Thursday 29 March 2018

Meetings with brutish aliens

Earlier, we described two cases from Wisconsin, when eyewitnesses simultaneously saw UFOs and Yeti-likecreatures that could be aliens. Are there any other cases when UFO pilots turned out to be gray, Nordic or reptilian, not similar to most eyewitness testimonies, but creatures similar in appearance to animals? Yes, and there are many such cases.

Greensburg. Pennsylvania. October 25, 1973

About nine in the evening, 22-year-old farmer Steven Pulaski and 15 others watched a glowing red ball hanging over the field. The farmer decided to see what was going on there, and the two twin boys also jumped on the car seat. When they pulled up closer, they saw that the strange object was coming down.
They climbed the hill, and they saw a glowing white conical ship about 30 meters in diameter, treading like a lawn mower. He landed, or maybe hovered over the field. Then one of the twins saw someone walking along the fence.Pulaski, who was shortsighted and wore glasses, shot over the approaching figures. At first it seemed to him that it was bears, but then he realized that this was not so.

Two creatures were above the two-meter fence. One was about 2.5 meters tall, the other about two. Their bodies were covered with long grayish hair, and their arms drooped almost to the ground. Their eyes burned with yellow-green fire. The beings whined or howled, as if talking to each other. Witnesses smelled burnt rubber.

When Pulaski realized that strange animals were heading towards them, one of the boys rushed home, and the farmer shot three times at the one who was more. Apparently, he wounded the beast, as he howled and held out the paw of the second. At that moment the glowing ship in the field disappeared, and the place where it was located, now emitted white light. Creatures slowly turned and walked to the forest.
Pulaski's eyes got sick, he decided to report to the police. When the policeman arrived - at that time it was 9.45, he noticed a luminous circle in the field and heard loud howls in the forest. Then Pulaski screamed that someone was coming out of the forest and moving towards them, and they immediately jumped into the patrol car and drove away.
Later, at 2.00 at night, when the investigation team arrived, Pulaski, a healthy man more than 2 meters tall and 100 kilograms in weight, breathed heavily, groaned and waved his hands. After Pulaski calmed down a little, the group decided to leave this place, because everyone felt a distinct smell of sulfur or some other chemical.
The psychiatrist who later examined Pulaski noticed that the farmer never lied in his life, did not use alcohol or drugs, nor was he seen in antisocial behavior, and he could not be suspected of deceit.

Aveli, Essex (Great Britain). October 27, 1974

John and Sue Day and their children Kevin, Karen and Stewart were returning that evening from relatives. The younger children slept in the back seat, the elder, Kevin, listened to the radio. Their attention was attracted by a blue light, which at first slid through the car, and then flashed in front. Around 10.10 pm Day lost sight of him, as on the right side was dense vegetation. They were already approaching the house.
But suddenly they became alarmed. The speed fell for some reason, and the radio was busted. Then, shortly before the car's headlights went out, they saw green smoke in front. The car shook as she drove into the smoke, and after a few moments she passed him. Soon the family reached home, but it was already one in the morning, which indicated that three hours had fallen out of their memory.
Three years later, under hypnosis, John Day said that as soon as their car drove into the green fog, they all moved to a ship where they underwent a medical examination conducted by two 1,3 meter-tall creatures dressed in loose white clothes.

These devilish and slightly hunchbacked creatures had beast faces, huge triangular eyes and large upward ears.All visible parts of the body were covered with short wool. On their hands were four fingers with claws. At times, creatures chirped, talking.
Probably, these creatures submitted to others who were 2.2 meters tall, wore costumes with hoods hiding their hands. Although their mouth or ears were not visible, they looked almost like people, except for their pink eyes.Probably, they wanted to arrange a trip for guests on their three-tiered ship. During the survey, the couple were told about the device of the ship and showed a holographic movie about the space, which included a plot about the death of the alien home planet from an environmental disaster.
Then the family together with the car were returned to the road, about half a kilometer from the place where they were abducted. According to eyewitnesses, with the family in the next months there were serious psychological changes.

