"I met an alien after the moment of clinical death, and then I saw him among people on the streets of the city"

Friday 3 November 2017

Among the many stories of contacts with members of a different mind and abductions by aliens, this seems very unusual. Firstly, there were no "gray" eyed aliens, the alien looked almost like a man and the author of history was not abducted, she met him in the hospital when she was in a state of clinical death. Secondly, after a while, she saw this man on the street among a crowd of people and he also recognized her.

But first things first. This story was told by Nadezhda Fedotova, who lives in Novocheboksarsk, Chuvashia.
- I once was in the hospital. My temperature was very high. Three days in a row I fell through, not getting up, on my bunk. Finally, I felt some relief and decided to get out of bed, to be like, at least a little move. Swaying, fingering the wall, went out into the corridor. And there she lost consciousness, fell to the floor.

At the same instant, imagine, I realized that I was outside my own body. I saw myself lying on the floor. I heard someone crying, then saw a nurse and a female doctor running down the corridor toward me, or rather, to what was me, to the lifeless body from which I had just left.
The doctors grabbed the body, dragged him to the couch, standing in the corridor nearby. They began to fuss around him, quietly, but talking excitedly.

I saw distinctly every movement of them and heard every word of it - I was watching what was happening from somewhere under the ceiling. After a while, I was pulled down. I stepped back into my body, as if magnetically attracted to it. Hardly waking up, she told the doctor and nurse word for word everything they were talking about, what they were doing while I was, from their point of view, unconscious. The doctor almost had a heart attack when she listened to my report. Eyes crept on his forehead in surprise.

A few hours later, and night fell.
And at night I again came out of my body. I look, I was in the form of my own translucent "copy" in a strange room with an oval ceiling. I was not alone there. Around me stood men of enormous height. One of them spoke. I remember that a man called an alien.
He began to persuade me to go somewhere together with this whole company of giants. I decidedly refused. Then the man said that this company would come back to meet me in a few years. And he added: "Then we will take you with us forever."
The shape of all the other tall aliens I do not remember. But then the appearance of the man who talked to me, crashed into memory with complete clarity. He was the smallest in the company, and still his growth was almost two meters. A nice guy with a completely ordinary human face. Bald! Well completely bald! Look - kind, lips - disproportionately to the person very small, folded bow, nose - straight ...
Was it a dream? Or did I actually go on board the "flying saucer"? And I got there - and I remember it very clearly! - in the form of a certain translucent "astral clot", and not in its physical body.
Sleep or reality? It's hard to say anything definite here. Well, let's say it was a dream. But it's been over two months since I left the hospital. I stand once at the bus stop. I see that some familiar person seems to cross the road. He was a very tall man with a bald skull and straight nose.
The small lips, folded with a bow, did not quite match the other large features of the face. The man, not delaying, passed by the place on which I stood. At the moment when he came up to me, our eyes met.
And I recognized him! And he, in turn, also recognized me! Slightly smiled, nodded slightly in a gesture of greetings to his head, and silently patted a calm calm step past the bus stop.
I was completely taken aback. Stupidly staring after him, leaving without looking back down the street farther and farther. He was wearing the most usual gray suit, which you can buy at any department store.
An alien of high growth was no different from people - from the same, say, passers-by, hurrying on their business back and forth along the street ...
This is what happens? Extraterrestrials quietly roam about our cities, are engaged, as far as I understand, with something like interplanetary espionage ?! And people do not even suspect that secret agents of an extraterrestrial intelligence center live side by side with them on Earth ?!