. Jean was a mere 16 feet away from the front door—of her friend Nelson’s house.
It was approximately 1:00 am in the early morning. It was reported that the temperature dropped down to a negative −22 °F (−30 °C). As one can imagine, Jean suffered from hypothermia from being in such cold conditions. To Nelson’s shock as he opened his door, his friend Jean was laying on the ground frozen solid, resembling a pale ghost. Jean’s body was so frozen, that her friend had to place her sideways, after taking her to the hospital.
frozen hand
When she arrived at the hospital, the medical staff pronounced her DOA (Dead on Arrival). Jean’s heartbeat dropped down to a mere 12 beats per minute. The temperature of her body and skin was so low, normal thermometers couldn’t be used. They couldn’t use a needle either. Instead, they wrapped her inside of a thermal blanket to get her warm. Doctors thought for sure, that Jean would suffer from severe brain damage and that both of her legs would have to be amputated.
What they didn’t expect next, Jean asked for water around 1:00 in the afternoon. By that evening, she could move her arms and hands. She was able to move her legs after 3 days as well. The outcome for her was positive as she incredibly didn’t suffer any long term damage externally or internally. She stayed in the intensive care unit wing of the hospital for 6 days. After this she was moved to a regular recovery room.
One can only think that Jean was being watched over by a divine presence. Perhaps it was her guardian angel who watched out for her on that day. There is no medical or scientific explanation, which explains how she overcame such incredible odds for survival.
Dr. George Sather stated: “I can’t explain why she is alive.”

Truck driver’s wife abducted by aliens in Michigan

alien abduction
People sometimes lose track of time. Quite typically, they get involved with something and time simply passes by quickly for them. This can be from a conversation or from a fast paced job as an example. However, there are blocks of time, which simply go unanswered for.
The reason for this, can be explained as random people have been abducted by extraterrestrial entities. The term “abduction phenomenon” describes claims of non-human creatures—who kidnap individuals and temporarily remove them from their surroundings. The abductee, typically experiences forced medical examinations and doctoring by some sort of alien species—during the lost time period.
Perhaps one of the most compelling cases of an alien abduction such as this, dates back to the year 2012, when truck driver Scott Murray from Michigan—one day received a phone call from his wife Elizabeth. She was completely distraught while talking with him. At first, she believed she was drugged and raped initially.
Scott decided to take his wife Elizabeth to the emergency room at the hospital, where they examined her. Scott believed that his wife simply had a bad dream and was worked up over it. There was no sign of rape trauma found.
However, there was a strange burn mark on her right shoulder, that previously wasn’t there. The very next day, Scott went outside into the garden. He then discovered four strange burn markings on the grass. They appeared to be in a circular type of a pattern. When Scott looked up, he noticed a nearby tree had leaves which were burnt away to a crisp.
Alien abduction at night
These branches were estimated to be about 20 feet high. The following week, Scott took his wife to hypnotic regression therapy. It was then, that she recalled being taken into a spaceship of some sort. She underwent experimentation by some type of extraterrestrials as she remembered the traumatic experience.
alien abduction
As time passed, Scott’s wife increasingly became paranoid and terrified over the incident. Unfortunately, one day when Scott returned home, he found his wife Elizabeth laying down dead. It was absolutely devastating for him.
Scott Murray went on to explain, he has three children now all grown up. He has been a truck driver since he was 22 years old and has enjoyed being on the open road. What he and his wife dealt with is an extraordinary phenomenon.
Many skeptics argue that the alien abduction phenomenon, is nothing more than someone experiencing vivid dreams occurring during sleep paralysis. Perhaps this might be true, but nobody knows this to be fact yet and many details people recall are quite specific. It truly makes someone wonder, if people are telling the truth or have an overactive imagination.
Scott was desperate for answers. He sent away samples of the burnt grass from his property, to a local college. They later told him, that they were radiation burn marks. In a complete reversal of statements, the college then contacted him, mentioning that these were not radiation burn markings but something else. Scott believes that whoever he was talking with, were told to change their statement for a reason. Maybe this is just another cover up conspiracy.


