Tuesday 23 January 2018

Kidnapping Mary from Florida

A Florida woman named Mary (her last name is not disclosed) recently told how she was abducted by aliens in 1991. Her story was published on January 8 on the site with paranormal podcasts Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis.

"It happened early in the morning at 4:44 on November 11, 1991, when I was sleeping in my trailer in the suburbs, suddenly everything inside was shrouded in bright light, and I got up from bed and like an idiot opened the door, the next thing I remember, there was a bright blue neon ray, picked up by me and carried to their ship.
I remember what this ship looked like, it was silvery and there were a lot of rivets on it. There was also some inscription, like hieroglyphics. When I was inside, I saw an alien, it was a typical "gray" of small stature and there I saw about 10 around me.
I tried to look around and saw that the surfaces inside the ship were made of metal, and I also remember that there were other wheelchairs where the immovable bodies lay

Then something happened and I was very frightened, and when one of the "gray" came up to me, I attacked him and began to pound him with his hands and kick. But then they brought someone whom I would call a "leader." He was tall, but he looked like them in a white coat. And he spoke telepathically, addressing to other "gray" and not opening his mouth - "Do not worry, I know her, she likes to fight."

He looked at me warmly and was so sweet, like my grandfather. But then he immediately immobilized me and I was on a gurney. The only thing I remember from what was later done to me is a huge long needle with a wire that was attached to my neck. And then I suddenly woke up at my house.

Shortly after that night, I realized that I was pregnant and when I went through the echogram in the hospital, the doctors told me that the child had an anomaly. In the pictures it looked as if his wings were growing from the back and the doctors were very surprised. The child did not survive, there was a miscarriage (about whether he had an anomaly, not indicated).
After that night, I had another strange thing. I always notice on the clock the numbers 444 and at night I often wake up at this time. I also had problems with passing through the gate, they begin to ring. Street lights can go out if I walk alongside, and the hair dryer or microwave break.
All this costs me nerves and money, but the worst is the constant feeling that I can not drive these "gray" away from myself so that they leave me alone. And especially, when I remember that I saw the immobile bodies of people on the wheelchairs, they were all men.
I asked that my name not be divulged, because it was only I who saw it. My partner has been with me all the time, but he did not tell anyone, he went through Vietnam and will not blabber anything superfluous. And I did not tell anyone else, except my partner and his mother.
I just do not want people to start telling me "You're crazy" and the like. But all this really was that tall guy in the dressing gown, he said he knew me, he had seen me before and said that I had resisted before. And then he immobilized me and everything. "

Friday 19 January 2018

UFO caused the death of a resident of China

This event took place in 2011 in China, but it is known to the ufologists just now.

Someone Wen, a resident of Heilongjiang Province, saw a small disc-like UFO with lights on the rim during a walk in the forest one evening. The disk then fell close to the ground, then rose. The eye-witness was surprised first of all by the fact that the object freely passes through the trees, as if he were a phantom.

No sooner had Wen come to his senses than a UFO hovered directly over his head. The bottom was ribbed and gently rotated counterclockwise. Wen lifted into the air and began to wear under the bottom with the speed of rotation of the object. The UFO flew on. With him, smoothly circling, an eyewitness flew.
Wen told me that he was confused in his head. All items, including the "plate" and itself 
body, they saw him as somehow vague. He remembers that he was carried past the trees, but he hardly noticed them. Like the "plate", he freely passed through them.

Suddenly, the flare burst in the bottom, and the UFO abruptly took off, "uncoupling" a man from himself. Apparently, when the plate released it, the field that created a "phantom zone" around it also disconnected. Wen gained density.In his wrist, shoulders and hip were suddenly materialized branches with leaves of a tree, by which he at that moment flew.
Wen cried down from the sharp pain. The height with which he fell was small - about 2.5-3 meters. By the time he was found, he had lost a lot of blood and was hardly alive. The doctors who operated Wen could not understand how the branches and, most surprisingly, the leaves could find themselves in his body. It is absolutely impossible to plant them there. In addition to branches and leaves, the buckle of his belt was halfway into Wen's body, and part of his shoe got stuck in the ankle by 0.5 cm.
After the incident, Wen lived just over two months. According to reports, some shifts of internal organs occurred in his body relative to each other, which, in the main, led to a fatal outcome.

Saturday 6 January 2018

"How the aliens did the operation for me"

This curious story was recently published at the American Forum Project Avalon , where users discuss abnormal phenomena, conspiracy theories, aliens, secret governments, and so on.

"It happened when I went back with my child to my house in the UK I put my son in the crib so he slept, and she took up various household tasks when she suddenly felt a severe pain in her stomach. The pain was so strong that I decided that I was dying and I began to think what would happen to my little son, if I now die.

Suddenly, after a few minutes, the pain disappeared as quickly as it began, but I still decided to contact my attending physician and make an appointment. After the appointment, the doctor sent me to the endoscopy procedure, this is when you insert a long tube with the camera inside your body and see what's inside you.
The procedure was to be held in a week, but at night I experienced the most unusual experience in my life, which I will never forget. I woke up suddenly in the middle of the night from the sensation of the presence of strangers in my bedroom. So it was, on my bed there were three strange alien creatures, a bit like children, and I was not afraid at the sight of them.

I got up and took the hands of two aliens, one on each side (the third one was also standing nearby), my bedroom was spinning and I saw instead of the wall a round "portal" through which all four of us passed through the door.

We ended up in a large room, which was all cluttered with screens of "computers" and with a large screen on the wall. For the "computers" were small aliens and all this was very reminiscent of the scene from the central control of the flights of NASA.
The whole room was white and everything in it was also white, and on the computer screens and on the big screen there was an image of a man - a very popular celebrity (the name is not specified or the author does not remember it ). And I realized that they are now busy studying this celebrity. And then I looked at those low-lying creatures that I came with, and realized that they also studied me and knew everything about me from the time of my birth.
Then I had a dip in my memory and the next thing I remember was that I was lying on the bed, apparently in the medical room, and there was a creature resembling those small deto-like creatures, but it was tall and seemed adult. I found out that this is a woman, we started communicating with telepathy and then she started to do something to me and I cried out in pain.

The creature in response stopped its manipulation and strictly began to talk to me. It told me that my pain is not real, that in fact I do not feel anything and that I need to lie still. I did as it told me and it continued its work and suddenly pulled out of my stomach something that looked like two worms.
The sight of this shocked me and caused a strong sense of disgust. The creature said that there was one more left in my stomach, but for some reason it did not pull it out and left it inside.
The last scene that I remember that night was when I was sitting at a table with three little aliens. We drank coffee, and other aliens walked by us on their own business. I felt that it was funny, they drank coffee like ordinary people.And none of those passing by did not even look back at me, as if they were accustomed to seeing people here, although I did not see any of the people at that time. I decided that people often came here.
That's all I remember from that night. A week later I went to the endoscopy procedure and the doctors found nothing dangerous in my stomach, except for a small inflammation. I feel that these creatures at night have cured me of my illness, although I am not 100% sure.
And further. Despite the fact that I remember the only case of this kind in my life, I have a strong feeling that this has happened to me before and repeatedly. I do not know why I was left with my memory in this case, maybe it was due to the fact that it was supposed to help the recovery.
And I would very much like to know what kind of worm-like creatures sat in my stomach. In appearance, they reminded me of the creature from the movie "The Matrix" ( which was shoved into Neo's stomach ). "