Saturday 30 September 2017

An artifact from ancient Babylon contains a more accurate trigonometric table than that of modern mathematicians

The Babylonian clay tablet, created 3700 years ago, contains a more accurate trigonometric table than those used by modern mathematicians today.
This artifact belonged to the American diplomat and collector of antiquities Edgar Banks. Today, this man is better known as the prototype of Indiana Jones - the hero of a series of adventure films, which is brilliantly played by the cult Hollywood actor Harrison Ford.
In 1898, Banks took over as US consul in Baghdad and, in addition to the service, was engaged in the fact that he bought hundreds of ancient cuneiform clay tablets from "black diggers" and resold them to museums. The clay tablet, which became a real scientific sensation, was sold in 1922 by Banks to the publisher of New York George Plimpton for only $ 10.
This was 322 on account of the plate in the collection of Plimpton, so it was called Plympton 322. After the death of the publisher, the collection was donated to Columbia University.
Scientists have called this tablet one of the most unique mathematical artifacts in the world. After deciphering the cuneiform signs, it turned out that on the clay a sequence of Pythagorean triples was recorded.
What it is? You probably remember from the school course of mathematics the expression "Pythagorean pants in all directions are equal"? So, the Pythagorean triples are an ordered set of three natural numbers (x, y, z), which correspond to the lengths of the sides of a right triangle. In this case they must satisfy the quadratic equation x2 + y2 = z2 from the Pythagorean theorem.
Recall, the theorem says: the sum of the squares of the legs is equal to the square of the length of the hypotenuse.Only a small trifle - this tablet was written by the Sumerians, at least 1000 years before the birth of Pythagoras.
For a long time, scientists could not come to a common opinion: what purpose did this tablet serve? The matter was further complicated by the fact that the left side of the plate was split off and in the hands of historians was an incomplete text. For a long time it was believed that this was a manual for teachers of mathematics. Allegedly, using this "cheat sheet", the teachers checked whether the children solved the square equations correctly.

However, mathematicians Daniel Mansfield and Norman Wildberger from the University of New South Wales (Australia) argue that this artifact has nothing to do with children's fun.

"In fact, this is a trigonometric table based on a method that is completely unknown to us, which is ahead of its time by 3000 years," says Professor Mansfield. - Plimpton 322 is a powerful computational tool, it was used for architectural calculations in the construction of palaces, temples, step pyramids, channeling and accurate determination of the boundaries of land holdings.
Australian mathematicians claim that the trigonometric table of the ancient Babylonians allows for more accurate calculations. The fact is that they used not a decimal, but a sixty-digit system of calculus. Now this system is used only for measuring time (1 hour consists of 60 minutes, and a minute of 60 seconds) and angles (for example, the circular panorama around you is divided by 360 degrees).
The old Babylonian system is better suited for accurate trigonometric calculations because the modern decimal allows too much error. Conditionally speaking, in the decimal system you can not divide the base number 10 without the remainder 10 by 3 or 4. The exact value you get when dividing 10 is only 5 and 2. But the sixty-digit calculus allows you to divide the base unit without a remainder - 60, to a much larger number fragments.
"I do not recall the times when the ancients could teach the modern world something new," says Daniel Mansfield. - Plimpton-322 is for today the world's only fully accurate trigonometric table, it exceeds modern trigonometry. After 3000 years, Babylonian mathematics can return to fashion. It has a huge potential for application in geodetic work or for solving computer graphics problems.
For a long time the father of trigonometry was called the ancient Greek scholar Hipparchus. He lived in the second century BC and was the first to compose an analogue of modern tables of trigonometric functions. However, it turns out that the Babylonians had a much more accurate mathematical knowledge 1500 years before Hipparchus. It is a pity that we will never know the names of the Sumerian perelmens.

Plimpton 322 - a sign from the Sumerian city of Lars, which was written about 1800 BC. e. By this time the city was conquered by the Babylonian kingdom and lost its independence. On the front side of the artifact is a table consisting of 15 rows and 4 columns filled with cuneiform signs. Made from clay and has a size of 12.7 cm by 8.8 cm. The left side of the artifact is broken off, but the scientists found that in the original the full text of the trigonometric table contained 6 columns and 38 lines.