Claims of having been abducted by extraterrestrials are often scoffed at due to the lack of evidence presented. However, some claims of alien abduction do involve actual evidence of the abductee’s claims. In the early 1960s, a woman who claimed to have experienced an alien abduction drew a map of a star system and showed it to scientists. The claim was dismissed, as the star system was said by scientists to look nothing like any group of stars that had ever been observed.
Betty drew the map under hypnosis
Betty drew the map under hypnosis
Zeta Reticuli constellation mirrors
Zeta Reticuli constellation mirrors that drawn by Betty
Modern astronomers, however, would disagree that the constellation does not exist. The constellation that Betty Hill described in the 1960s has been proven to exist. Could this be a mere coincidence? Could a similar group of stars have been discovered at some point in the last six decades by chance? One statistician disagrees. The odds of a constellation being discovered that so closely resembled what she described was judged to be extremely low. Could the woman have actually been abducted by an extraterrestrial civilization?

The woman claims that she and her husband witnessed a strange flying vehicle floating above them in 1961. As the craft moved closer, it became possible to observe the human-like beings that were inside of the craft. This was followed by a period of missing time, in which they did not remember what actually occurred during the abduction. Hypnosis was able to recover the missing memories. She was taken into one room and her husband into another, after which the two of them were anatomically examined. The aliens seemed to bear no ill will to humankind. The couple was not put through painful or terrifying experiments. Nonetheless, the two of them did experience some psychological trauma. The woman was then shown a stellar map, including lines that showed interstellar trade routes. This became one of the most famous of all alien abduction cases. The husband’s story was similar to the wife’s story. Physical evidence, such as a compass spinning uncontrollably when brought near to the car, also added to the believability of this famous story.
Barney sketched the alien life form in 1951

That’s No Moon — It’s an Alien Observatory Created to Keep an Eye on Us!

Moon - alien space station

Sure, claiming the Moon is artificial might sound crazy, but why does it ring like a bell when struck?

Previous expeditions to the Moon have brought back considerable amount of information, but our planet’s natural satellite still remains mostly a mistery for researchers.
The first man ever invested by NASA to head the Commission of Lunar Exploration, Dr. Jastrow, referred to the Moon as “the Rosetta stone of the planets.”
Many UFOlogists are convinced that the Moon, who everybody believes to be a natural satellite, was in fact built by a more advanced civilization as a study base where they could document the behavior of our species.
Others believe the aliens aren’t that interested in our society as they don’t understand intra-racial violence, so the Moon serves as a simple watchtower that would let them know if mankind would ever try to leave Earth and travel through space.
Moderate theorists say its body is covered by a rocky layer, which could measure more than 3 miles from the surface, sitting on top of a shell, made out of extremely durable chemical components, that could even withstand a large scale impact like with an asteroid or a comet without sustaining much damage.
A NASA researcher named Robin Brett once stated that:
“It seems easier to explain the non existence of the Moon than its existence.”

Here are some strange facts that make us believe the Moon was actually built from scratch.

In 1969, the United States built a module for the sole purpose of crashing it into the Moon in order to study the after effects. The estimated power it packed upon impact was said to be that of one thousand Kilograms of TNT.
After the controlled crash, experts observed the waves generated by the shock and were amazed. The Moon made a sound resembling that of a gigantic bell, and the echo went on for more than half an hour.
Ken Johnson, the man supervising photo and information stated that the Moon also vibrated or “wobbled” in a symmetric manner, “ almost as though it had gigantic hydraulic damper struts inside it”.
Alexander Shcherbakov and Mikhail Vasin published an article sometime in the 70s, named “Is the Moon the creation of Alien Intelligence?”
In the article, they ask some very legitimate questions and expose known facts that defy any logical explanation.
The surface of the Moon, the only part that could be studied, contains minerals and is mostly made up of uncommonly hard matter.
Samples retrieved from the Moon have also been found to hold forged metal material, which couldn’t have formed there or arrive by itself.
Scientists found parts of highly processed Uranium that science has never been able to achieve via natural processes.
They have also found traces of radioactive metals normally used to produce Plutonium on a large scale. This is all clear evidence that the Moon is not as inactive as we’re being led to believe.
Moon - forged metal material, uranium
It is common knowledge that our moon doesn’t have a hard nucleus as other planets or natural satellites do and the mass is concentrated in a number of points, most of which are located at a very low depth.
Another well known fact is that the Moon is older than 4 and a half billion years, which makes it older than our planet by almost a million years. It is different from any other satellite known across the universe.
Unlike any other natural satellite, the moon describes a perfect round orbit around the planet it’s circling. No matter which point you look from, one side of the moon will always be invisible.
Titanium, a very rare and expensive metal on Earth, used for the development of advanced technology (space shuttles or submarines), is found in large and concentrated quantities inside rocks on the moon. Harold Urey, a Nobel prize winning chemist, is still very confused by this fact.
Strange facts as the ones you’ve just read keep piling up every day, while modern science keeps failing to explain them.
Not only is the amount of information about the moon very scarce, but the percentage of people with access to it is being kept under control.

