Thursday 31 May 2018

UFOologist Scott Waring is confident that the US is hiding a 30-meter UFO in the "Zone S4"

Using the Google Maps program, the famous ufologist Scott Waring discovered a mysterious runway in the southern part of Nevada. After that, he decided to start his own investigation.

In 2010, on a photo on the Internet, made in "Zone S4" , he saw a mysterious structure with a triangular overlap and several hangars near it. The facility is located several kilometers from the US Air Force base Edwards, or Zones 51 .

"I'm sure that in this zone there is a 30-meter UFO. Some have found these images on a Google map and believe that this is the "S6 Zone", but it is not. I've known this since 2010, "said Scott Waring.

The information on this issue, which appears in the media, is rather contradictory. Some researchers are sure that on the basis of the "S4 Zone" there functions a certain scientific object, where they develop aircraft based on the revealed alien technologies.

"In fact, I discovered three UFOs in the area, but the one that is here, it's stunning and huge. This is a 30-meter disc that is located in the largest building with a controlled climate. It seems that the device can not fly yet, so they built a hangar around it to open it at 180 degrees, "says the ufologist.

The words of Scott Waring can confirm another specialist in this field - Stephen Barone. At the end of February, with the help of a night vision camera, he managed to fix the flight of several bright fire spheres, they circled in the night sky over the zones "51" and "S4". The video was very effective then.

Brazilian farmer and alien temptress

The story of the abduction of a Brazilian farmer was first presented to the attention of the English-speaking world in the magazine "Review of flying saucers" for 1965. It was based on a report by Dr. Walter Bachler from Rio de Janeiro, who interviewed this man in 1961. Bachler provided the editor of Gordon Creighton with a copy of the man's application and a medical report compiled by Dr. Olavo Fontes. These documents are dated 22 February.

Antonio Villas Boas usually farmed on a family farm near the city of Francisco de Sales.
He was half American, half Portuguese. By the age of 23, this guy had only primary education, but increased it on correspondence courses. Later, he was rated as a reasonably intelligent person.

On the night of October 5, 1957, there was a family celebration in the house, then Antonio and his brother Jao, with whom he lived in one room, went to sleep: it was about 23 hours. Antonio opened the window, as the night was very hot, and then he saw that the whole courtyard was flooded with a silvery glow. At first the brothers did not pay attention to it, but in the end curiosity overpowered Antonio, and he again approached the window.

According to his observations, the light moved towards their house. He slammed the shutters and woke his brother.Young people began to observe the light that penetrated through the wooden bars and moved to the roof. After nine days, between 21.30 and 22 hours, the brothers worked in the field on a tractor.
Suddenly they were struck by an intense bright red light at the northern end of the field, whose source was about 300 feet above the ground. Jao remained in place, while Antonio drove on the tractor to the lighted area. When he pulled closer, the light immediately moved to the southern part of the field.
Antonio followed him and there, but the glow quickly moved to its original position. So they "played hide and seek" once or twice. Charter, Antonio surrendered and returned to Jao. The light still remained for a while over the field, occasionally pulsating.
The next night Antonio worked on the tractor alone. Exactly at one o'clock in the morning he saw a big red "star" in the sky. Suddenly, the light became more intense and suddenly rushed down towards the young man. A moment later, the object was directly above him, emitting such a bright light that he was overtaking the tractor lights.Everything came from the red "headlight" installed in the front of the ship.
The farmer thought about how to escape, but really realized that the speed of the tractor would not allow him to do it. Running on a viscous dug up earth also fails. While he was pondering all this in fear, the ship dropped and was now a few feet above the ground. The farmer could now see it in detail.

"I distinctly saw the shape of an aircraft, which resembled a large oblong egg with three metal spurs in front (one in the middle and one on each side). There were also three metal rods, thick at the base and pointed at the ends. I could not discern their color, for everything was shrouded in bright reddish glow ... "
At the top of the car, something was spinning at great speed and also emitted a strong fluorescent reddish light. At the moment when the ship slowed down for landing, the light acquired a greenish tint, which, in my opinion, corresponded to a decrease in the speed of rotation of the propeller, which took the form of a round plate or a flatly flattened dome.