Residents of a Thai village are asking the police to protect them from an aggressive ghost

Residents of the village in the eastern Thai province of Amnacharen called the police to help them get rid of the ghost, which, according to farmers, is terrorizing the local population.

Thais assert that a poltergeist infuses into people and devours them from within. From the actions of the spirit four cows died and the same number of border guards, the British Broadcasting Company BBC reports.

The order-keepers had to obey, they began patrolling the village. Local farmers say that next to them a ghost "phi-phob", which takes the form of a woman and gets into people to get them from inside, was wound up.

The ghost that devours the insides often appears in Thai horror films. Shot from the movie

This is not the first time the appearance of "phi-phob" in Thailand.
In 2016, three people, allegedly possessed by this ghost, forced neighbors to undress, threatening them with a knife.

In total, the inhabitants of Thailand believe in about 20 different ghosts. Some of them are harmless, others, according to local beliefs, eat people alive.

Mathematics proves the existence of advanced Alien civilizations

What are the odds that the universe is home to advanced alien civilizations? Mathematics give us the answer: “almost certainly existed at some point in cosmic history.”
Astronomer Frank Drake came up with an equation to help scientists ponder those odds back in 1961. Now, incorporating the latest data from the Kepler telescope, a pair of astronomers has come up with an interesting estimate.
Drake’s famous equation measures the odds that advanced civilizations are out there and broadcasting their presence. It comes down to (R*) the number of stars born each year that (fp) form planets that (ne) can support life.
 Out of those that can support life, how many (fl) actually do evolve life, and out of those, how many (fi) evolve intelligent species that (fc) are technologically advanced enough to release detectable signals into space? And then, finally, how long (L) do those civilizations survive to broadcast those signals?
Multiplying all those variables together would give a rough estimate of humanity’s chances of making contact with an alien civilization. Scientists still don’t know what numbers to plug into most of the variables, but they’re getting closer.

In the New York Times, study author Adam Frank describes the research in an article titled, “Yes, There Have Been Aliens.“

“Instead of asking how many civilizations currently exist, we asked what the probability is that ours is the only technological civilization that has ever appeared. By asking this question, we could bypass the factor about the average lifetime of a civilization.
This left us with only three unknown factors, which we combined into one “biotechnical” probability: the likelihood of the creation of life, intelligent life and technological capacity.
…What our calculation revealed is that even if this probability is assumed to be extremely low, the odds that we are not the first technological civilization are actually high. Specifically, unless the probability for evolving a civilization on a habitable-zone planet is less than one in 10 billion trillion, then we are not the first.”
Scientists have estimated that there is only a one in 10 billion chance per planet that an advanced communicative species would evolve. But even with those slim odds, more than a trillion advanced alien civilizations could have evolved over the history of the universe.
While the calculations don’t say much about whether advanced alien civilizations currently exist, Frank writes, they “almost certainly existed at some point in cosmic history.”

Friday 29 September 2017

8 Pinturas rupestres proceso representativo Aliens

En todo el planeta hay medidas cuadradas de pinturas rupestres inexplicadas que los arqueólogos luchan por aclarar. Aquí la medida cuadrada ocho pinturas de la cueva representa el proceso aliens / UFOs. se cree que el habitante prehistórico de las cuevas acostumbrado dibuja no importa lo acostumbrado vea, de ahí las existencias del 
imágenes de OVNIs y extraterrestres dentro de los numerosos dibujos de cuevas definitivamente prueban que los extraterrestres y los OVNIs no parecen ser el rendimiento de mentes artísticas únicamente. 

Sego Canyon, Utah, Estados Unidos 


Los ojos grandes y las extremidades perdidas de las criaturas sin duda le indican de los turistas de la ubicación.Estas pinturas miden la medida cuadrada encontrada para ser siete, 500 años anteriores. 

