Friday 20 October 2017

With the change in political priorities, many documents from the secret KGB archives are now in the public domain.
But how much can they be trusted? Any employee of the state security will confirm: business papers are rarely declassified in their original form.

They are preliminarily "cleaned", cleaning up information that the agency does not want to publish for any reasons.
Still, such documents can give researchers interesting information - in particular, about the problems of aliens and UFOs, which, it turns out, were engaged in our special services.

The KGB was the State Security Committee, which operated from 1954 to 1991. The main functions of the KGB were external intelligence, counterintelligence, operational search activities, protection of the state border of the USSR, protection of the leaders of the CPSU and the Government of the USSR, organization and provision of government communications, as well as combating nationalism, dissent, crime and anti-Soviet activities.
Double standards
Over the years, the USSR has had a dual policy with regard to unidentified flying objects. The population was explained that no UFO exists, it is supposedly a hostile propaganda, and the celestial bodies that citizens watch from time to time are simply technical devices of NATO states intended for espionage for our country.
Enthusiasts who distributed "samizdat" materials about UFOs or aliens were intimidated with accusations of anti-Soviet agitation.
At the same time, many UFO witnesses gave written testimonies, which were carefully stored and systematized in the KGB archives. That is, in the department itself, it was entirely assumed that such facilities exist - and may even threaten the security of the country.
The history connected with activity of one of founders of domestic ufology of Felix Siegel (1920-1988) is interesting.In November 1967, his speech on the central television set the beginning of a mass gathering of information about UFOs. Several hundred documentary testimonies came to the address of the scientific group he created under the USSR Academy of Sciences. But they could not be studied, the group was disbanded, and all of its materials were transferred to the KGB.

"Blue folder"
Igor Sinitsyn, an assistant to the head of the KGB, Yuri Andropov, told the Observer magazine about how he saw in his chief's cabinet an extensive dossier on the UFO phenomenon.
This happened in 1977 - after the appearance in the sky over Petrozavodsk incomprehensible huge object. Sinitsyn was responsible for monitoring the publications in the foreign press, so he brought Andropov a translation of the article from the magazine "Stern" about the case in Petrozavodsk.
The head of the KGB carefully studied the material, then took out a blue folder from the table and offered Sinitsyn to get acquainted with its contents.
In the folder there were reports of counterintelligence officers about meetings with UFOs. Andropov asked to take all the materials to the chairman of the Military-Industrial Commission, AP. Kirilenko.He left the documents with him.
Soon, on the orders of Andropov, a program was developed that obliges every serviceman to report on all cases of UFO sightings.The most interesting information fell into the "blue folder", with the contents of which the top leadership of the country got acquainted.
In 1991, at the request of pilot-cosmonaut Pavel Popovich, then president of the All-Union UFO Association, the "blue folder" was transferred to her disposal. There were 124 pages of printed text: reports, reports on meetings with unidentified objects.
Failed to knock down
Here is the content of some documents stored in a mysterious folder.

On July 28, 1989, mysterious disks appeared over the missile arsenals located north-east of Kapustin Yar in the Astrakhan region. The numbers of the military units in the documents are smeared with black ink, but the notes of the Chekist who reported on this situation are left.

The servicemen of the transmitting center observed three objects, and on the basis of liquidation - one. UFOs were disks with a diameter of 4-5 meters with a hemisphere at the top. They shone brightly, moved silently, sometimes descending and hanging over the ground. The commander called the fighter (the flight room number was also covered with black ink) did not manage to fly close to any of the objects, they constantly left him.
Reports of Captain Chernikov, Ensign Voloshin, Private Tishaev and others indicate that the flying object emitted light signals resembling a flash.
Other documents of the "blue folder" describe the contact with the UFO that occurred in 1984 over Turkmenistan.The air defense system saw a spherical object flying along the coast of the Caspian Sea at an altitude of 2000 meters to the state border.
He did not answer the requests. In the air, two fighters were raised, but all attempts to knock down the UFO failed.Moreover, when the object began to fire, it fell sharply to 100 meters above the ground - to a height that did not allow fighter aircraft to continue firing at it.
There are several dozens of such cases in the "blue folder". These documentary evidence point to two facts: first, UFOs existed, and secondly, despite their official denial, the KGB was actively engaged in the collection and systematization of information concerning unidentified objects.
Now documents from the "blue folder" are stored in the archives of the ufological committee of the Russian Geographical Society.
Letters from another planet
But the KGB would not be itself without mysteries and mystifications. One of them Western scholars consider the so-called Ummit letters. In the 1960s and 1970s, letters were sent to people in Spain (and partly to France) in different languages ​​with elements of a previously unknown speech. The senders were represented by the inhabitants of the planet Ummo, populated by reasonable inhabitants who flew to Earth.
The total number of letters was more than 260 copies, their volume exceeded 1000 typewritten pages. Each page of these documents was marked with a special lilac color icon.
In the letters "ummit" they described the history of their stay on Earth. They flew here in 1950 on three spacecraft, six of them, including two women, they investigate and analyze the Pasha's life.
Photo of the "ship Ummo", published June 1, 1967