"Then I saw three metal supports, similar to the tripods, that appeared at the bottom of the ship, when it hung a few meters from the ground. Here I completely lost the remnants of self-control. These metal legs no doubt took over the entire weight of the device, as soon as it landed. Since the tractor engine was still running, I turned it aside, trying to get away.
But the tractor stopped after a few meters, as the engine stalled and all the lights went off at the same time. I tried to start the engine again, but the starter showed no signs of life. "

Antonio opened the tractor door, jumped down and rushed to run. Suddenly, someone grabbed his arm. In despair, the farmer jerked, managing to get the pursuer out of balance, but three other unknowns picked him up and lifted him into the air. These creatures were on his shoulder.

They were dressed in gray, tight-fitting overalls with helmets, which obscured all the features of their faces, except for the eyes that could be seen through thick lenses.
They also wore boots, gloves, three tubes stretched from the back of the head to the body. Antonio tried to resist, but without success.He was brought aboard the ship.
Inside, he found himself in a small square room, where it was light as in the daytime and which was lit by square lamps fixed on a metal ceiling. The door was closed so tightly that he did not even notice the cracks in the wall where it was. One of the kidnappers ordered the boy to proceed to the next room.
"We left a small room and went to a much larger, semi-oval in shape. I believe that this room was in the very center of the ship, as in the middle of the floor to the ceiling was a metal column, wide at the base and above a little narrower in the middle part.
It was circular and seemed to me very solid. The only furniture I saw was a strange shaped table standing at the wall and surrounded by several rotating chairs without backs. All this was made from the same white metal. "
The creatures looked at the young man in the room, talking to each other in a tongue resembling barking. Then he was force-stripped, covering the body with a thick, quickly dried liquid.

Two led Antonio to another room, where blood was taken from him through a long tube. Then left alone, and he lay down on the gray sofa to rest. Suddenly, the young man felt a strong nausea and noticed that from several tubes on one of the walls there was steam. Antonio went into a corner where he vomited.

After a while a naked beautiful woman came into the room. She had blond hair and a face with wide cheekbones, pointed chin, elongated blue eyes and thin lips. The stranger had rather wide and big hips.
The woman approached Antonio and began gently hampering him. The farmer came to, and twice between them there was sexual contact. Antonio generally liked this episode, although he was almost spoiled when the woman suddenly began to grunt. He had an unpleasant sensation.

After sexual intercourse, the door opened, and the "man" appeared on the threshold, ordered the person to leave the room. "But before she came out, she turned to me with a smile, pointed at me and her stomach, then looked up at the sky."

This meant that the woman told Antonio that she was going to endure and give birth to their child on her home planet. The "girl" left, then another creature brought Antonio clothes and gestured him to dress. He was led back to the central room, where several creatures were now.

They talked about something with each other. Antonio decided to take a thing that looked like a clock that would serve as proof of such an unusual adventure. But Antonio could not take it, because the object was taken from him.
In the end, the kidnapped was taken outside, he was given a scheme of the ship in which certain details were marked. Then he was returned to the field, and the ship flew away. He was on his board 4 hours and 15 minutes.The young man did not tell anyone about this incident except his mother. Then he contacted the journalist Jao Martinez, who wrote articles about UFOs.
Dr. Fontez commented on the farmer's report:
"He does not have any psychotic traits. Quiet, freely speaks, without nervous tics or signs of emotional instability, all his reactions to the questions asked were completely normal. He spoke decisively and did not lose control of himself when presenting the facts.
His behavior exactly corresponds to what one would expect from a person caught in an unusually strange situation. At some point, even knowing about our doubts about certain issues and mistrust, he still answered quite clearly: "I do not know anything about this" or "I can not explain it."

