Children from Argentina visited the UFO

Tuesday 20 March 2018

This event has been celebrated for more than 20 years. Four of the children from Argentina, the aliens did not just take them to themselves) on the "plate", but also for three days, showing various cosmic miracles, and then returned home. 
"Adults are lying. Teens are lying. Children can not lie like that, "said Roderigo Ortiz, an investigator for special cases from the police station in Concord. "Apparently, they actually did spend some time aboard the space ship ... They really flew into space and viewed the sights as ordinary tourists do." 

Did the children understand this? Of course not. They thought it was God who flew for them. 

Apparently, the eldest of the children, the eight-year-old Maria, told her brothers and sister that it was the god who was taking them to heaven. "He" whoever he was by the word "He" stood behind the dashboard of the ship. The press of those days called the names of children: Maria Molero - eight years old, her sister, six-year-old Emma , and two brothers, a five-year-old Jorge and Carlos , who was barely three years old. 

Judging by the stories of the children, as well as the adult witnesses of the incident, who turned out to be no less than half a dozen, the UFO was a "plate" with a diameter of about 23 meters, although quite unusual. 

On August 9, 1992, the "plate" sank, sent a powerful beam of bluish light to the children and, as it were, drew the kids into the ship with this ray. 

"A large golden ship took us up, into the sky, and God ruled the ship," Maria Molero later told us. "He was a very good God, and he told us to call him Lair." He showed us the moon and the stars. 

Other children confirmed the sister's story and confessed that they "were frightened, but quite a bit". Jorge Molero specified that the one who took them, did some strange things with them: 
"He tapped each of us with a little stick and poked it with a needle, but it did not hurt at all." 

Emma Molero added: - And I liked the bedrooms on the ship, because all the beds were so soft and tall, and fluffy. 

Well, the smallest, Carlos, was delighted with the fact that "there was a million buttons and lights. And that man had a big head and two big yellow eyes. But he was not terrible, but funny. " 

Because of the difficulties associated with interviewing small children, adults did not know what to do or think about.What all the same happened for three days on board the UFO? It is clear that the children were subjected to some kind of medical examination. This was said by the traces of the needle and the marks on the cheeks (in the picture these marks on the face are marked with circles). The press reported that the UFO was fixed by a radar - the day the children disappeared, and that night, when they returned. The military did not refute this, but did not confirm it either. 

"We're investigating, and its results will be made public," a military spokesman said. "Now we continue to interview the children and hope that soon we will have some more reliable information. 
With the children, by the way, tried to talk and the Argentine ufologist Armando Asparenza, but the military opposed this. 
The incident was quietly hushed, nothing more was reported about it. 

One can only guess how likely this is. For Argentina - quite. Because there were always strange things going on here. And about the middle of 2006, this country is experiencing another ufological boom. There and in the beginning of this year there were already a lot of sensational events connected with unidentified flying objects.