Chinese UFO

Wednesday 1 November 2017

The media regularly publish reports about the appearance of UFOs in the sky, about their planting and even about contacts between the Enlightenment and Earthlings. Most often it's about the US, Canada, Latin America. A little less often - about the countries of Western Europe, even less often - Eastern Europe, and very rarely about the countries of the Asian continent.

In an attempt to at least partially fill the mentioned gap, today we are talking about the birth of ufology in China and several episodes of contacts with UFOs of the inhabitants of this country.
Modern research shows that the appearance of UFOs over China has a centuries-old history. The ancient chronicles mention the mysterious objects that appeared in the sky of China in the 7th century, during the reign of the Tang dynasty, and later in the XIII-XVII centuries. For the first time this was widely reported in 1982 by the official organ of the government of the Peoples Republic of China "Beijing News", which placed the article of Gao Li "Ancient Chinese people saw a UFO."

And in the 20th century, on the night of July 24, 1981, thousands of Chinese people observed a UFO over a large part of their country. This event caused a violent reaction among the population, and the astronomical observatory in Qinggan was forced to give the press official message that this night "in 14 provinces of the country there was an unusual celestial phenomenon."
In general, ufology in China was "allowed" quite recently, and during the period of the Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China Mao Tse-tung, until his death in 1976, she remained in this country banned.
The formation of Chinese ufology

The beginning of the birth of Chinese ufology can be considered the end of the 1970s, when, after the death of "Chairman Mao," as it was called among the people, the country began to implement a broad program of economic reforms, initiated by Deng Xiaoping, deputy chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC).

The UFO began to write in the Chinese press after the first extensive article on this topic was posted on its pages by the CPC Central Committee "People's Daily" ("Narodnaya Gazeta") in November 1978.
In 1980, a group of students from the University of Wuhan (Hubei Province, Central China) established the Chinese UFO Research Organization (COIN), which received support from the National Academy of Social Sciences. In 1981, the organization began to publish a "Journal of UFO Studies", and by 1986 it already had branches throughout the country and it consisted of more than 40,000 people.
One of the leaders of COIN, Professor of Beijing University San Shi Li, in February 1997, at the invitation of American ufologists, visited the United States. He told his American colleagues about several cases of contacts with UFOs in China in 1994-1995, about which nothing in the West was known.

Heavenly Fiery Train
One of the most impressive cases occurred on November 30, 1994 at 3:30 am in the horticultural economy of Southern China. The first to notice the strange celestial phenomenon of night watchmen. According to them, "two bright lights appeared in the sky, followed by a dazzlingly glittering ball with a tail, changing its color from yellow to green, and then to red."
All this swept over them with a deafening roar, as from a train going at great speed. This "flying train" cut off the tops of trees, leaving stumps no higher than two meters from the ground, at a distance of three kilometers with a width of "clearing" from 150 to 300 meters.
The professor is convinced that such damage could not be a consequence of a natural phenomenon, for example, a strong hurricane. This version was immediately rejected both by the representatives of the local administration and by the members of the COIN who conducted the joint investigation.

But the most mysterious thing in this incident was that the destructive force acted as if selectively: if the tops of all trees were cut off within the clearing, telegraph poles and power transmission masts that were on the way to the flight of the heavenly train remained intact.
"Fortunately, everything went without sacrifice and mutilation among humans and animals," Shi Li said, "although the energy of this phenomenon was enormous. Flying over the gardens, the UFO was over the territory of the car-building plant. The roofs of several finished wagons standing on the factory tracks were torn and thrown aside.
A part of the UFO cars overtook several tens of meters along the tracks from their parking lot, and in one place the metal pillars of the fence were cut, like twigs. One of the workers piled on the ground and rolled a five-meter head, but he got off with only a few abrasions. According to the workers of the plant, they saw in the sky something huge and long, with bright lights on their sides, sweeping over them with a loud noise, like a brightly lit train.
When, three weeks later, the same case occurred in another horticultural farm, in Guizhou Province, the local authorities were in a panic.

"This event became known throughout China," the professor continued, "but it aroused great public resonance. An investigation was organized at the state level, a special commission was set up. However, its participants did not reach any unequivocal conclusion, they merely stated that the incident had a very strange character and could not be reasonably explained.
Simultaneously with the government commission, a group of members of the KOIN, as well as scientists and specialists in various fields of science worked at the scene.
"All of us, Chinese ufologists," says Shi Li, "decided that this was a spaceship of extraterrestrial origin." Apparently, he tried to land, but having met trees in his path, he could not do it and only cut off their tops.

Contacts in the sky and on earth
The professor told about another interesting case of a meeting with a UFO that took place on February 9, 1995 in the southern part of China. The crew of the regular Boeing 747 airliner saw on the radar screen an oval object located about two miles away, which soon turned into a round object. Visually, the object was not visible, but from the control tower it was reported that a UFO was flying in parallel with the liner. At that moment, an automatic system worked on the Boeing, warning of the danger of collision, and the dispatcher instructed the commander to rise above the cloud front.

He informed his American colleagues Professor San Shi Li and about the first direct contact of a Chinese resident with the Enlightenans. He happened in June 1994. Mon Xiao Guo, a peasant from the outskirts of Harbin, a city in northeast China, and two other farmers working in the field noticed a strange object on a towering mountain nearby and decided to go there to properly consider it.
Climbing the mountainside, they saw a large white shiny ball with a tail, like a scorpion. Xiao Guo began to approach the mysterious ball closer, but he suddenly began to produce a very powerful roar, which caused an intolerable pain in the ears. After this, all three hurriedly turned back.
However, the next day, Xiao Guo, armed with binoculars, accompanied by a few more people again went to the ball.When he was about a kilometer away, Xiao began to look at the ball through binoculars and saw next to him a creature whose figure was similar to human. The creature raised a hand, a thin bright orange ray of light burst from it and struck Xiao Guo's forehead. He lost consciousness and fell to the ground.
This story had an amazing and unexpected continuation. When Xiao Guo was taken by train to the hospital, then, according to him, a strange and very unattractive sight of a female girl suddenly appeared in front of him, which, besides him, no one on the train saw. Moreover, this person forced him to enter into an intimate relationship with her.
Entering the international level

In October 1996, the International Congress on the Exploration of Outer Space was held in Beijing, with the opening speech of the Chairman of the PRC, Jiang Zemin. In addition to the leaders of the Chinese space research program, the congress was attended by representatives of NASA, the Committee on Space Studies at the United Nations and the European Space Agency.
The agenda of this very representative meeting included various issues of aeronautics and space exploration, including the search for extraterrestrial civilizations (the SETI project).
Mon Xiao Guo was invited to take part in this congress, where he delivered a story about his adventures. The appearance of a simple peasant among venerable scientists and his message was met and appreciated by the participants in different ways.
However, this unprecedented fact itself shows that the modern Chinese leadership has come to regard UFOology as an integral part of the program of space research and treat it kindly and unbiasedly.