Caracas, Venezuela. November 28, 1954

At two o'clock in the morning Gustavo Gonzalez and Jose Ponche drove out on their truck from Caracas to Petare, which was twenty minutes away to buy food. Soon they noticed a glittering ball with a diameter of 2.5-3 meters, which almost blocked the road. It hung 2 meters above the ground.
Gonzalez stopped the car, and friends went out to check what was going on, and then a small hairy man approached them. Gonzales immediately grabbed him, intending to take him to the police. To his surprise, he was extraordinarily light-about 9 kilograms in weight. He had a tight body, covered with hard, prickly hair.
The dwarf hit Gonzales with a clawed paw, and he flew 5 meters. The assistant, Gonzales, came to his aid, scared to death and rushed to the nearest police station. He noticed that two more little men were emerging from the bushes. They carried either stones, or some sort of garbage, and all climbed into the hatch on the side of the ball.
Meanwhile, the first dwarf, with burning eyes and claws released, attacked Gonzales. Pulling out the knife, Gonzalez struck the stranger's shoulder, but the knife struck like a piece of iron. From the ship came another dwarf and released a ray of light from some small tube that instantly blinded Gonzales. Then both aliens climbed onto the ship, and he flew into the air.
Gonzales reached the police station shortly after Ponche. Policemen suspected that both were drunk, but the survey showed that this was not the case. Gonzales had a long wound in his side. Both had to be sedative. A few days later, a doctor found himself, who also saw the aliens, who seemed to be quarreling, but immediately retreated, because he did not want to interfere in anything.

State of New York. January 1958

This incident occurred on a winter night during a storm. It was 1.30 at night, one woman, who wished to remain anonymous, was driving along the New York road. Since the visibility was very bad, she drove carefully, trying not to miss the motorway exit. She went to visit her son, who served in the army.
Suddenly, on the avenue, she noticed something like a broken plane. But when she pulled up closer, she saw that it was a large ship with a 16-meter luminous rod, slowly crashing into the ground. The car's engine went out, the lights went out. The panicked woman tried to start the engine, but everything was wasted.
At first she decided to get out of the car and see what was going on, but changed her mind when she noticed two figures near the borer. These creatures looked like animals with four paws and a tail, except for two appendages in the neck region, similar to the tentacles. These creatures seemed to hang in the air, moving around a thin rod.
Suddenly, the creatures disappeared, and the ship soared into the air. Then the woman saw that it had the shape of a plate. The ship spun 3 meters above the ground and flew away. At that moment the lights turned on again, and the woman was able to start the engine.
Struck by what she saw, the woman drove up to the place where the plate was, and examined it, lighting the way with a lantern. On the snow she saw a clearing with a diameter of 30 centimeters, in which grass could be seen.She noted that the grass was warm to the touch.

Genoa. Italy. 6 December 1978

Almost at midnight, 26-year-old night watchman Fortunato Zanfretta saw four lights, similar to the light of torches, moving horizontally in the meter above the ground in the courtyard of the empty summer house. When he tried to report a possible hack into the office, the headlights of his car suddenly went out and the receiver turned off.
He went to the gate, holding a lantern in one hand, and in the other a gun. The lights first moved towards him, then disappeared behind the house. When Zanfretta turned the corner, he was knocked down. He turned to see the enemy, and his head touched the leg of a tall, 3-meter-tall, dark-green creature.
He saw two huge triangular yellow eyes burning in yellow light, the outer corners of which were pointing upwards.The head, according to him, was a width of 60 centimeters, on the sides there were some thorns, as well as sharp ears or horns. On the forehead of the creature, Zanfrett noticed strange folds, which could be the third eye. The entire body of the creature was dark gray, in a horizontal fold.
Then the creature disappeared, and Zanfretta ran to his car. There was a loud whistle, a warm wave, and Zanfretta saw a huge triangular ship starting from behind the house. The guard again tried to call for help, shouting at the transmitter: "These are not people!". He noticed that the clock showed 0.16, although it seemed to him that not much time had passed. Then he fainted next to the car.
An hour later, colleagues found Zanfretta in a field away from the car. Later they found an imprint on the ground in the form of a horseshoe 6 meters wide.
Two weeks later, exhausted by constant headaches, Zanfrett was put into a hypnosis state. He remembered that he was dragged into a round, heat-shrouded room, where these strange monsters put something on his head that caused unbearable pain.