In his medical report, Dr Fontez wrote that Villas Boas arrived home exhausted and slept almost all day. For the next two nights, he could not fall asleep and suffered from severe headaches and nausea, resulting in loss of appetite.

During the second sleepless night, he felt a burning sensation in his eyes, accompanied by lacrimation.

From the third night, Villas Boas began to feel the increased lethargy, which lasted for a month, and he always wanted to sleep. On his hands and feet, then there were small wounds that left scars after treatment, and on his face - two yellowish spots.
There was a suspicion that these are symptoms of radiation sickness. Yet the symptoms were minor, probably they should not have led to any long-term health problems.

To these cases, as well as to others that happened later, they reacted with skepticism. After all, until now, the human experience was reduced to the observation of objects from any distance or to contacts with aliens. The case with Antonio provoked fear in people, so a new scenario arose in which a person became a victim, not a chosen one.

But this case did not appear as a harbinger of what followed. Villas Boas remembered perfectly the moment when he was taken aboard the ship, whereas people who were abducted in our time suffer from "amnesia" and can not even remember under hypnosis how they get there.

About medical research is mentioned in most reports. In many current cases in America, sperm and eggs were seized from people by medical procedures, whereas in Villas Boas, sperm were naturally obtained.
Most American researchers assumed that the material used is used to reproduce hybrids in order to strengthen the alien race that is declining because of a reduced genetic fund.
In the 1960s, researchers claimed that a female specimen who came into contact with a Brazilian farmer was such a hybrid. It is curious that the broad face, sharp chin and thin lips are characteristic for the appearance of modern alien beings. However, the detailed description of the ship and the connection itself has much in common with the technological and sociological studies of the 1950s.
In 1978, Antonio Villas Boas interrupted the silence, which lasted twenty-one years, and gave an interview to Brazilian television. To his personal opinion, it seems, now treated with attention, because he became Dr. Villas Boas, a respected lawyer, was married and had four children.
He admitted that he decided to speak, because he was annoyed by the interpretation of the incident that happened to him. He again described the incident, without any contradictions, but added that during the contact with the "woman" the second time she used a special vessel for collecting sperm.

Before his death (in 1992), Villas Boas also said that in the 1960s he was invited to America by "security agencies" to identify the wreckage of the UFO crash. In the future, he always shied away from discussing this fact even with his family.

The Australian says that she can smell the smell of death coming from people who will soon die

24-year-old Australian Ari Kala (Ari Kala) once worked as a secretary, and now calls herself a counseling psychic and claims that she has the super ability to smell the smell of death from people who die in a day. According to her, this is a great gift, but, unfortunately, useless, since it can not help the doomed people.

As Storytrender writes, for the first time the girl discovered this gift in herself when she was 12 years old and she was visiting her sick uncle. It was then that she sensed from the man a heavy, cloyingly sweet, odor that had never come from her family before. Soon her uncle passed away.

The girl did not immediately accept her gift, she was afraid of being strange and unlike the others. She chose a regular profession and worked for several years as a secretary at a law firm in Sydney. But then she nevertheless decided and now gives advice on how to uncover her internal psychic powers.

She rarely tells anyone about her other gift, and never says anything to those people who smell the smell of death.

"When I came to my uncle, the day before his death, I felt this putrid-sweet smell that impregnated his whole house, at first I thought it was just a bad smell, but when I asked others, no one felt it. I realized that Death smells like this when I felt this smell next to the deadly sick or elderly people. "

 According to Ari, for her, this gift is felt more like a heavy burden, since she does not want to look at people and talk with them, just knowing that they will die tomorrow or tomorrow. However, she realized that she certainly should not say anything about a near death to these people, since "this is not her duty."
"My gift is to some extent useless, I can not help these people at the same time, and at the same time I do not want to tell them anything, they do not need to know that they have very little left.If I tell them something, it can be a real catastrophe, I should not interfere in their fate. "
According to Ari, each person has an undiscovered mental potential, which is suppressed from childhood by public demands and the "to be like everyone else". While Ari did not start to do what she wanted, she was in a very depressed state at her job as a secretary.