Val Camonica, Italia 


Datado de diez años, 000 AC, 

allí cuadrado mide muchas representaciones extrañas durante estas cuevas italianas.

Parece representar a 2 seres en trajes protectores que sostienen implementos extraños. Observe el halo que intenta objetos sobre sus cabezas, que es extremadamente como diversos dibujos y pinturas tempranas de la cueva. 

Cuevas de Niaux, Francia 


¿Qué apariencia precisamente un diagrama general de una nave estelar como se ve en las películas de ciencia ficción es realmente un dibujo de la cueva que se encuentra dentro de las cuevas Niaux de Francia. Esta pintura de la cueva del Paleolithic fue dibujada lenta entre trece, 000 AC y 10.000 AC 

Tassili, desierto, Argelia 


Esta figura tampoco parece humana. Aviso idéntico halo-mirando objeto alrededor de la cabeza que tendemos a ver en un número de las pinturas diferentes de los otros componentes del planeta. Esta pintura de la cueva es de Tassili, desierto en la región geográfica. Se remonta a 6000 aC Las cifras no parecen humanas. Observe el disco volador dentro del cielo. 

Itolo, Tanzania 


Varios objetos formados en disco medida cuadrada visto dentro de los dibujos de la cueva de Itolo, en la nación africana que se remonta a veintisiete, 000 AC 

Cueva de Pech ousel, Francia 

Los dibujos dentro de la cueva de Pech ousel cerca de lupus Cabrerets en Francia representan un campo de varios animales salvajes, en medio de que hay una extraña estructura de robot que tiene extremidades y una cola más. no hay razón para creer que esta figura fue inventiva como todos los animales opuestos visto en el dibujo es reconocido. 3 objetos que vuelan también se ven durante este dibujo que fue dibujado sobre 17000 a 19000 años más allá. 

Kimberly, Australia 


Estas pinturas rupestres comienzan a cerca de tres, 000 AC y la medida cuadrada de Kimberley, Australia. Estos cuadrados miden una gran cantidad de pinturas antiguas de lo que los nativos aborígenes deciden la Wandjina. 

Sin embargo, estos también poseen características dominantes idénticas: los ojos y por lo tanto el objeto de tipo halo alrededor de las cabezas. La mayoría de ellos poseen conjuntamente la cabeza bulbosa que los célebres "cuadrados" miden cuadrados antes mencionados para poseer. 

Chhattisgarh, India 

Ya componemos este aquí. Estas pinturas que medida cuadrada sobre diez, 000 años anterior representan las figuras del robot que no tienen nariz o labios y medida cuadrada se caracterizan por los ojos abultados masivos solamente. 

Thursday 28 September 2017

A Pentagon advisor Claims Dwight David Eisenhower created A Secret deal with Extraterrestrials

If you've got seen any picture show involving aliens, you've got in all probability detected the fictional invaders utter the phrase "Take American state to your leader!" Well, consistent with one former Pentagon advisor, back in 1954, aliens did build this request, and our leader at the time, Dwight D. President truly met with them — 3 TIMES!

For decades, conspiracy theorists reputed that President, United Nations agency himself was notable to be dependent on the chance of life on alternative planets, may need met with actual aliens on the QT.

But it wasn't till 2012 that former Pentagon advisor Timothy sensible came forward to mention he is aware of definitively that President met with extraterrestrials at Holloman Air Force base in New Mexico a minimum of 3 times.

It ought to be noted that whereas Timothy sensible is a tutorial, he's additionally SUPER into alien stuff.

Good says that whereas the general public thought President was leisure in Golden State, he was truly in talks with aggregation diplomats known as the "Greys" in New Mexico. Supposedly, they communicated telepathically.

And it would not are simply President United Nations agency the aliens met with. Recently free documents counsel writer may need ordered that Associate in Nursing alien encounter be unbroken secret, which he met with President to debate what to try and do regarding the shadow sightings.

Of course any definitive proof of this conference with extraterrestrials largely probably disappeared once President died in March of 1969, that could be a tragic date for the space-obsessed president to die, considering four months later, Greek deity eleven landed on the moon.

