Thursday 19 October 2017

UFologists from MUFON claim that they were contacted by an alien

The world's largest organization to study the activity of UFOs and study the extraterrestrial space Mutual UFO Network ( MUFON ) claims to have received a message from a reasonable alien life form for the first time.

According to experts, an extraterrestrial came to contact with them , who asked for help.
The stranger admitted that his name was Mogai , and that a cosmic catastrophe forced him to flee to Earth.
"We existed on the planet Matif in the form of an electromagnetic wave," the alien explained. - The cosmic body destroyed most of our equipment, and now it does not work.

The humanoid told American ufologists that he and his comrades arrived on Earth in September 2015. The alien moved into the body of a child adopted by a childless couple.

"I learned your languages ​​while in this body, so I can talk to you," the representatives of MUFON quoted him as saying. "We are extraterrestrial beings without sufficient protection on Earth, and we need your help."
As it turned out, for five months on Earth "stranger" came to the conclusion that governments do not want to help them. Therefore, I turned to this organization.
American ufologists assured that they intend not only to continue to keep in touch with the alien, but also to try to help the representatives of extraterrestrial civilization form who arrived on our planet.