The French journalist R. Marik, who studied these letters for many years, came to the conclusion that the creators were the workers of the KGB of the USSR. His arguments: the social system of the Ummo planet described in the letters is very similar to the communism promoted in the USSR.
The "Ummites" did not conceal their sympathy for the politicians of the Marxist trend. Their views on the arms race were exactly the same as the classical themes of Soviet propaganda.
But the main thing is that in all countries of Europe legal communist parties already existed, and in Spain the dictator Franco and the Communist Party were banned. In 1975, Franco died, Christian Democrats came to power in the country, and the Communist Party became legal. And the flow of letters stopped! Did the "Ummites" achieve their goal?
The USSR had its alien?
In the West, the topic of the downed air defense of the USSR of a flying saucer of extraterrestrial origin and the study of the corpse of a humanoid who controlled it periodically is raised, which was comprehensively studied at the Semashko Institute. UFOs were shot down in 1968 in the Urals near the town of Berezniki. Now everyone who is interested in ufology knows that this is nothing more than a hoax.

The shots of the "UFO shot down in 1968" and "the alien's autopsy" have been recognized by many as counterfeit, but is it so?

However, not so long ago, a journalist and television interview on this topic was given in the United States by a certain P. Klimchenkov, who introduced himself as a former KGB officer - and showed his identity on television.
His words are confirmed by an article from the newspaper Vecherniy Sverdlovsk of November 29, 1968. In her witnesses of the incident claimed that before their eyes a brilliant disk fell on a steep snow-covered slope. Then the military arrived on the scene and carefully combed the area.
P. Klimchenkov argues that the operation to detect and capture a UFO was code-named "Myth". Further anatomical dissection of the dead humanoid convinced scientists that he is not a man.
How reliable is this information?
Neither in the "blue folder" nor in other published documents of the KGB, nothing is said about it. But the documents shown to Klimchenkov impress the authentic. For example, the order of Defense Minister A. Grechko to the commander of the Ural Military District A. Ponomarenko that at all stages of detection of UFOs KGB officers were present.
Their reports, according to Klimchenkov, quickly came to the disposal of Colonel A. Grigoryev, the head of the KGB research department. In the documents shown, not only the scientific institution where the humanoid was autopsied was named, but also the names of the doctors - Kamyshov, Savitsky and Gordienko. For unexplained reasons, all of them suddenly died on the same day, a week after the autopsy was completed.
All three were real lights of science - and the KGB would hardly have cracked down on the first people of Russian medicine. The death of doctors still raises many questions.
Some foreign journalists argue that the leakage of information about the activities of the former KGB has occurred deliberately. But then for what purpose? In response to a similar story about the capture of a UFO and the opening of a humanoid in the United States? As is known, in 1995 many American media accused the CIA of concealing this fact for many years, but the official authorities announced that there had been no capture of the UFO.
Perhaps the mercantile interests of the former employees of the once formidable agency played a role? The American television company TNT does not hide that documents and video materials about the "Soviet alien" were bought in Russia from retired KGB officers.
In particular, photos of the humanoid opening were purchased for 10 thousand dollars. Of course, the TV company did not name the names of the employees who sold the materials.
The activities of the KGB have long been overgrown with rumors and legends, which can not be dispelled even with the declassification of archives. And to separate the truth from controlled disinformation is extremely difficult. The existence of a UFO still affects the interests of state security - and therefore, some documents are unlikely to ever be published.