"All children from an early age are told to behave as they should, be calm, do something and not do that." As a child, I was able to read people's emotions well and dreamed about different things, but they did not like this behavior, they told me that all this only fantasy and this is unrealistic, and I had to adapt.
When I grew up, I chose the usual job and was there from 9 to 17 every day. Every day it depressed me and eventually drove into a severe depression. Then I dropped it and lost a few friends and even family members from the circle of friends, but I became myself. I still get a lot of negativity from different people, including on the Internet, but usually just joke with them. To be strange is not bad at all. "

Wednesday 30 May 2018

Nadine Lalich and her experience of abduction by aliens

"... While waiting for my turn, I, surprisingly, felt emotionally detached - no fear! The aliens put me in their "dental" chair and implanted one implant under the crown of my molar tooth, and another tiny black "pea" was sewn into the brush of my hand. " 
Nadine Lalich, a resident of California and our contemporary, is not accidentally called a woman of the Renaissance. The author of books, the artist-designer, the businessman, the worker of court - in a word, the person bright and many-sided, she of 19 years hid, that it is periodically abducted by aliens. Then she decided and wrote about 25 cases from personal experience in the book "Experienced with Aliens", illustrating the text with her own drawings. 

It is curious that since 1991, Nadine, without any hypnosis, has gradually recalled almost 90% of her adventures connected with "abnormal beings". In 2004, after a period of particularly intense contacts, she decided that she was being prevented from "coming out of the underground" of fearing her career and her personal life. But she knows a lot of things that would help others! For example, what technologies are used by aliens to "work" with earthlings. 

Armchairs for experiments 

In one of the chapters of his book Nadine Lalich talks about the adaptations that mysterious kidnappers use to investigate people. One of these devices, she called a chair for access to the back. Nadine says that this is a chair of ordinary size, made of a material like acrylic, but in the form of a barrel with a back, reaching up to the floor and slightly concave inside. In the middle there is a hole in it about 20x25 centimeters, providing access to the waist of a person sitting on a chair. 

"I was put on this chair," recalls Nadine, "and completely immobilized, as if paralyzed. They made me concentrate on what was happening at the table right in front of me. And in the meantime (and I felt it!) The "gray" stranger performed some painful procedures on my loin-maybe implanted an implant under the skin or even in the spinal cord. " 

"They have other chairs. One of them resembles those that stand in the offices of dentists - continues his story Nadine. - This chair, standing on a support about a meter in height, is made of a smooth hard metal like a matt stainless steel. The back of it is slightly inclined to the back and narrows above. The aliens conducted their experiment, not embarrassed at all. Watching the man sitting in this chair, I noticed that the back is several inches above the head, so that the subject could not have looked back. In addition, his elongated arms were fixed on long rectangular metal panels-armrests. Aliens were free to manipulate the head and hands of the seated. I watched the man planted in this chair with a man screaming in horror, and then three "gray" men began to take hold of his head and hands. " 

During one of the kidnappings, Nadin was seated at the table, and in front of her put two round jars of transparent glass. One of the jars, about two centimeters deep and more than six in diameter, was covered with a lid-like lid, through which the woman saw a caterpillar about 2.5 centimeters long in the jar. 

"For some reason I thought that the aliens would force me to eat this abomination," Nadine writes in her book. But when the cap was removed, it turned out that it was not a caterpillar, but a sort of tiny comb much smaller in size, it seemed through a magnifying glass - just a millimeter three long. This implant, according to Nadine, was inserted into her nasal cavity. 