Ashburnham, Massachusetts. 25 January 1967

Betty Andreasson was busy in the kitchen, and her parents and seven children were in the living room. It was 6.35 pm when it all started. First, electricity began to turn off for short periods of time. Betty noticed a pulsating orange light in the window and went out into the living room to calm the children.
Then she went back to the window with her father, and they saw five strange creatures creeping towards the house in the manner of locusts. When these creatures passed through the wooden door, all but Betty lost consciousness.
What happened later, Betty managed to remember under hypnosis only a few years later. The alien commander, who was superior to the rest, communicated with Betty through telepathy. His name was Kvazga. All the creatures were about 1.5 meters tall, wore blue overalls, they had pear-shaped heads and rotating cat eyes. On their sleeves was the emblem in the form of a bird.
When Betty expressed her concern about the state of her family, the creatures woke up one of her 11-year-old daughter and started playing with her in luminous balls. Betty gave the Quazga a Bible, and he handed her a blue book. Then Betty was boarded a large flying saucer, standing in the backyard.
The ship climbed into the air and docked with a more powerful apparatus, where Betty was offered to explore a variety of instruments, including one, which she called a cleaning device. Then a medical examination followed, during which the creatures stuffed a device resembling a needle into her nostrils, and then to the navel to get an idea of ​​the reproductive function.
Then Betty again put on her clothes, and she was seated in a fenced glass chair, where she sat for a while, immersed in some kind of liquid. Then she was given a sweet drink, and two creatures in shiny silver suits with black hoods led her through a dark tunnel, as if carved out of stone.
They went through the mirror door and found themselves in a room with red, swirling smoke. The black tunnel, which they passed, passed between two square buildings with holes similar to windows.
Then Betty was frightened, as she saw other creatures crawling along the buildings. They climbed up and down, climbed and climbed out of the windows like monkeys. According to her, they looked like lemurs, but their hands and feet were covered with skin, not with wool. The creatures did not have a head, but rods protruded from the trunk, like periscopes, on which were the eyes. These eyes moved independently of each other and watched Betty and her companions.
Soon they entered a green kingdom full of plants and water. Then Betty saw a giant bird that turned to ash like a phoenix. Betty returned home at 10.44 pm. She described her journey as angelic. Later it turned out that this was not the only one she met with aliens.

Cookswill, Maryland. 1973 or 1974

One evening on Friday after studying law at the University of Baltimore, student Michael Shea went to Olney, where at 7 pm he was supposed to meet with a friend. It was 24 kilometers from Baltimore, when, looking to the left, I saw a ray of light hit the barn, which was 50 meters away from it.
A huge object hovered in the air, alternately red and yellow lights alternated on it. This Shea has not even seen in Vietnam. The windows of his car were open, but Shea did not hear any noise.
When the ray of light went out, Shea became worried. He felt something coming from behind. Suddenly he noticed the ship above him and felt an electric discharge run down his spine. The next thing Shea remembered was that he got to One and felt very at peace. He went to the bar, but did not find his friend there. The barman said that his friend was here - at 7 o'clock. Shea glanced at his watch. It was nine in the evening.
Ten years later, Washington lawyer Shea decided with hypnosis to find out what happened that evening, and thereby remove the oppressive mood and fear associated with that incident. Specialist in abductions by aliens Budd Buddhins introduced Shea into a state of hypnosis. He remembered that he was very scared and tried not to look at the ship. He continued to drive and there were four people at the road. But it was not people.
The creatures were dressed in black, something like plastic outfits. Their faces were also dark. It seemed that they were wearing helmets, separated by a vertical line in half.
They looked like locusts. They had long arms and crooked legs like a monkey's. Three were big enough, the fourth was small, and on it was a black silk suit with a lightning in front. Shea, this subject seemed much older than the others.
The witness said that as soon as he got out of the car, a strange light struck him from above. The ship was nearby, and he heard a low rumble. In fact, there were two ships: one smaller, - on the ground, and another, more - in the air. Shea was then taken to one of the ships, laid on the table and examined. He had various tests taken.

When the robots come out of the UFO

Livingstone, Scotland. November 9, 1979

On that morning, the forester Bob Taylor parked his pickup truck in the woods and went with the dog to inspect some trees in a clearing near the new highway. He got to the clearing at 10.30 in the morning and saw a gray ball hanging over the ground with several dark portholes along an annular rim.

aylor noticed that as soon as he tried to look at the details, the object seemed to blur, not allowing it to focus.
Then to the Taylor from the ship quickly rolled two balls the size of a ball, issued at the time of sound, like sucking.These things, according to Taylor, were like sea mines, they had six "feet". A few moments later, the mines were already near Taylor. The forester felt a pungent unpleasant smell, from which he immediately fainted.

