Wednesday 1 November 2017

Obama's pilot spoke about meeting with UFOs

Pilots sometimes talk about meetings with unidentified flying objects, and often they still prefer not to talk about such incidents, fearing losing their jobs and ridicule from colleagues.

Nevertheless, Andrew Danziger, who was a pilot of the Barack Obama aircraft during the 2008 election campaign, shared with the publication of the NY Daily News a story about a meeting with an unidentified flying object.According to him, an unusual case occurred 25 years ago, when he was a pilot in a regional airline.

"It was about 8 pm, we just left Kansas City International Airport and headed for Waterloo, Iowa. It was a beautiful evening with a full moon and a clear sky, "says Andrew.
All around were thin clouds, illuminated by the light of the full moon. At some point on the starboard side in these clouds, he noticed a vaguely visible disc-shaped object, which he immediately told the captain. The pilots looked at a strange object and could not identify it.

According to Andrew, he and the captain made many flights and met a variety of airplanes, airships, balloons, satellites, but never seen anything like it.

They watched this white disc for 30 minutes. Suddenly a giant red ball appeared in its place, which frightened the pilots.
"We were sitting in a daze. We, of course, were afraid to face him, but later we realized that he was flying parallel to our course, "Andy says.
When they went on dropping the ball began to fade and eventually disappeared behind these thin clouds.
Contacting the dispatcher, they found out that the strange object did not appear on the radar.