The history of photography with a walking alien in the park

Wednesday 23 May 2018

Probably many of you have seen this photo before and at the first glance at it they said "What a worthless / wretched / ridiculous photoshop!" or something like that. We are not going to convince you of the authenticity of this picture, but we will tell you its real history and you will make your own conclusions.

This picture was taken on May 10, 2004 in Santiago, Chile . Engineer Herman Pereira (Germán Pereira) was making photos of police carabineer riders in Forest Forest that day.

One of the photographs was very blurry, but on it, to Pereira's greatest surprise, one could clearly see a small figure of a gray, humanoid creature, no more than 80 cm tall, which, without hiding, passed the path behind one of the riders.

"The picture was taken at 17.40 in a place on the corner of JM de la Barra and Cardenal José María Caro Avenue, next to Bellas Artes. It was an overcast day and the sun was hidden behind gray clouds," said Herman Preira. "So I set up my Kodak camera DX6490 with the correction for low speed (1/10 seg).

Probably that's why I managed to capture the movement of this creature. In addition, since carabineers were about 20 meters from me, I also used a zoom (10x), which also played a role in the fact that the picture was blurry.

I am very impressed with this photo. This is not a fake and not a correction, I assure you of this. That's why I immediately decided to tell about him. I contacted ufologists from the CIFAE community to find out what kind of creature was on it and wanted to know more information. "
The researcher of abnormal phenomena Eric Martinez from the Chilean society of ufologists CIFAE (left) and the author of the photograph Herman Pereira

Researchers from CIFAE very carefully studied this picture. They checked the image for fuzziness, fuzzy, interference due to atmospheric phenomena, for processing in different programs, filters, noise and other parameters. Their conclusion in the end was such that the picture was hard to learn, because it was not the original but the cropped version that was presented, and it is impossible to say whether it is fake or not. The only thing that is set to 100% is that the image was accurately made with the help of the Kodak DX 6490 camera in the time declared by the photographer and with the help of the declared settings.

After the picture of Pereira got into the media, it was discussed around the world, and the photographer himself began to call from Spain, Colombia and Argentina so often that he soon had to turn off his phone. Pereira in those days hardly got a job and the people around him were surprised by his popularity and his photo.
Herman Pereira works as an engineer, and photographing for him is just a hobby for the weekend. On that day, May 10, he came to Forest Forest on a bicycle and only took 10 photos. The alien on one of them he saw only the next day, when he was reviewing the pictures.

According to Pereira, when he was photographing, he did not see anyone on the path, except riders. It is possible that this creature is simply invisible to the ordinary human eye, but it could be caught on a camera. Pereira himself had not previously filmed UFOs or aliens and was not even interested in this subject.
Supposed versions of who it could be in the picture:
1, the Alien. The most probable and the first thing that comes to most people in the head when looking at this photo. By its appearance the creature is a bit like the so-called "gray" aliens with their frail body and large head. It is a little too low for "gray", but about such aliens sometimes tell eyewitnesses.
2. The dwarf or goblin or the so-called duende (about whom we recently published an article ).
3. The ghost. It's possible that this is a very strange looking ghost.
4. The fallen branch of a tree. Maybe this, because it is a park with tall trees and the weather was overcast, wind gusts are not excluded.
5. Walking child. For a child, the creature looks kind of weird, believe that it's a ghost or an alien much easier than that it's an ordinary child.
6. A monkey. What does a monkey do in the middle of a park far from the wild? Escaped from a menagerie or a private house? Then there would be announcements about it and someone else would see it.