After about 20 minutes, Taylor woke up when he heard the barking of his dog. He lay on wet ground, his chin burned and his left hip itched. The object, along with the mines, disappeared. Taylor felt tired, sick, his throat burned. He struggled to get to his pickup truck, tried to call for help on the radio, but nothing happened.
Then he tried to get out by car, but his coordination failed, and he quickly got stuck in the mud. Finally he reached his house, exhausted, with torn trousers, where his wife met him.
The police regarded this case as an attack and began an investigation. They found ruts on the indicated spot, dents from a heavy object and holes that Taylor's balls with spikes had left behind.

One skeptical fellow assumed that Taylor had met with ball lightning. But the friends of the forester knew him as an honest man and could not come up with a rational explanation for this case.

The state of Minnesota. October 23, 1965

About 7.40 pm Jerry Townsend, radio host, was six kilometers from the prairie Long. He drove into the twilight zone.Suddenly, the engine stalled, the lights and the radio turned off. Ahead he saw an object like a rocket, landing in the middle of the road on three supports. The height of the rocket was 10-12 meters, width - about 3 meters.
Townsend left the car and noticed three small robots, a form resembling beer cans, heading towards him from the rocket. The robots were only 12 centimeters high and swayed from side to side on two pillars.
When they stopped, a third support emerged, which seemed to serve them to maintain balance. Although these robots had no faces, Townsend decided that they were watching him.
It seemed like an eternity. Finally, the miniature robots returned to their ship. The rocket soared into the air, according to Townsend, as if someone had lifted the lantern sharply from the table. Then Townsend went to the sheriff's office and told him about the incident.
The sheriff saw that the witness was seriously alarmed, he was not drunk and enjoyed a good reputation. The study revealed three parallel jets of some oily liquid a meter long, separated by 10 centimeters on the road. The police had never before seen such in this area, and it was difficult to identify them.
There were two hunters who gave testimony, partly coinciding with the testimony of Townsend. They told that they saw a bright object, rising into the air in the same place at the same time.

The state of Kentucky. 27 January 1977

Heading home in a jeep, 19-year-old Li Parrish saw at 1.05 at night a rectangular brightly colored UFO hovering over the trees. The ship was 3 meters high and 12-13 meters wide. The young man thought that he no longer controls his car, the radio was silent.
Parrish remembered only that he was for some time directly under the UFO, and then he saw how he was moving away. Instead of coming home in 7 minutes, he appeared there only after 35. His eyes ached, his mother noted that they were bleeding.
The cause of these pains was found under hypnosis: this is because he looked at the UFO for a long time. When Parrish was under the UFO, the car soared into the air, and he himself, even without opening the doors, moved to a large round room.
There were three figures resembling robots in the room. The tallest was 6 meters tall, it was black and looked like a tombstone, it had a small "head". His "skin" in some places was rough, and in places - smooth. To his body was joined one arm bent in the joint without a brush.

The smallest creature was less than 2 meters tall, red and rectangular, like a coke oven. He also had one hand, although it was straight. Parrish felt that the creature was frightened, although it slowly approached him, touched his head and shoulders, causing a chilling pain. Later he called it a medical examination.
The third robot was white, about 2 meters tall, heavier than the rest. He had a triangular head and two arms that he did not use. This white, shiny creature made a single sound, as if someone were brushing their teeth. Parrishu thought it was their commander.
Then the three beings began to unite, or to enter one into the other. First, the smallest merged with the average, then the same did the average. The black creature began to back off, Parrish felt the heat. Suddenly, the black creature disappeared, and Parrish again found himself in a jeep. He had a feeling that once the aliens would come into contact with him again. The researchers were convinced that the witness is sincere.
Meetings with such a "rectangular team" occurred earlier, in particular, in the early September morning of 1968 in Brazil

France. September 10, 1954

At about 10.30 pm, witness Marius Devild, a metallurgist by profession, left his house in a small town on the Belgian border and saw a dark mass on the railroad tracks. When Devild heard footsteps, he turned on the light and saw two tall creatures, less than 3 meters tall, wearing very large helmets and heavy suits, sort of like for scuba diving.He did not notice the hand. The artist depicted one of the creatures similar to the character of "Star Wars" R2D2.
When Devild moved to these creatures, a green ray, paralyzing it, fired from the ship. The ship standing on the rails looked like a pancake and was 3 meters high and about 6 - long. By the time Devilde gained freedom of movement, the ship was already soaring into the air.
Four days later, three French air force specialists talked with Devilde and examined the landing site of the UFO.They did not find any traces of newcomers, including footprints, which was not surprising, given that the ground in that place was solid. But they found marks on wooden sleepers, where, according to an eyewitness, a heavy ship was landing.

