Aliens In Time

Wednesday 18 October 2017

Historical archives of all countries are full of reports about mysterious people "riding their wonderful wagons" of trusting locals. And not only in the "heavens", but also in Time.

Chinese chroniclers of the beginning of the first millennium reported: "... Lui Gong, nicknamed Wen-ching, together with a servant and servant, sought healing remedies between ridges. Suddenly he noticed three people in the gorge. Turning to Lyu, they said: "We are immortal celestials from the chambers of Great Purity and Great Harmony. If you follow us - the secret of immortality will be revealed to you. "
After this, Lui together with the celestials disappeared for 2 days. They taught him a secret spell. Afterwards, letting Lyuya go, they said: "You, esteemed, spent 2 days with us, but in the world of people it's been 2 years already." Liu Gong returned, but saw an empty dwelling. Of sons and grandchildren there was no one left "(" Purple Jasper ", Chinese narrative prose of the 1st-4th centuries., 1980.)

In the saga "The Voyage of Bran, son of Febal", the main character, having stayed on a visit to the "big house" one day and returning home on the ship, noticed that during this time several generations of people had been replaced and remembered only thanks to old oral legends.

In 840, in Lyons, the crowd tore the three people who descended from the "heavenly ship". The unfortunate claimed that they were local residents and they only "briefly" flew across the sky, but in the entire city there was no one who would remember their faces and names.

According to the historian Tyurin-Avinsky, archives of the Kazan University hold a report on the servant Yashka, who, after meeting in the woods with a man in strange white clothes and flying to the sky on a large brilliant "copper boiler," returned home with "miraculous coins" ...In such sagas and annals, replace the obsolete words with modern ones and you will get a description of events that are not distinguishable from the stories of contactees of UFOs of our days. Of the hundreds of reported cases of "contacts of the third kind" with the invitation of the earthlings to "fly" to UFOs, there is a small percentage of cases in which contactors have intermixed in time.

In the thirties of this century, the world began to learn about the phenomenal abilities of Edgar Cayce, who predicted the future (a number of prophecies later came true) and was engaged in non-traditional methods of treatment, much like modern psychics are doing now. Allegedly, all his knowledge Casey got from the aliens who "catalyzed" him on the "plate" at the beginning of the XXI century.

The whole flight he sat by the porthole, listening to the stories of his good guides and, as bewitched, watching the ruins of San Francisco, Los Angeles, Japan, Northern Europe. According to the aliens, due to the movement of tectonic plates in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, the giant cataclysm will capture at the beginning of the third millennium almost the entire planet, except ... Russia. [Angul Hull. And here comes the noise of thoughts. London, 1975.]

In 1980, the 19-year-old Frank Fontaine disappeared in the suburbs of Paris, Sier-ji-Pontause, after his pickup was covered by a brightly glowing foggy ball. Appearing again in the same place exactly one week later, Frank long believed that there were no five minutes ["Volgogradskaya Pravda", 02.04.1983; "France Press", "Reuters", "Tribune de Lausanne". Switzerland].

Corporal Armando Valdez on the night of 25 to 26 April 1977 near the Chilean village of Putr in front of his subordinates approached the landed UFO and ... disappeared. After 15 minutes, he reappeared and fell unconscious. According to the corporal, it appeared that he had been staying with the aliens for several days, but at first it seemed to him to be a complete sleep.
But Vialdes had a week-old beard on his face, his wristwatch lagged behind for 15 minutes, the calendar of the clock showed April 30 instead of 26. He was absent from our Time 95 hours 45 minutes! [G. Kolchin. UFOs are facts and documents. Leningrad, 1991.]
In similar circumstances the inhabitant of East Jutland got in 1976; Ukrainians G.V. Kernosenko in 1989, TukinAytmatov in 1990 and other contactees. September 27, 1989 in an old park on the outskirts of Voronezh in front of a crowd of 16-year-old teenager disappeared for several minutes after a three-meter alien from an elliptical UFO sent him a half-meter tube.