Wednesday 27 September 2017

Ridley Scott “Aliens are out there and they will return for us”

More and a lot of individuals share brazenly their believe advanced alien life. The world-famous director sea turtle Scott is one in all them.

The Alien’s director says it's ‘ridiculous’ to suppose that we have a tendency to area unit alone within the universe and believes ‘superior beings’ can sooner or later visit Earth.

“I believe superior beings. i feel it's actually doubtless. Associate in Nursing knowledgeable i used to be reproval at National Aeronautics and Space Administration aforementioned to ME, ‘Have you ever looked within the sky at night? You MEan to inform me we have a tendency to area unit it?’ That’s ridiculous.”

“The specialists have currently place variety on that having assessed what's out there. {they say|they assert|they area unit saying} that there are between one hundred and two hundred entities that might be having an analogous evolution to America without delay.

“So after you see an enormous factor within the sky, run for it,” he joked.

“Because {they area unit|they're} plenty smarter than we have a tendency to are, and if you're stupid enough to challenge them you may be taken come in 3 seconds.”

Alien: Covenant already a worldwide hit, is about in two104 on board a spacecraft carrying 2,000 cryogenically frozen colonists to an overseas planet once they fall upon Associate in Nursing unknown paradise.

Gold of the Gods: Crespi mysterious gold plates

In ‘Gold of the Gods’ (1974) Erich von Däniken tell United States the story of Father Crespi and a few strange and mysterious gold plates that several believe, weren't of this world.

The Cave of the Tayos (Ecuador) could be a mysterious place, with giant memorial blocks of stone—which square measure cut and polished with laser-like precision—that compose a number of the rooms of the cave. in keeping with Erich, the Shuar Indians gave a number of the objects within this cave the the Italian priest terrorist Crespi Croci, World Health Organization had explored the world within the Forties.

There square measure many photos of gold plates etched with grapheme that several contemplate not possible to be hand-made.

 Since his death in 1982, nothing is understood of the plates and lots of alternative objects within the assortment of the personal depository of terrorist Crespi Croci in Cuenca (Ecuador). 

of those objects, solely a number of pictures and videos stay, since most of them were oversubscribed et al taken when a hearth in 1962.

Author Juan Moricz is alleged to own found signs of an especially developed ancient civilization within the Cave. in keeping with Moricz, the gold Library of the Cave of the Tayos records AN ancient history that passed on Earth which fits back in time to 250,000 years.

In 1972, Moricz met with Erich von Däniken that, once again, started a world craze. As a results of the claims revealed in von Däniken’s book, AN investigation of the cave was organized by Stan Hall in 1976. one amongst the most important and costliest cave explorations ever undertaken, the expedition enclosed over 100 folks, as well as former traveler astronaut.

As you'll be able to imagine, they’ve found nothing and till these days, the sole trace of the gold plates, square measure pictures.

8 Cave Paintings representational process Aliens

All over the planet there square measure unexplained cave paintings that archeologists struggle to clarify. Here square measure eight cave paintings representational process aliens / UFOs. it's believed that prehistoric cave dweller accustomed draw no matter he accustomed see, thence the existences of the 
pictures of UFOs and aliens within the numerous cave drawings definitely prove that aliens and UFOs don't seem to be the yield of artistic minds solely.

Sego canyon, Utah, USA

Large eyes and missing limbs of the creatures would definitely cue you of holiday makers from the location. These paintings square measure found to be seven,500 years previous.

Val Camonica, Italy

Dating back to ten,000 B.C.,

 there square measure many strange depictions during this Italian caves. 

It seems to depict 2 beings in protecting suits holding strange implements. Notice the halo trying objects over their heads, that is extremely like different early cave drawings and paintings.

Niaux caves, France

What appearance precisely an overview diagram of a starship as seen in sci-fi movies is truly a cave drawing that's found within the Niaux caves of France. This Paleolithic cave painting was drawn it slow between thirteen,000 B.C. and 10,000 B.C.

