UFO mystery battle over Sweden in 1665

Tuesday 31 October 2017

Fishermen at Barkhöft (then the territory of Sweden, now Germany) on April 8, 1665 at about 14:00 saw the heavenly ships fighting in the sky with each other. After the battle, a dark object hangs in the sky.

"A flat round shape appeared in the sky, like a plate resembling a big man's hat ... It had the color of a darkening moon, it hung over the Church of St. Nicholas. There she remained motionless until evening. The fishermen were scared to death, they did not want to look in that direction, and they covered their faces with their hands.The next day they all got sick. The fishermen felt trembling and pain in the head and limbs. Many scientists have pondered over this event, "wrote the German author Erasmus Finx in 1689.
Finx collected messages related to this event in 1665. "Scientists" could not explain this phenomenon and the cause of the disease of the fishermen.
In the June 2015 edition of EdgeScience magazine, Chris Obec and Martin Shaw studied this event. Obek writes articles on the influence of UFOs on culture. Shaw works at the National Aviation Study Center on Abnormal Phenomena (NARCAP).

Obec and Shaw tried to find an explanation. They immediately eliminated some optical phenomena. For example, the angle of the sun indicated in the message precluded the appearance of a halo.

Fata Morgana at Santa Cruz, California, May 7, 2007
Fata Morgana is a kind of mirages that appear above the horizon with a certain combination of thermal layers. Mirage is changing rapidly, and sometimes causes the illusion of ships appearing in the sky above the horizon.
But in the incident of 1665, events occurred higher than usual when Morgana appeared. Mirage does not explain the rounded object in the sky, which remained there until the evening. Fata Morgana has not been preserved for so long.
A huge flock of birds?
"Battle" began with the appearance of a flock of birds. Obec and Shaw summarized all the reports: "A large flock of birds appeared in the sky. Moving synchronously for some time, they took the form of a long corridor in the house.Then they turned into a warship that moved from the north, followed by other ships. From the south, another group of large airships appeared, they were heading north-east.
Two main ships fired shells into each other, fire and smoke appeared in the sky, which frightened the fishermen. Then the ship in the north retreated, then returned and moved south. Two other air flotillas appeared from the west and east with small ships.When the smoke cleared, the fishermen saw the ruined mast of the southern flotilla and a man in brown clothes watching the work and flight of his crew.
An incredibly large flock of starlings can create a similar scene, believe Obeeck and Shaw. Sometimes several packs of starlings are combined into a large mass, which has a bizarre changing shape. Perhaps in the spring of 1665 unusual weather conditions were observed, and a very large number of starlings created flocks to go to the west of the Baltic to the summer nest?
However, a flock of birds does not explain the dark object that remained in the sky until midnight. Is it possible that two unusual phenomena occurred simultaneously in the sky? One created the illusion of an air battle, and the other took the form of a suspended object in the sky?
Obec and Shaw believe that this is an "amazing case". It does not matter if it's true or not, it can be considered the first message about the "flying saucer" in history.