Earth as a zoo for aliens

Thursday 19 October 2017

Man is the crown of creation and the king of nature! So many people believe and confidently prove this to those who doubt.
And some of the homo sapiens also wants to communicate with extraterrestrials on this topic, and to prove it to them. That's only the inhabitants of other planets for some reason do not want to join us in the discussion on this matter, or on any other.

Infinite set of theories

Of course, there are many assumptions why the aliens have not yet manifested themselves and did not come into contact with us.
Some believe that the main reason for our loneliness in the universe is, in fact, the absence of those with whom you can contact. That is, in other words, there are no extraterrestrials in sight. There is only us, people - a crown, so to speak.
And someone is sure that aliens exist, but they have not yet matured to the level of development that travels through space and come out on a different kind of connection. That is, like us, and then even worse. Even a weak radio signal can not be sent to at least somehow mark its presence in the universe.
Another group of fans of the theory of the existence of extraterrestrial life proves to all that aliens do not just exist - they are among us, and for a long time already. They walk, disguise, study. Whom are they studying? Of course, we are with you or our planet for the purpose of its insidious capture in the near future.

Earthly "menagerie"

Against the background of all the above, there is another theory that is safe. Yes, there are aliens. Yes, they have been visiting us for a long time, at the same time they feel at home on the Earth, but do not show their presence.They are like caretakers in the zoo, more precisely - observers.

And we - now it is clear who: we are the inhabitants of the notorious zoo. And most of us do not even realize this, like animals that have been born generation after generation in a cage.

I must say that people have repeatedly frightened themselves with this assumption. A lot of science fiction writers devoted their works to this topic.
Say, humanity can think of itself about anything, but in reality it is just a trapped animal in the earth's gravity, which exists only as long as its owner (notorious aliens) is interested in observing his growth, development and behavior in unusual situations , such as the Flood, the next world war and so on. Perhaps some of these situations are created by the "owners" themselves solely to satisfy their own curiosity.

And indeed, although the stars, if you just look at them, seem so close and accessible, it was not possible to escape any of the earthlings from their own natural satellite. The cell is a cage. And those research probes that we send to other planets of our solar system or even beyond it can be compared to a stick deftly thrown by an ape through a fence, followed by tracing its flight and thoughtful conclusions.

Forward, into "civilization"!

Everything is relative. Suppose that somewhere in the woods there is a certain tribe in proud solitude. The people of this tribe consider themselves to be glorious, mastering such wisdoms as catching a crocodile with a loop, making amulets out of the frog's legs and sewing chic pants from monkey skins.
The rulers of this people are undoubtedly sure that they are the most intelligent, highly developed and even not deprived of a sense of beauty, as they patronize the artists who paint the walls of the nearest caves with hunting scenes.
And in this tribe, an educated and armed with all modern artifacts representative of the 21st century happens to be.And he introduces the surrounding natives with these artifacts. And even lets you hold a satellite phone in your hands and shoot with a rifle.
What will happen next with the tribe? There is no need to guess, since we have already passed all this. The leadership of the tribe, if it is really clever, will fall into a deep depression, realizing how far its people have fallen behind.
The people themselves will quickly forget the secret of sewing pants from the skin of a monkey and will sell the magnets made in China to a refrigerator with authentic images. Trade in magnets will be necessary in order to purchase money for jeans or an old gun - to join, so to speak, to civilization.
Eventually the tribe will quickly lose its individuality. Most of its representatives will get drunk and die, and few survivors, according to another "program for preserving ethnic minorities", will be locked up in their territories in the best traditions of the notorious zoo.
It is not excluded that the units will go to any European university, finish it, put on costumes and imperceptibly join the harmonious ranks of managers. And only the amulet from the frog's paw, stored in the far corner of the table, will remind them of the past.

We were lucky!

And now we will reflect: whether it is necessary to us to thank representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations (if they really exist) for their tactfulness and so accurate attitude to us - earthlings? After all, if we are a zoo for them, then they treat us fairly carefully, not that we are to wild tribes who unsuccessfully try to hide in the wilds of the Amazon or elsewhere.
Some optimists believe that sooner or later our "owners" will wait for us to become equal with them in development, and then they will come into contact with us.
But this is unlikely. With the same success it is possible to wait, when the notorious wild tribe will independently grow up to splitting of an atom nucleus. Another thing is that we do not give any chances to the tribes - the trade in magnets takes them all the time, and it simply does not remain for nuclear research. We were given this chance, but our "masters", let's say, do not stand still either. So we will always be in outsiders.
But if someone like this theory does not like the zoo, then you can safely take on any other weaponry. For example, the one where man is the crown of creation. And taking it with all my heart, revel in the thought of how great we are.Just compare our greatness, unfortunately or fortunately, with nothing.