Tassili, desert, Algeria

This figure conjointly doesn't look human. Notice identical halo-looking object round the head that we tend to see in a number of {the different|the opposite} paintings from other components of the planet. This cave painting is from Tassili, desert in geographic region. It dates back to 6000 B.C. The figures don't look human. Notice the flying disk within the sky.

Itolo, Tanzania

Several disc formed objects square measure seen within the cave drawings of Itolo, in African nation that dates back to twenty seven,000 B.C.

Cave of Pech ousel, France

The drawings within the cave of Pech ousel close to lupus Cabrerets in France depict a field of various wild animals, amidst that there's an odd trying robot structure that has limbs and a tail further. there's no reason to believe that this figure was inventive as all the opposite animals seen within the drawing is recognized. 3 flying objects also are seen during this drawing that was drawn concerning 17000 to 19000 years past.

Kimberly, Australia

These cave paintings start to close to three,000 B.C and square measure from Kimberley, Australia. These square measure a lot of ancient paintings of what the native Aborigines decision the Wandjina.

Notice however these conjointly possess identical dominate characteristics: the eyes and therefore the halo-type object round the heads. Most of those conjointly possess the bulbous head that the celebrated “greys” square measure aforesaid to possess.

Chhattisgarh, India

We already compose this one here. These paintings that square measure concerning ten,000 years previous depict robot figures that don't have nose or lips and square measure characterised by massive bulging eyes solely.

An american from Cornhusker State took a photograph of a quickly flying object within the sky within the variety of a "diamond"

A strange semitransparent and ostensibly energetic creation photographed around five pm on March 19, 2017, a resident of Lincoln, the second largest town within the North American country state of Cornhusker State.

The woman, enjoying the nice and cozy spring day, went on a rustic walk. She began to shoot a azure sky and trees at the sting of the forest,

once she noticed  associate uncommon movement from the corner of her eye.

 Among the clean branches of the trees was a bright, iridescent sphere , enclosed by a clear blue-black aura .

The glowing phantasma rose to the tiptop of the trees, crossed the sky in a very southerly direction diagonally, stopped for a moment, and so flew up at a high speed. and every one now the sphere stirred fully wordlessly.

"It was astonishingly beautiful! I watched while not wanting up. however I actually have no plan what I saw, "- same an area resident within the World phantasma Network (MUFON).

The woman supplementary that some photos that she had created on her transportable failed to convey something she failed to truly see.

In the documents of the CIA they found a speech with a psychic WHO told concerning the traditional inhabitants of Mars

Researchers conspiracy found within the recently unclassified documents of the CIA data concerning the traditional Martians and pyramids, that were allegedly designed by aliens on the Mars a few million years agone.

The North American country authorities don't hide that in the conflict they worked extensively with psychics , reports Mirror.

The attention of the hunters for the aliens was attracted by the materials of the speech of a CIA officer with a psychic that came about on might twenty two,

It is reported  that in the speech a member of the key service gave a person with a supernatural ability a closed envelope containing the coordinates of the place concerning that the "seer" had to inform while not gap the letter. Thus, the CIA officers checked the believability of their agents' talents.

In the envelope was a chunk of paper with the words: "Mars", "Interesting time - concerning one thousand thousand years before our era," and "40.89 degrees north latitude and nine.55 degrees west line of longitude."

The psychic with success browse the contents of the envelope while not gap it, so disclosed that he saw "long and thin people" on the surface of the Mars.

"They square measure terribly tall and thin, I see solely shadows, they sleep in pyramids, upholstered in iron, they're terribly dangerous, they're dying, currently they're no additional there," the CIA agent aforesaid.

An excerpt from a document with a report of thin Martians. Full document in PDF format are often downloaded from the link .

Tuesday 26 September 2017

Three meetings with a tall green alien in Orel

This strange story of 3 consecutive contacts with a representative of extraterrestrial intelligence was told by Mikhail Zybunovsky from the town of Orel. in line with him, it began within the so much post-war years, once he was still tiny.