One night 

One day Nadine woke up in the middle of the night. Something made her get up and leave the house in her nightdress. With surprise, she saw that many of her neighbors were also in their own yard in a hypnotic state."Having descended from the porch," recalls Nadine, "I felt fear. Through the fence, I saw another group of people in their underwear - those, like somnambulists, were walking along the street towards us. Standing in front of the house, I peered into the clear summer sky and saw several triangular UFOs hovering at an altitude of about thirty meters. Suddenly, small "plates" flew out of them. Regardless of each other, they began to decline. " 

A minute later, one of these objects landed at Nadine's feet. It was a silver disc about 20 centimeters in diameter with a notch running from the edge to the center. On the disk were engraved strange icons or, perhaps, letters, representing tiny rectangular grooves. "Immediately I realized that these disks are special devices that gather information about people or groups of people who are decided to kidnap, transfer information on board the mother ship, and determine their location and notify nearby spacecraft." 

When the hour of X comes 

In his book, Nadine describes two different devices designed to affect the subconscious of people. During one of the abductions, so-called training sessions were conducted with her. On the table in front of her put a rectangular box about 30x10x2.5 cm in size from a transparent material. When it was opened, she began glowing gently from the inside. 

There were many thin translucent sheets, stitched on one side, like pages in a book, and on them there were some symbols cut out in a sheet and covered with a transparent, shimmering film. According to Nadin, this film contains some information - like a computer diskette. Nadine was ordered to concentrate on these symbols and, it seems to her, she subconsciously absorbed some information. 

Another version of the device for programming is a set of ten transparent tubes with a height of 15 to 45 centimeters, glowing from the inside and filled with some liquid. From them came the sounds of different frequencies. During the experiment, there was certainly a "duty officer" nearby. 

"This insectoid-type creature resembled a huge mantis," Nadine says. "It scanned my brain or carried out some other kind of telepathic control." As Nadin suggests, aliens at the same time introduce certain commands or behaviors into the human subconscious that can be activated when the X-hour comes. 

Underground "octopus" 

Nadine talks about the terrible spectacle, which she witnessed during one of the training sessions. At the same time there were several tall white aliens. Before Nadine placed a screen on which, demonstrated a variety of video. She was shown a certain situation from the future, when the aliens' mass arrival on Earth will take place. First, a large capsule appeared on the screen resembling a badminton shuttlecock. This capsule descended from the night sky into the desert, about 20-30 kilometers from the city reminiscent of Las Vegas. 

Touching the ground, the capsule began to rotate rapidly, simultaneously opening, like a bud of a flower, and pushing in all its "petal-tentacles", which began to bite into the ground and simultaneously lengthen. After them, the capsule also went to a depth of several hundred meters and there it turned into a kind of octopus 15 meters in diameter with a dozen 30-meter tentacles diverge in all directions. Completely entrenched in the ground, the massive object continued to rotate rapidly in the cavity dug by it, generating some energy, which, according to the "instructors", could physically affect the people of the whole city. 

"Thus," Nadine sums up, "the aliens demonstrated to me their ability to control us not only individually through telepathy or brain scanning: they made it clear that their technologies can control the nervous system and the brain of many people at the same time. Their intentions, I think, are that when landing aliens on Earth, one could at once introduce into the passive, peaceful state the maximum number of people who after that would be easy to manipulate. " 

Sunday 27 May 2018

Two meetings with humanoid creatures in overalls in the Kostroma region

In the archives of ufologist V. Dyachkov there are two curious stories of eyewitnesses about a meeting with humanoid alien beings in the Kostroma region.

The first story occurred in mid-1991. A group of fishermen from the village of Stupnikovo, Kadyisky district of the Kostroma Region, watched an amazing sight about ten o'clock in the evening: five humanlike creatures, clad in something tight and shiny, walked ... along the waters of the Volga along the shore!

obody noticed where they came from. All the "water-carriers" were of the same height (not more than 150 centimeters), in helmets. Their movements seemed monotonous, mechanical. An interesting detail - when walking water splashes, there was no spray.

Fishermen drew attention to the very large noses of the newcomers, not commensurate with the size of the head.The amazed inhabitants of Stupnikov loudly and enthusiastically shouted, suggesting mysterious strangers to "approach" to the shore, but they walked straight ahead, not turning towards the shore and as if not noticing people.

