Sunday 29 April 2018

A conversation with a 3000-year-old stranger, who lives on Earth in the human body

This story was sent to the NUFORC website (National UFO Reporting Center) tracking UFO sightings and contacts with aliens in the US. Action period 1997 year.

"In the summer of 1997, I received a call from a woman from Chicago, our old friend who came from the Philippines and once nursed with our children." She talked about her meeting with an amazing elderly man named Eugene Randall .

The woman was very open and friendly, she liked the man very much and she invited Mr. Randall to a family feast.After that, Mr. Randall visited the house of this woman and her family more than once.
And then one day during the next visit, Mr. Randall told this woman that in fact he was not a man and came from another world. And his real name is Shimikus Etua (Shimikus Etua).

After that, I wanted to talk to this man and it turned out that it could be arranged. According to that woman, Mr. Shimikus Etoyu is ready to reveal himself to anyone who can accept him and believe him. A few days later I received a call from him and we had a serious and serious conversation.

1) My first impression of his voice was that it was a very very serious and respectable person, I would say as a professor. He was very calm and reserved as Spock from the "Star Trek". There was almost no feelings and emotions in his voice, there was no excitement or anything like that. He meticulously answered my questions without a hitch and without failures.
2) Shimikus said that he came from a planetary system that is not far from the star, which we call the Polar Star in the constellation of the Little Ursa. According to him, he arrived on Earth on one of the huge "mother" ships and was born directly on this ship during the journey.
3) He estimated his real age in 3 thousand terrestrial years.
4) When I asked if his civilization believed in a higher being (in God), he answered in the affirmative. Then he told that there was a time when his people did not behave very well, or rather very angry, and he destroyed other civilizations. However, long before the flight to Earth their local "priest" began to teach everyone to be kind and the people changed, leaving the path of destruction in the past.
5) Shimikus said that his civilization is very concerned about the path of self-destruction, which is now followed by humanity and that they wanted to help people develop spiritually and consciously. When I asked how their people looked at us - people, Shimikus was silent for a moment, and then he said "as a primitive tribes."
6) Shimikus said that his people exist on Earth in the bodies of people who are used as a mode of transportation, and these bodies were voluntarily transferred to them by these people themselves. Eugene Randall was one of these people, he learned about the aliens and offered them his help and his body.
Shimikus also mentioned that many years ago, when the USSR still existed, he used the services of a certain Russian person who gave him his body exactly as Eugene did later. Shimikus thanked this Russian for his self-sacrifice and courage.
7) I asked how many representatives of the people of Shimikus live on the Earth. He said that about 8 thousand.

Alien-like aliens from the fantastic film "Prometheus"

8) Race of Shimikus is especially concerned about our use of nuclear energy. According to him, this energy is very harmful to the cosmos and that people do not really understand the essence of this energy. Shimikus also worried the war in the East and chemical weapons.
9) Shimikus answered the question about Noah's Ark by the fact that one of their ships made an accident in the Arctic zone and this caused a mass melting of ice and a great flood.
10) Shimikus said that between the representatives of his people and the people of the earth can be not just friendship, but also sexual intercourse. Such cases took place and as a result babies-hybrids were born. According to Shimikus, that woman from the Philippines was such a hybrid (that's why he quickly and easily got along with her and her relatives).
11) I asked if there are other alien races on Earth. He replied that there are and that some of them have not yet solved the problem of violence and aggression in their race. While the people of Shimikus want to help people, other races kidnap people and conduct brutal experiments with them. According to Shimikus, their race is trying to drive these races from Earth.
12) Shimikus has a brother named Andronikus and once they both went in an elevator somewhere in Chicago and were at the same time in their original form. When a man entered the elevator, he was very frightened. Just how their original form looks, Shimikus did not tell, but judging by the children-hybrids, I think that they are partly similar to people. "

Sunday 15 April 2018

The Anunnaki with Nibiru are the creators of humanity

A cognitive article about the Anunnaki, the origin of mankind, the planet Nibiru, Zakhary Sitchin and his books. By the way download Zachary Sitchin books about anunnaki can be under the article.
Today, casting aside Darwin's theory of evolution (the origin of monkeys) as "atavism" many bright minds seek our ancestors among the dead and erased from the face of the earth and from the history of civilizations of the past or in space. These are the Anunnaki, the Sumerians, the Hyperboreans and others. One can not recall the recent studies connected with the discovery of the " Particle of God " proving that to our existence we owe far to the apes, "our younger brothers".

Among this list, the first are the Anunnaki, aliens from Nibiru. Here by the way interview: Gold to Gods people got on this subject, she will tell a lot. I advise you to read, but this is so between the case on the Anunnaki and Nibiru.

Let's try in more detail to understand whether this is so or not ...
Sitchin's theory relies on the study of Sumerian, Babylonian scriptures and the mythology of the Middle East. Also, these are inscriptions on the plates of the Hittites, Sumerians, Akkadian, Babylonian, Canaanite and Egyptian. They all talk about the extraterrestrial beings of the Annunaki, who are the progenitors of the evolution of the human race. They, who were called gods, were actually beings from another world.
Zachary Sitchin
The historian, Zacharia Sitchin, translated thousands of clay tablets (stored in various museums around the world), and containing a history recorded by the Sumerians (the first known civilization in history).
He is the author of a series of books from 12 volumes "The Chronicle of the Earth ", in which he presents the result of his research: "The 12th Planet" was the first book of them. The translations and interpretations cited in it caused a violent reaction. According to his translation, in the Solar System there is a planet called Nibiru, which approaches the Earth every 3600 years, causing positive changes or catastrophes. (By the way, one can not help recalling the frequency of disastrous disasters in the history of the Earth, which occur every 3600 years.
For example, the biblical flood of the world was not an exception, and regardless of what this biblical story is, scientists are sure the flood was not fiction and had a place in the past of the planet. To date, the last global catastrophe was about 3,600 years ago).
Some of the Sumerian tablets claim that the alien race created people to use them as slaves in the mines of Africa (and in many other places on Earth). This race is called the Annunaki or Abbenaki, they actually arrived with Nibiru. According to the interpretation, "Sumerian" blackheads "were created by these creatures, which mixed the human and animal essence, thus obtaining a creature similar to a monkey.""Darkhead" people in the Sumerian hierarchy were considered slaves. Sumerian tablets say that the "darkhead" people created for the geographic region under the name 'AB.ZU' - Western Africa.
According to him, the royal power was a combination of "dragons" and people, and that they were direct descendants of the sun god Shamash. The Annunaki are the 23rd god of the Sumerian pantheon, including Enlil (god of air, winds) and Enki (the god of the earth). These solar gods in Babylonia were called "Sir" or Dragons. Also the word "Sir" appears to mean "the great serpent" associated with the word Sarpa in Sanskrit, which also describes the dragon gods, those who created the Dravidian civilization and dominated it. (There are many references, especially in the Indian epics about the lizard-like nuclear war, the evidence that exists to this day is the melted city ​​of Mohenjo and craters all over the planet ).
According to Sitchin, the race of Annuaki may still exist and still can influence humanity.
Based on the records that Zacharias Sitchin made from the Sumerian tablets and other sources, he put forward the assumption that the beginning of mankind was founded by the star aliens of Annunaki with Nibiru, ie, those who "descended to earth", and people took them for gods. In reality, these were alien beings with advanced technical and scientific knowledge.
Many things can be written about Nibiru and the Annunaki, but, unfortunately, everything does not fit in the article, so anyone interested in this topic and who are interested in all the details, I advise you to read Zachary Sitchin's book, so you will not regret it.