50 Years Ago, a Small Town Ohio Policeman Chased a Flying Saucer Into Pennsylvania… And It Ruined His Life


We met at Mike’s Place, the greasy spoon near Kent State with the X-Wing parked out front. It seemed appropriate – it was fifty years ago, this week, that James Evans’ father chased some kind of spacecraft into Pennsylvania. They seated us inside the converted school bus near the back of the place. He ordered biscuits and gravy and told me about what his old man saw, back in 1966.
“He didn’t like to talk about it,” James said. “And when he would, he always said, ‘I wished I’d never seen it.’”
James Evans, Dale Spaur’s son
Dale Spaur was a deputy Sheriff for Portage County in 1966. Big dude – 6’7”. Wicked sense of humor. Former gunner on a B-51 in the Korean War. He was known on the force for having a bit of a lead foot, reprimanded for taking turns too fast in his cruiser on Main Street in Ravenna. He worked the night shift with his partner, Wilbur Neff, known as “Barney” to friends. Spaur was a good cop with a good family – a wife and two boys at home. But everything changed the morning of April 17, 1966.
Spaur and Neff were called out to an abandoned vehicle on the side of State Route
224, near the town of Atwater, at about 5 a.m. It was an isolated stretch of country road, lined with trees. Dale SpaurThey got out of their cruiser to investigate and that’s when Spaur spotted a glowing craft rising out of the woods. It reached treetop level and then began to move toward them, according to an article that appeared in the Record-Courier the following day. It was shaped sort of like an ice cream cone tipped on its side, a little pointed end sticking up in the back, and it made a sound like “an over-loaded transformer.” When it came close, they could feel the heat baking off of it. Slowly, it started east, down 224.
The two deputies returned to their cruiser and radioed in to dispatch. The sergeant on duty told them to follow it. The chase was on.
The faster Spaur pursued in his cruiser, the faster the object accelerated. Soon they were speeding east down old Route 14 into the rising sun, the odometer edging past 100 mph. Occasionally they’d have to stop for lights or traffic, though, and when they did the craft slowed down, too, like it was playing a game of “cat-and-mouse,” Spaur would later explain.
Along the way, Spaur and Neff were joined by East Palestine police officer, Wayne Huston, who followed in his own car. They chased the UFO all the way into Pennsylvania, where Spaur was finally forced to stop for gas. Another cop – Frank Panzanella – was already waiting at the service station. The four officers watched the UFO dart straight up into the sky and disappear.
By the time Spaur made it home, the local newspapers had the story.  The national news picked it up and
within three days, they were getting calls from Japan. At the station, Spaur and Neff were ridiculed. Neff took it in stride but it really got to Spaur, who lost twenty pounds from the stress of it all. Then men from Project Blue Book – the military’s Cold War UFO-investigation department – arrived. After interviewing everyone, they determined that the object the four police officers saw that morning was the planet Venus refracted through fog.
By all accounts, Spaur suffered an emotional breakdown after this. Within six months, he’d lost his job. His wife left with the children. In October, a Plain Dealer reporter found him living out of a motel, subsisting on peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. “Thirty-four years old and what do I have? Nothing,” he said. “Who knows me? To everyone, I’m Dale Spaur, the nut who chased a flying saucer.”
James didn’t know who his real father was until he was thirteen – after the divorce, his mother remarried and James was adopted by his stepfather. He was watching Good Morning America with his older brother, Dale Jr., when a tall man was invited on the program to talk about flying saucers.
“My mother came in and said, ‘That’s your dad.’” The boys wanted to meet him so Daneise called the television station and the show’s producers passed along her message. Two weeks later, Dale Spaur pulled into the driveway in a big pickup truck. “I remember watching him get out,” said James. “It was like he unfolded out of the truck when he stepped out, he was so big.” During his visit, he told his boys about his adventures since leaving Portage County.
It had taken time, but Spaur had finally gotten his life back together. Not long after that reporter found him at the motel, Dale moved to West Virginia, where he worked in the mines. He had a terrible accident there, falling seventy feet down a shaft, breaking his back. He lay in a coma in the hospital for several days, eyes wide open but completely out of it. “A nurse was supposed to sit with him the whole time,” said James. “But she only lasted a couple hours. I guess she came running out of the room, screaming, ‘This man is possessed by an alien!’”
When he recovered, Spaur moved back to Ohio and settled in Rocky River. He remarried, opened a bar called the Avenue at West 65th and Detroit Road in Cleveland, and on rare occasions told stories about the UFO he called “Floyd,” which he claimed visited him sometimes when nobody else was around.
Later, he did a little consulting for Stephen Spielberg’s movie, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, but walked off set in a huff after he found out the main character was not a cop, said James. The film opens with a police officer chasing a UFO shaped kind of like an ice cream cone on its side.
Spaur died on April 4th, 1983, never recovering from severe pneumonia after catching the flu. James remembers an endless stream of people he’d never seen before at his father’s funeral. He never knew his father had so many friends.
“I look up and five Eskimos are standing there. Where did they come from? How did they know my father?”
I asked James what he thinks after all these years. What did his father see in the skies above Portage County fifty years ago?
“He believed what he saw was extra-terrestrial,” said James. “I believe him. Nothing we made could fly like that. In Pennsylvania, it hovered over his car. He could feel the heat coming off it. Then it went straight up and disappeared. Poof. Gone! And remember, my father served in the Air Force. You couldn’t put a bird up there he doesn’t recognize.”
If there’s definitive proof, the military has it. Spaur and Neff kept a camera in the cruiser. They took dozens of photographs. But when Blue Book came to town, the G-men confiscated the negatives. They have never been released.