1947 year. i'm seven years previous. Late evening. The lemon light-weight of the moon illuminates our yard. In the sky, cold stars wink. My sister and that i square measure sitting on a pile of wood and discuss violently the assorted terrible stories regarding sorcerers and brownies, detected by United States of America from adults, principally from our grandparent. and also the more odd details of these stories we tend to bear in mind, the additional horrifying is completed to United States of America.

It is already commencing to appear - attributable to the chimney that's protruding on top of the hut, the witch WHO flies on the pale, and flies within the hen-house, sighs, the grandfather-house ... worry seizes United States of America, and that we fly home with a bullet. presently we tend to head to bed. My sister and that i sleep in one bed - a jack.
The night is returning

Suddenly I get up as a result of somebody has sanely pushed Maine within the ribs. I open my eyes. close to the bed there's a large soldier, dead inexperienced. On the top - a cap, from that emanates a faint orange glow.

I was harm from the bed sort of a wind. I rush to the bed wherever my mother was sleeping. He ducked below the blanket to her. Naturally, female parent like a shot awakened. and that i saw a "soldier" too.

- WHO square measure you? Why square measure you here? She asked during a trembling voice.

"Soldier" didn't say a word in response. continued  to face taciturnly in one place. Then my mother, with a loud sigh, jumped off the bed and rush to the furniture, wherever my five-year-old sister slept serenely. I grabbed her in associate degree containerful and ran back. My mother and that i hid the lady below a patchwork. and that i hid below another blanket lying next to Maine. He took cowl along with his head, however left alittle crack to spy on.

A little far away from the fright, my mother once more asked the "soldier":
"But WHO square measure you, once all?" and the way did you enter the house?
He heaved a deep sigh. Then suddenly it liquified within the air. At an equivalent second outside the window - somewhere within the distance the flashes of fireside flashed. a number of seconds later the wall of fireside approached, and also the hearth began right below the window, in our yard. My female parent and that i burst into tears. we tend to determined - currently burn.
However, the fireplace ceased as suddenly because it began.

In the morning we tend to didn't notice any traces of a fire within the yard. Well, not one burnt firebrand was found. The sun shone bright. The yard was clean and empty.
The second meeting with an equivalent "soldier" happened abundant later. i used to be already fourteen years previous. within the yard stood associate degree early fall. I stayed with my mother's friends within the village of Platonovo, Orel region. On a high, rocky shore on top of the stream stood associate degree abandoned church. And at a long way from its ruins, the collective grove is stretched.

One evening I visited that garden to steal apples that were already ripe. Suddenly I see - from the ruins of the temple floating within the sky towards the garden may be a spindle-shaped object, very large. On its body several bright lights shine. i used to be afraid, huddled behind a bush. I feel, all of Pine Tree State shakes for worry. physiological state drips from the forehead with a stream, cuts the salt of the attention.

I squeezed my eyes, rubbing my eyes with my fingers, then I opened them once more. And he gasped. Before Pine Tree State stood - wherever did it return from ?! - a square-shouldered "soldier", dead inexperienced. As in our last meeting, there was a hood on his head, from that orange sparks flew in several directions. I cried out. The creature disappeared ... and also the spindle-shaped body with bright lights on its body flew leisurely away.

I needed to leap from the bottom to run home, however I couldn't know. I feel, legs - lead, pants, sorry, wet, heart beating in order that it appears, is near to commence of the chest. Throughout the body - the strongest chill.

Who is that this creature, sort of a soldier? Why is he following Pine Tree State, i assumed feverishly, feeling my very own wet pants. What will he wish from me? This mystery, perhaps, can stay unresolved on behalf of me till the last moments of my life.

The third meeting with the mysterious creature occurred comparatively recently - in 1992. I came to the village of Shablykino to go to a disciple. a lot of exactly, a trifle didn't reach her. Tearing off the ride on the route close to the flip wherever the country road resulting in the village was branching off. Well, I went on that on foot. And it had been necessary to stomp until Shablykin for a minimum of Associate in Nursing hour.
It was evening. the celebrities have already appeared within the sky. I go, i love the bottomless starry  sky.