In all there were five marks, all fresh and with sharp edges. Having consulted with the engineers, they found out that the sleepers were designed for a load of up to 30 tons. These tracks, according to the researchers, were abandoned by the landing gear.
That night something really strange happened. In the place where the object landed, the gravel was unusually brittle, as if it had been exposed to high temperatures. There were other eyewitnesses who claimed that around the same time they saw a red light in the sky. This case - one of the most famous in French ufology in 1954.

The state of Connecticut. December 16, 1957

The former teacher Mary Starr was awakened somewhere betwee
n two and three o'clock in the morning with a bright light. When she looked out the window, she saw a ship in the form of a cigar 8-10 meters long, hanging over the rope, on which she was drying clothes, no more than 3 meters from the house.
In the portholes Starr saw two inhabitants of the ship, who paced inside with their right hands raised in opposite directions. Judging by the size of the ship, the growth of these creatures should be somewhere around 3.5 meters.They had a square or rectangular head of reddish-orange color with a bright red ball inside.
Starr suggested that they were helmets. On the aliens were hoodies, flared down. On the raised right hand, she did not notice the brush. If the creatures had legs, Starr could not see them because of the hanging clothes.
Then a third creature appeared, the portholes dimmed, and the object itself became brighter. An antenna appeared from above, which swayed, sparkling, and then retreated. After several maneuvers, the ship, with small lights on the edge, strayed upwards and soared into the sky at a tremendous speed.

Rio de Janeiro. Brazil. September 15, 1977

Antonio la Rubio, a 33-year-old bus driver, at 2.20am on the way to work noticed an object in the form of a hat with a diameter of more than 30 meters above the football field. He was scared and was about to run away, but the blue light paralyzed him. At that moment three robots appeared before him.
They were about 3.1 meters tall, on their round, like a football, the head protruded an antenna longer than 30 centimeters. At the tip of the antenna there was some device, similar to a teaspoon, which quickly rotated. Across their heads was a hoop with mirrors, blue and dark.

Their squat bodies were covered with something like scaly skin or clothes that looked like dull aluminum. Their hands were like elephant trunks tapering to the ends. On the "belt" was a belt with instruments resembling syringes.The creatures stood on one "foot", rather, it was like a pedestal, culminating in a small round platform.
Three aliens flew around him, one of them sent a syringe to la Rubia, after which he found himself in the hall inside the ship. Through transparent walls la Rubia saw that they took off.
In a huge hall, where there were a piano-like apparatus and two dozen robots, La Rubia was examined. He was also shown several "slides". On one he was himself, dressed and naked. There were still slides with a horse and a cart on a dirty road, a busy street with buses, a dog that was trying to attack one of the robots.
To the horror of la Rubia, the dog suddenly turned blue and disappeared. On the other slide there was a "UFO factory" with a million robots inside. During the viewing, one of the robots took a blood test from a finger from the Rubia.
Suddenly, La Rubia thought that he was thrown overboard, as he suddenly found himself on the street, in front of the bus station of Paciencia. One of the robots stood next to him. La Rubia looked around, and when he turned back, the robot was gone. La Rubia looked up at the sky and saw a huge lead ball disappearing. It was 2.55 at night.
Over the next month, la Rubia suffered from nausea, diarrhea, fever, everything was burning and itchy, so he could not work.

USA. July 1951

The pilot Fred Riegen stated that during the flight his plane was shot down by a flickering diamond-shaped UFO.Fred did not have a parachute, but when he and his broken plane began to fall, he felt that some tenacious force was pulling him up into the UFO.
Inside the Rigen ship, surrounded by small, shiny creatures. Their growth was about a meter, and Rigen compared them with "huge stalks of metal asparagus". The creatures turned to him in English and apologized. Then they subjected him to a medical examination, found that he had cancer, and, at the expiation of his guilt, removed him.
Then the creatures landed Rigen, unconscious, but without a single bruise, on the field near the place where his plane crashed. It should be noted that, after flying several thousand meters, the engine crashed into the ground by 2 meters.
Less than a year later, in May 1952, Regan died in a psychiatric hospital in the state of Georgia. The cause of death, as reported, was "the destruction of the brain tissue due to the strongest radiation radiation."
The striking story of Fred Rigen was kept in the archives of the editor of the English magazine Flying Sotsers Review and was not published for more than a decade. If in the 1950s this story seemed incredible, by the late 1960s it was perceived more calmly, since many incidents with similar UFOs were already known.

