Sunday 20 August 2017

ROSWELL UFO SHOCK CLAIM: 'I drove crashed flying saucer away on back of truck'

SHOCK new details of a previously unknown "witness" to the alleged Roswell UFO crash have surfaced.

Investigators at the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) received an anonymous letter about an incident in around 1982 that could have helped shed light on the ongoing mystery.
The Roswell myth has been at the heart of the UFO scene since in July 1947 the military sensationally announced in a press release it had found the remains of a crashed flying saucer in the desert nearby.
But the following day it retracted the statement, saying it was in fact a damaged US Air Force air balloon.
Witnesses later came forward to say there had been alien bodies within the "crashed craft", which along with the wreckage were allegedly taken to the mysterious top-secret Area 51 military base in Nevada.
The letter was sent to the US organisation in January, but details have just emerged after MUFON finished investigating the case.
It claims in around 1982, Jose “Che” Teran went into C&M tyre shop on Yarborough Drive in El Paso, Texas, as a customer, and told staff he was "personally involved in the Roswell Crash Incident."