Two or three minutes passed and a small but dense cloud fell from the top of the water group from somewhere above, like a bunch of fog, a minute later it dispersed - no one was on the water.
The fishermen remembered that over the next village Zavrazhye had circled for days in the evening, sometimes hanging, a UFO in the form of a slightly flattened ball, and came to the conclusion: "Now, apparently, it was he who landed the landing force!"
The second meeting took place in August 1997 on the island of Mohovat on the Kostroma reservoir. Two young people, Gumar Siushev and Albert Kosmasov, and their girls - Raya and Anya - came to the island to fish and rest on a motor boat. A croak was, and in the evening they cooked a magnificent ear.
We drank a bottle of vodka (we will specify: only 125 grams per person), then we drank tea. They went to bed about 12 o'clock in the morning, in one tent. We agreed: who wakes up before, immediately checks the bottom fishing rods, put on the live bait.
Gumar and Raya woke up about five, went ashore to the fishing-rods and stopped dead: three very tall men, dressed in tight suits and rounded helmets with wide slits for eyes ("Like cosmonauts") were approaching them on the water. One of them stopped near the shore and said, turning to Gumar:
"Let's fly with us to our planet!"
And it sounded not as a question, but as an order. The voice was like a human, but some kind of crackling, as if it came from an old spoiled receiver, a speaker or a megaphone. Gumer politely declined:
- I can not, I'm not alone here. We will be searched, and they will think that we have drowned!
Paradise screamed and rushed to a hundred meters from the shore of the tent. She tried to wake Albert and his girlfriend, but she did not succeed.
And left alone with unknown aliens Gumar, in order to soften the categorical refusal, suggested:
"Maybe another time we'll fly?"
He was not given the answer - the mysterious trio disappeared as suddenly as it appeared.
Woke up soon, Albert and Anya claimed that they slept quietly, they did not hear any screams (Rai's cries). The story of friends puzzled them, nevertheless they believed in them, and the appearance of Gumar and Rai fully confirmed their words. Together, it was decided - to pull the fishing rods, leave the island and never again to appear in these places!

About the incident, all four by mutual agreement kept quiet. The first "vow of silence" was violated by Gumar - in the summer of 1998 he told all the ufologists.

Saturday 26 May 2018

Ridley Scott: "Meeting with aliens is unlikely to end a happy end

Film director Ridley Scott believes that our Galaxy is populated with hundreds of species of intelligent beings and that any encounter with an alien mind is unlikely to end happily for humanity, according to an online edition of Live Science.

"Any form of extraterrestrial life, sufficiently developed to reach Earth, is likely to have a very powerful intellect and will behave aggressively towards humanity." If someone is stupid enough to challenge them, the aliens will wipe out you in powder for three seconds, "- said Scott, whose words quoted by Live Science.

Ridley Scott is the creator of one of the most successful and popular film franchises about extraterrestrial intelligence and unknowable aliens - the movie "Alien" and his prequel "Prometheus." Each of them became a blockbuster in its time and caused controversy about how humanity should behave in a collision with other forms of life and what threats they can carry to our civilization.

At the end of May this year there is a continuation of "Prometheus" - the movie "Alien: The Covenant." Talking about what topics related to the exploration of outer space and the search for extraterrestrial intelligence will affect this film, Scott noted that he believes that in our Galaxy there are at least about 100-200 civilizations of intelligent aliens. The establishment of contacts with them, according to the director, will be the beginning of the end of human civilization.
The predatory alien creature, the so-called Xenomorph, ideally adapted to survive in any conditions from the movie "Alien" and its sequels