Tuesday 27 March 2018

Aliens in the next house

 This story was posted on the American ufologicheskom site MUFON July 7, 2017. The events described in it, according to the author, occurred not long before. Location of the city of Santa Cruz, California.

"Today I was resting at home, when I glanced by the window and noticed there was some traffic across the road from my house, the windows look out on a small street with many trees growing. It's hard to say who I noticed, it seemed to me that it was there were people and they were dressed in a dark camouflage uniform, something like the one worn by SWAT units (American special forces) and they also had some yellow letters on their clothes.

Their figures hid the trees and I barely saw them behind the leaves, I just saw that they were moving strangely - they trembled very finely, like leaves in the wind. I was frightened by this. I thought that maybe they were watching my house or something else, I had no idea what was going on.

I watched them for about 5-10 minutes, going out into the street, neatly bending over my fence and looking at them through the crack. And at some point they seemed to notice me, because I heard a sharp signal, similar to the alarm that they heard on the radio or on the radio.
After that, they began to quickly release some ropes from the tree and I saw a man sitting high in a tree in a blue jacket. Then they all disappeared from my field of vision and all this was very strange, but what happened next was even more stunning. I looked up and began to look out where they had gone, and I saw something very high on the side where the backyard of my neighbors was.
She was a very tall woman with very light long hair and dressed in a gray-and-white tight overall that had an unusual oval cover that went around her head and reached her feet. On the back, it seemed firm, and below it was a pattern. It was not like fabric, but I'm not sure what it was.
The woman's eyes seemed unusually large and she stood perfectly still, but suddenly moved slightly and it seemed to me that I noticed beside her near the small growth of a humanoid dressed in the same overalls. They were in the shade of the fence and it was very difficult to see the details, although the bright sun was shining.

I looked in the direction where the "special forces" were standing near the tree and saw someone next to the fence of someone of small stature with an incomprehensible skin color. It was almost impossible to see from behind the fence, but I could see a large head with a large forehead and eyes that seemed to be made of some shining material. The eyes were very large and slightly more rounded than they usually draw these "alien eyes"

He stood and looked directly at me, and for some reason I decided to wave it to him, which I did. In response, he raised his hand with very long fingers and waved back. And then he waved again. I was so shocked that I shook my head, trying to make sure that I did not sleep and that it did not seem to me. When I looked again, he had already moved away from the fence.
I decided to go home and rest after these shocks. He climbed to the top floor and lay, looking at the branches of a large oak tree that hung over my house. And then I saw in the foliage the same tremor that was noticed earlier by the "special forces". But this time it was not a humanoid creature dressed in dark camouflage, but something small, it climbed up the tree on thin branches.
It was hard to see, since it was almost the same color as the bark of a tree with dark green veins of foliage. He had a strange skin, covered with some textures or flaky, his face was small and angular, and on his head was something like short horns or antennae. The mouth was very small, but ajar and I saw many small sharp teeth. In general, it was like a little man.
While I was looking at this creature, I noticed another movement in the foliage and realized that it was not one. On other branches up a few more such "little men" were picked up. It was very difficult to see them, the light fell badly, they quickly climbed to the top and almost stopped moving, almost merging with the foliage.
I tried to treat them until my neck was not ill with tension and then I took a short break to stretch it. But when I looked again at the top of the tree, there was already no one there.
But on this my terrible experience did not end. That same night I got up in the middle of the night and went to the kitchen to drink water, and when I glanced out the window toward the neighbors' house, I saw in the window of their house an unnaturally long and skinny figure, which in the moonlight seemed grayish-bluish. And it looked in my direction, it seems directly to me.
It took me by surprise and I seemed to scream instinctively out of fear. I went from the kitchen to the bathroom and again looked out the window towards the neighbor's house. This creature still was there and looked in my direction.In great fear, I decided to call my friend and told him everything. He was as excited as I was, but then I decided not to do anything and go to sleep.
The next day it continued. I saw a small ball flying among the branches of an oak tree and as soon as it touched a branch, it slightly shook or vibrated. I wish I understood what all this meant! I assure you that all this is true and I tried to describe everything as it was in the measure of my understanding and possibilities. I have never seen anything like this before. "