Archaeologists José Sabitini and Augut Benavides in 1992 told the world about their findings in the Guatemalan jungle. According to them, at night, the Indians living next to the ancient Mayan temple lost in the jungle, 100 km from San Mateo, were awakened by a strange noise. The sky over the jungle acquired a bright violet color.
In the morning again there was a noise resembling the roar of an airplane, then everything died down, and the Indians dared to approach the temple. Near it, the trees were crushed and singed, as if a round press, with a diameter of 186 m, inside this circle there were 3 squeezed trails with a diameter of 90 cm. It was there that the Indians discovered a coin issued in ... in 2164, and the inscription: "Tom Salivan, July 2172 ".
It is difficult to talk about the degree of reliability of this information, especially since official confirmation from archaeologists was not received, and the message was published all over the world in questionable publications (for example, in the Polish newspaper Scandal).
A serious puzzle for archaeologists is represented by strange finds in soil layers that do not correspond to the time of appearance of these objects. Lying millions of years on the ocean floor "car spark plug"; giant rock carvings of ancient America; By the old seafarers inherited for thousands of years the most accurate maps of the Earth; a crystal skull, perfect star charts and other products that are technologically difficult to do even today - how did it all fall into past centuries?

It is necessary to have a great imagination, that when explaining such facts, one should not remember about UFOs and movements in Time!

Numerous experiments conducted to study the characteristics of UFOs (direct measurements of the parameters of the flying saucers were conducted in the US by radar reconnaissance aircraft, indirect measurements - equipped with a variety of equipment by amateurs and specialists around the world) allow us to judge with a high degree of reliability the principles of flying far from hypothetical alien ships .

Most of them create around themselves a field of altered Time with the help of a special mode of electromagnetic wave radiation either by the entire surface of the apparatus or by several luminous formations ("balls") on the lower and lateral surfaces of the UFO. Confirmations to this - a great many: from the landing sites of UFOs (they change the normal course of Time) to record the work of complex equipment in the places of flights of these objects and stories of eyewitnesses.

On October 16, 1954, in the Sierra de Rivière (Department of Haute Garonne), a farmer returning from the field during the rain noticed a grayish two-meter disc flying at a height of 50 meters. When the UFO flew over the eyewitness, suddenly "the time seemed to stop, raindrops hung in the air, the rain stopped, the trembling mare, as if forgetting about the attraction of the Earth, smoothly rose into the air ...".

Such a "freeze frame" lasted exactly as long as the person and the animal were inside the sphere of the object's influence (ie how many seconds), then, once they were again outside the sphere, the UFO "flew sharply faster, the mare fell to the ground, drops of rain also flew down. " It happened, according to the eyewitness, in ... 10 minutes, and not before!
At 15 o'clock on November 18, 1957, the twenty-seven-year-old Cynthia Appleton on the second floor near the hearth suddenly saw a gradual, first vague, then clear appearance in the air of a "man" in tight clothes.Materialization of the newcomer was accompanied by a light whistle. Between them there was a short thought conversation, it turned out that the unknown person came "from another world in search of taitim" (perhaps, it was a titan-taytaniye).
After the disappearance of the "man" no one had guessed to check the home clock, but things that were near the newcomer somehow suddenly grew old, several newspapers lying on the floor were very yellow.

In 1958, the clock in all the students sitting near the fire stopped in Kazakhstan, when a large disk flew over them at a height of 3 m.
On July 9, 1965, a white cylindrical UFO for 45 minutes maneuvered over Santa Maria Airport (California, USA) in front of a large number of eyewitnesses from ground personnel. After the departure of the object it was found that the large tower clock fell behind by 10 minutes during this time.

In 1978 in the Atlantic for the same reason all the watches stopped at the passengers of the ship "Shota Rustaveli", and in October 1983 - at the geologist Emil Bachurin 12 km from Molebka in the Perm Region ...
When people approach the landing UFOs, there are three possible effects on the person of the Time field of the object: without visible changes (the UFO engines are switched off); It seems to the eyewitness that at all the people removed from him are inhibited movements, he himself has an unusual lightness (Time near the UFO accelerated);eyewitness movement of others seem too fast, there is a heaviness in the body (Time is slowed down).
The latter case is most often encountered, eyewitnesses describe various degrees of "inhibition" - from lethargy to complete paralysis. Thinking processes in this case either do not slow down at all, or slow down compared with the rate of muscular contractions to a lesser degree (TM, 1990, No. 8).

Due to the slowing of the time near the UFO, numerous cases of disruption of normal operation of radio stations and receivers, electric lighting due to voltage drop in the network, engines with electric ignition and other devices and units in which the fixed frequency and other time-dependent physical constants are of great importance.
It is not necessary, however, to make a hasty conclusion that all visitors to us aliens are not really aliens, but "in time". Most probably use the Time only to move in space. Well, if indeed among the aliens, who sometimes frighten us at sudden meetings in deserted places, there are guests from the Future - our great-grandsons?