Sunday 25 March 2018

Possible remains of aliens on Earth

You can, of course, not believe that for a long time the Earth is visited by aliens. But how then to explain the origin of some finds made by people in this or that part of the world?

In Denmark

In 2007, a strange skull was found on the Danish island of Zealand. He was discovered by a worker in the village of Olstikke. In one of the houses there was a repair of drainpipes. At first, it seemed to the worker that this was part of the horse's skeleton. However, looking more closely, he realized that the find resembles a human skull.

Skull of Olistikke or Silent Skull

This skull immediately fell into the hands of scientists. Carbon analysis showed that the skull belonged to the creature, who lived between 1200 and 1280 years. Among the old pipes, where he was found, he was not until 1900. Only then in this village there was the first water supply. Probably, originally the skull was found much earlier and quite in a different place. He was somewhere stored, and then hid there, where they found in 2007.
In the Higher Veterinary School of Copenhagen came to the conclusion that the skull belongs to a mammal.However, scientists have not been able to determine its place in the classification system of Karl Linnaeus.
The skull was about 1.5 times larger than the human skull. The most characteristic feature of his were huge eye sockets. Apparently, the creature's eyes could see well in the dark. According to scientists, the smooth surface of the skull indicates that the creature was well adapted to live in a cold environment.
The skull found in Denmark is still one of the greatest mysteries in the history of anthropology. It obviously does not belong to any known on the Earth essence and at the same time resembles a human skull. The most common version of its origin is an alien extraterrestrial, maybe a mutant or even a guest from the parallel world.

In Bulgaria

In May 2001, a mysterious skull was found in the Eastern Rhodope Mountains by a Roman city resident in Plovdiv.Journalists called it "Bulgarian Unique". The size of the skull did not exceed the size of the child's head. He weighed only 250 grams, in other words, the skull bone was very light.

Dr. Daniello Peshev, an expert on evolution and comparative anatomy from the University of Sofia, conducted a comprehensive analysis of this phenomenon and concluded that animals with a similar skull structure on Earth never existed. Radiologist Professor Angel Tomov also analyzed the find and came to the conclusion that such a skull design has no analogues in terrestrial vertebrates.

The main and most characteristic feature of the mysterious find is the presence of a bone cap covering the skull from above. The lid consists of two lobes and is connected to the dome by means of the main central ridge and a complex system of bony outgrowths. Only the front part of the skull with traces of a flat sawn from behind is preserved.

As soon as the media reported a strange find, Roman Genchev began to receive numerous proposals, mainly from abroad, about selling the skull. And the sum was offered to him astronomical. More than 10 years have passed since then.
There is no new information about the "Bulgarian Unique" yet. However, this situation is typical for those cases when it comes to finds that can dramatically change our understanding of the world in which we live.

In Peru

Recently, the remains of two strange humanoid creatures with huge heads were discovered in Peru.
"He's an alien," Renato Riquelme, an anthropologist from a museum in the city of Cuzco, recalls about his discovery. He discovered remains in the south of Peru, not far from the famous plateau of Nazca with its giant drawings.

The head of the first mummy is huge, from the chin to the crown - 50 centimeters. Glaznitsa is much wider than that of ordinary people. The skull is strongly extended back. In the right eye socket of this skull ostensibly some amount of eye substance has been preserved. Hence, there is a hope that it will be possible to analyze its DNA.
The length of the second mummy is about 30 centimeters with the head. Apparently, this is a premature baby.However, his teeth - like an adult, and the theme - open, not overgrown, like a baby.
According to Riquelme, three anthropologists from Spain and Russia came to help him to continue his research.They allegedly also admitted that the mysterious remains belong to no people at all. Maybe it's the mummies of aliens. At least one - the one who is bigger.
- I admit that this assumption looks extravagant, - adds Riquelme. - But it is obvious that the "big boys" do not correspond to any ethnic group living on our planet.

In Russia

In the summer of 2006 pensioner Tatyana Murininskaya, along with her husband and friends, went swimming in the quarries to the village of Ozerki, Gvardeisky district, Kaliningrad region. She went into shallow water and saw a strange pebble in the sand. Tatiana Makarovna raised it - and in her hands was a fossil that resembled a skull.

The pensioner's home looked at her find well. Petrified remains had orbits and holes in place of the nose. The skull itself was in the shape of a rhombus, and where ears are located in living things, this skull had holes. Local journalists, it seems, even saw the remains of cervical vertebrae.
Science did not become interested in this time. As for Tatiana Makarovna, she is sure that this is the humanoid skull, lovingly named him Orion and protects her as the apple of her eye.
More recently, in the Astrakhan region, during excavations near the village of Samosdelka, archaeologists have discovered an unusual skull. It looks like a human, but bigger in size. His bones are thinner than ours, and are more rough to the touch.
According to experts, the frontal bone of the skull consists of two parts, and in humans it is one-piece. In addition, the volume of the brain in the owner of this skull is much larger than that of a man. This find has caused considerable controversy among scientists. Some researchers are convinced that this skull has an extraterrestrial origin.
Many ufologists believe that such genetic deviations are, perhaps, the results of experiments conducted by aliens.The aliens - the "owners of the waters", as ancient people called them, were unlikely to enter into direct sexual contacts with the inhabitants of the Earth. Most likely, they performed artificial insemination, introducing their genetic material into human eggs.
On the other hand, if the aliens actually flew to us with visits, it is possible that they repeatedly got into accidents during landing or take-off. Why not assume that strange skulls belong to them, "brothers in mind", who died in the wreckage of their aircraft?