Selected Souls Spiritus Electus

Saturday 23 September 2017

In discussions about space, flights, aliens, UFOs are always present spaceships, distant wanderings, a certain subspace and other attributes common to modern fiction and not only fiction.
At the same time, modern science suggests that both the movement in space, the spread of life in space, and, possibly, the explanations of some UFO phenomena can be built on a number of technological possibilities that follow from the achievements of quantum physics. While there are still theoretical possibilities, but, quite often, bringing science closer to itself, which is not esoteric.
Many scientific achievements are difficult to "fit" into the usual for us ideas about reality. Indeed, in our time there is an increasing feeling that with the development of science the structure of our World is becoming less clear and more confusing, not only for ordinary "mortals", but also for the pros.

In respectable scientific journals, the Holographic Principle of the World Order is also discussed; A wave function characteristic of any object, including a human. And in fact the wave begins to spread in space from the moment of the birth of a person and continues to move even after his death on Earth.

And if we take into account the "observer effect", when the wave function "collapses" (in fact - materializes into an object, for example, a person), then even more questions. After all, according to the classics of quantum mechanics, an observer is necessarily required. What kind of observer? Here and the famous reincarnation rests.

Even with the movement of a person from one point (for example, a kitchen) to another (for example, to a room), everything is not so simple. And, as Nobel laureate physicist Feynman (based on his model of "summation along trajectories") showed, although the probability of finding oneself in the room is the highest, but all possible "routes" of movement need to be taken into account.

Up to the most fantastic. And there exists, albeit an insignificantly small, but never equal to zero probability for each individual to instantly detect itself not only on Earth, but everywhere, where the wave manages to spread, up to a planet near Alpha Centauri.
And any probabilities, as physicists convince us, for example, the famous prof. Kaku, and not only him, will eventually learn to manage. The question is only "technological". This will instantly be transferred to any part of not only our galaxy, but also to "neighbors". Without any spaceships, portals, hyperspaces, etc., there are many physicists who theorize that "consciousness" is material, and is one of the types of matter.
And for any human soul there is a place in the quantum world. And even about the Multiverse with its Parallel Worlds, even thinking is scary .... The whole picture, no matter how stunning it may seem, is completely equivalent to conventional quantum mechanics.
According to this "case," the above-mentioned physicist Feynman once wrote that the quantum-mechanical description of nature is "absurd" from the point of view of common sense, and in doing so it completely agrees with the experiment - so that, as he hoped, that in time everyone will be able to accept this nature in its absurd, but real, image.
It is not surprising that the described scientific "delights" left the fantasy untouched. Writer Douglas Adams with great humor described the World, where they learned to control the probabilities in the story "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy." Strugatsky in a small story Waves extinguish the wind (the end of the trilogy: the continuation - the Inhabited Island and the Beetle in an anthill) "created" certain "people", people who learned to raise their level of organization, primarily the brain, to the condition of transforming man into a space wanderer capable of autonomously move in space and change its appearance.
The famous director Luc Besson, released recently the ambiguous film "Lucy", where the achievement of the highest level of the brain's abilities and the transition to an object similar to the "people" of Strugatsky was carried out at the expense of some super drug.
Or maybe "someone" in the infinite universe has long reached such levels of development, including the technological level, and in the movement in space and in technologies of probability management and other "miracles" of quantum mechanics? Any civilization of the 4th level in the classification of Kardashev - Kaku ("we" at a level somewhere 0.7)? And in general ... what does the World look like in which waves "wander" in space (vibrations?) From different objects.

Including intelligent, different creatures (and the person of course), and not reasonable either. And no "star wars" and other naive space horror films. And for esoteric ideas about the World, such ideas are a real find. For them, this is the actual "scientific" justification for the appearance of ghosts, the wanderings of the "soul", and other "miracles. About fantasy and can not speak ...
So, maybe, the well-known Friedrich Nietzsche, who claimed - "Man is great in that he is a bridge, and not an end" (development), was really right too?

In the video story in a fantasy form, an attempt is made to imagine such a World. The world in which man appeared with technological help from aliens.