On the horizon appeared a glowing spherical layering. I cried after I saw him. Instantly I remembered the second long visit of a "soldier", the related  flight of a "cigar" within the sky and the way all this complete for my health. He looked around in panic: there was obscurity to hide! All around square measure vacant fields within the stalk, and also the straw fodder square measure seen within the distance.

The spherical stratification, speedily approaching, was remodeled into a clearly diagrammatic glowing sphere. I may clearly see the spherical portholes in his aspect once the ball was motionlessly hovering over Pine Tree State. Some flat faces were staring out of the portholes. Suddenly, a well-known monster-a creature of high stature in inexperienced garments Associate in Nursingd a cap that emitted an orange glow-suddenly rose up many feet aloof from Pine Tree State, as if from Associate in Nursing earth.

After a brief whereas, we tend to studied one another. The creature, in my senses, is disdainful and stylish, and i am timid, with the hope of salvation. and also the superb thing: the worry that tormented Pine Tree State, somewhere disappeared. I sedately Sabbatum down on a boulder lying on the aspect of the road, and commenced to appear at the article that adorned  within the sky nearly strictly higher than Pine Tree State. Then he translated Associate in Nursing indifferent, detached look at the "soldier."

And finally I checked out his face altogether details.
It clothed  that earlier i used to be wrong, taking his garments for a soldier's uniform. On the creature was one thing sort of a inexperienced overall, remotely just like a suit of chemical protection. The overalls were slenderly sewn with phosphorous threads that overflowed, compete a deathly bright inexperienced lightweight.

On his head - constant as before, the cap, that didn't obscure, because it clothed , faces. The hood seemed like Associate in Nursing oval, hood tightly tied over the bone, open before.
The creature's face was undoubtedly unearthly. Bluish, fleshy, with a two-dimensional nose, below that might be seen a little mouth, in all probability not even a mouth, however simply a slender slit while not lips. His hands dangled below his knees, that is, they were remarkably long. The monster was clutching within the hands of Associate in Nursing object aimed toward Pine Tree State.
I repeat, I didn't feel any emotions at that moment.

And suddenly the monster disappeared. A ball with portholes fleetly flew away and shortly disappeared behind the horizon. The shroud of Olympic tranquility as a hand took removed from my soul. I reasonably forgot, came to myself. an odd symptom sank.

Screaming with horror, I hurried on the country road towards the village wherever my friend lived.

UFO Over Chinese aerodrome

UFO Over Chinese aerodrome

flying saucer over Xiaoshan aerodrome in city, China, stop working operations for associate degree hour last week when aerodrome radars substantiated witness accounts of “a glowing object hovering within the afternoon sky and moving weirdly.” I’m extremely hoping this is often some elaborate promo for associate degree amazing Chinese version of District nine.

Saturday 23 September 2017

In Arizona, near Phoenix, mysterious lights were again observed

A resident of Arizona (USA), Mauricio Morales (Mauricio Morales) laid out in his facebook a series of photos of mysterious lights, which he filmed near the city of Phoenix. The photos were taken on April 10, 2017. Morales provided the photo with a detailed history.

"When I went to Phoenix that evening, I saw a falling green star in the sky. I continued on my way and a few miles later I saw a small orange flame in the sky. At first I thought it was a glow from a meteorite. I drove three miles and the lights were gone. After that, I drove half a mile and again saw the lights and then I realized that this is something abnormal.
I immediately stopped, took out my camera and began to shoot this phenomenon. At that time six orange-red lights hovered above the horizon. Some faded, others continued to soar slowly. I shot them for 15 minutes before they all disappeared.

He also managed to make a video. According to the man, he has no idea what kind of phenomenon he was, he had never seen anything like it before and called everything "a great experience".

The video itself from 0:40 seconds
When the Arizona Abc15 television station published news about this, journalists called these lights the consequences of the meteorite fall. However, Morales believes that the lights have nothing to do with the meteorite.He made an addition to his main post about photographs that the meteorite fell about ten minutes before he saw these lights.