While we’re looking for extraterrestrials in outer space, a man from California is well on his way to becoming a genderless alien. Oh, the times we are living in!

22 year-old Vinny Ohh from Los Angeles, CA has had over 100 surgical procedures in his quest to become an alien with no sex organs. It all started with a lip filler when he was 17.
Since then, Vinny has had two rhinoplasties at age 19 and 21 to make his nose narrower and more alien-looking. Other procedures included cheek and brow bone implants, all done as an effort to distance himself from the human form.
“I want to be a sexless alien being,” Vinny Ohh told the world. “I want my outside to reflect how I feel on the inside. The overall image I want to do is an alien. I want to be a hybrid, not male or female.”
To complete the alien image, Vinny also wears dark contact lenses that completely cover his eyes. His unusual nails and wacky hairstyles also help.
Working as a part-time model, he became an LGBT+ activist and he says his mission is to help people break out of gender conformism and just be themselves, whatever self that might be.
“Over the years, I’ve realized I’m not gay, bi, trans or any of these things, I just want to be me. I do it to inspire the world in a certain way, I want people to stop labelling others or putting them in boxes.”
Despite undergoing over 110 surgical procedures, Vinny is still a long way from achieving his dream. At the moment, he still has male sex organs but that’s going to change soon. He plans on spending another $160,000 to get rid of his nipples, bellybutton and genitalia.
As you would expect, Vinny’s appearance and future plans have elicited strong reactions from the community. While some support him in his effort to become a genderless alien, others favor abusive language and insults and there were even attempts to physically harm him.
Naturally, the media wants to capitalize on Vinny’s weird life so he was invited to appear on The Plastics of Hollywood, a show that will bring together plastic surgery addicts in an attempt to… whatever, the show’s going to be crazy.
Look, I’m all for sexual or asexual expression but it feels like we’re going too far and giving this issue too much importance. In times like these, when the world seems to be on a tipping point and there are pressing issues that need to be dealt with, we get so easily distracted by trivial matters while ignoring problems that will undoubtedly change our lives for the worse.
The world economy is failing, AI will make the rich even richer and the poor even poorer, the illusion of a free world is slowly dissolving but, hey, everybody, look at me, I want to turn myself into a strawberry ice cream with both a penis and a vagina!