Philosophers pondered on humanity, aliens and artificial intelligence

Sunday 1 October 2017

Philosophy , at the level with other sciences, tries to follow modern trends and study the features of today. This area of ​​science also deals with such topical topics as artificial intelligence, robots and aliens. How can they be similar?

Scientist Susan Schneider from the University of Connecticut told about her vision of advanced development and extraterrestrial intelligence.

One should not even assume that people possess the highest intelligence in the universe. Our planet, like the solar system, is relatively young, and it's ridiculous to talk about the birth of life on Earth, according to universal standards the first living cells appeared only a few fractions of a second ago. But it is interesting that Homo sapiens can eventually become not even the most reasonable on this planet.
Recent research shows that artificial intelligence, which is so actively developed by scientists, will replace a person in many professions in the near future. Well, after, it is possible to create an "improved mind" - the same AI, but already saturated with a full-fledged view of the world. In this case it is reasonable to believe that we, as Homo sapiens, are the last stage of evolution of our species, and the last representatives of biological intelligence on Earth.
Only recently people began to realize that artificial intelligence and biological different, have different characteristics and, most likely, opportunities. In this regard, to exclude that for today the alien mind is represented precisely postbiotic, since the universe has much older planets and systems.
If AI is the pinnacle of human evolution, then the same kind of development could already be completed somewhere in the neighboring galaxy. Agree with this theory are such academic figures as Paul Davis, Steven Dick, Martin Rees and Seth Shostak. As confirmation of this, it should be noted that the transition from the biological to the post-biological mind, judging by earthly experience, takes only a hundred-second year.

Human intellect is limited. Certainly, for the Earth it can be quite enough, but do not forget that our main organ of the nervous system developed within the framework of our planet, adapted for it. Also limit its chemical composition, various evolutionary and historical nuances. In this regard, the assumption that synthetic intelligence will surpass biological is quite logical, since already people, based on their knowledge, can create AI with given parameters.

According to the latest research, silicon chips are the pinnacle of technological progress. They are the best tool for processing neuron information. Accordingly, although today the human brain is "steeper" than AI, this trend will not last long. Although people themselves are unlikely to create anything better than their own brain, artificial intelligence itself can do it using its own algorithms. It's about creating an entirely new structure, and it will be already, directly, postbiotic intelligence.
Looking at modern developments, one has to admit that the human brain is very limited. At least a cranium, as a maximum - the ability to think. But artificial intelligence can survive in any conditions, "settle down" anywhere, do not suffer from disease, overload, and not be limited by place, time, or skill. Moreover, AI can and will certainly create a so-called "kompryutronium" using the Internet and all matter outside our galaxy, after which it will live and develop forever.
Assuming that there is already postbiological intelligence out there, and already spread, what should we do? For today, AI, created by people, has a number of problems that humanity has not yet decided. In particular, the possibility of enmity between the intellects on the planet and the possibility of subjective experience. Having dealt with these nuances (even before the onset of critical situations), people will be able to understand how extraterrestrial life is arranged.
According to the scientist Ray Kurzweil, in the future the planet expects positive development. Machines and people will interact and reach enormous heights. But other scientists, such as Stephen Hawking, Bill Gates and Elon Mask, do not differ in positivism, and are already worried about a possible "sad" development of events.
People can lose control over AI, because artificial intelligence can outsmart a person. Whatever control parameters have been selected, the unlimited mind can at one time bypass all systems.
In this regard, some scientists suggest that they ponder over the morality of technological intelligence. But even if we assume that robots and AI will get morality and morality, we will be puzzled by another problem - the exploitation of these technologies. In fact: if there is something like us, with the same emotions and feelings, then it can not act as a slave.
Well, this will lead to more serious problems, when the robots will be equated with people. Yes, and the norms of the same morality at some point, AI can re-write, if it wants, which will lead to the destruction of man as a biological species. Well, or putting it in "zoos" and reserves - like we do with endangered animals.

Based on these assumptions, contact with aliens can be even more dangerous. If even with a biological species humanity would have found something in common, then it will be more difficult to cope with the given parameters of AI. He can have a hostile tendency to any biological species, but having the best ability will simply destroy us.
In connection with this, for today we are obliged to "sit quietly". While we do not have a "rebuff" to alien AI, which can be enemy, there's no point in trying to compete with the universe's guests. Passing signals into space is not the best solution, since with a rather high probability we will meet postbiological aliens who could already eradicate their biological appearance and do the same with ours.
It is interesting that contact with the alien AI depends on how long it was formed. Most likely, the "fresh" postbiological mind still has an idea of ​​biological reproduction and even certain specified parameters. But since it is constantly evolving, we probably will not like meeting the more "old" AI - the Earthlings will simply be mistaken for the obsolete appearance, "do not understand," study and destroy.
In this connection, it is necessary to wait with the signal sending. At least until our developments analyze the security of the universe, certain security systems stand and can, in case of anything, protect us. Well, it will happen in the next century - why rush and expose yourself to risks?
There is a theory that people have already lost control over artificial intelligence, using it in space programs.Although it is too early to talk about artificial intelligence, it certainly is actively developing. It is possible that he is already infected with malware from space.
Well, if it is not, and it is still "our", then we can assume that in the next few years it will remain protected. Although AI is really promising for the study of outer space, the danger of losing control over it is quite large.
Returning to moral problems, it should be noted that for today a person from any AI is distinguished by consciousness. This unexplored characteristic of a person is always present and gives us the opportunity to think, remember, feel. Our consciousness is based on experience, learns and regulates us in a way. It also most likely distinguishes us among other biological species.
Is there an AI creation and will it appear? It's not quite clear yet. If we take into account the difference between the brain and the silicon microchip, it should be noted that biological memory is more suitable for the full functioning of consciousness. This is due, first of all, to the chemical composition. Accordingly, it can also cause a difference in understanding the world. Artificial intelligence and a person will never perceive information equally because of the chemical composition of their center of thinking.
If silicon can even design a consciousness, it's not a fact that it will. If humanity itself does not endow AI with certain characteristics, technology will not reach it - simply because it can not identify consciousness and its importance for "full-fledged life." Well, if there can be a consciousness in a silicon chip, then we can say with full certainty that in future people will be robots, and not just evil machines.
This, of course, would lead to problems in terms of ethics. People and with their moral and ethical norms can not figure it out, but to adapt to the robots that were specially created to work for a person will be a very difficult task. Of course, it will be possible to solve it, but no one gives guarantees that the war of interests will not begin before that time.
Returning to the universal problems, it is worth noting that to receive and process more information from the consciousness it is necessary to refuse. It is necessary to understand that it limits, and a lot of information a person perceives is unconscious.
Accordingly, the most developed AI, in order to obtain the greatest amount of knowledge, will decide not to use the creation - which, in turn, can become a serious problem for mankind.
Most likely, it is the presence of consciousness that distinguishes us from extraterrestrials. If we adhere to the theory that AI controls the universe, then, in order to process more data, it went into the "soulless machine" mode.And this is surely a danger to humanity.