Scientists have already reacted negatively to Scott's assessments. For example, Seth Shostak, lead astronomer of the Institute for the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence ( SETI ), assured that this number of alien civilizations has no scientific basis.
The number of planets in our Galaxy, as Shostak explains, is about a trillion, at a weighty share of which life can originate and give rise to extraterrestrial intelligence: "The number of such planets can be as much as zero, or a thousand or even a billion, and we do not know which time for them could appear "brothers in reason" and how long they existed or still exist. "
The first traces of the existence of mankind, as Shostak notes, began to fall into space only about 70 years ago, when radio and television broadcasts from the Earth became powerful enough to leave its atmosphere. During this time, only nearby planets could "hear" these signals and understand that there is a reasonable life in the solar system.
Even if there are such aliens in the vicinity of the Earth, they, in Shostak's opinion, would hardly be interested in capturing our planet for the sake of its resources or enslaving humanity for gastronomic or economic purposes.Aliens who have completely exhausted all the mineral resources will find it easier to extract them on asteroids and uninhabitable planets of their star system, than to fly them to the distant Earth.
On the other hand, Shostak agrees with Scott that if the aliens find the Earth first, then surely their level of technological development will be incommensurably higher than ours. And if they show some aggressive intentions, then in such cases, people will have two "options" - to obey the "new rulers of the Earth" or try to hide, the scientist concludes.

Wednesday 23 May 2018

The history of photography with a walking alien in the park

Probably many of you have seen this photo before and at the first glance at it they said "What a worthless / wretched / ridiculous photoshop!" or something like that. We are not going to convince you of the authenticity of this picture, but we will tell you its real history and you will make your own conclusions.

This picture was taken on May 10, 2004 in Santiago, Chile . Engineer Herman Pereira (Germán Pereira) was making photos of police carabineer riders in Forest Forest that day.

One of the photographs was very blurry, but on it, to Pereira's greatest surprise, one could clearly see a small figure of a gray, humanoid creature, no more than 80 cm tall, which, without hiding, passed the path behind one of the riders.

"The picture was taken at 17.40 in a place on the corner of JM de la Barra and Cardenal José María Caro Avenue, next to Bellas Artes. It was an overcast day and the sun was hidden behind gray clouds," said Herman Preira. "So I set up my Kodak camera DX6490 with the correction for low speed (1/10 seg).

Probably that's why I managed to capture the movement of this creature. In addition, since carabineers were about 20 meters from me, I also used a zoom (10x), which also played a role in the fact that the picture was blurry.

I am very impressed with this photo. This is not a fake and not a correction, I assure you of this. That's why I immediately decided to tell about him. I contacted ufologists from the CIFAE community to find out what kind of creature was on it and wanted to know more information. "
The researcher of abnormal phenomena Eric Martinez from the Chilean society of ufologists CIFAE (left) and the author of the photograph Herman Pereira

Researchers from CIFAE very carefully studied this picture. They checked the image for fuzziness, fuzzy, interference due to atmospheric phenomena, for processing in different programs, filters, noise and other parameters. Their conclusion in the end was such that the picture was hard to learn, because it was not the original but the cropped version that was presented, and it is impossible to say whether it is fake or not. The only thing that is set to 100% is that the image was accurately made with the help of the Kodak DX 6490 camera in the time declared by the photographer and with the help of the declared settings.

After the picture of Pereira got into the media, it was discussed around the world, and the photographer himself began to call from Spain, Colombia and Argentina so often that he soon had to turn off his phone. Pereira in those days hardly got a job and the people around him were surprised by his popularity and his photo.
Herman Pereira works as an engineer, and photographing for him is just a hobby for the weekend. On that day, May 10, he came to Forest Forest on a bicycle and only took 10 photos. The alien on one of them he saw only the next day, when he was reviewing the pictures.

According to Pereira, when he was photographing, he did not see anyone on the path, except riders. It is possible that this creature is simply invisible to the ordinary human eye, but it could be caught on a camera. Pereira himself had not previously filmed UFOs or aliens and was not even interested in this subject.
Supposed versions of who it could be in the picture:
1, the Alien. The most probable and the first thing that comes to most people in the head when looking at this photo. By its appearance the creature is a bit like the so-called "gray" aliens with their frail body and large head. It is a little too low for "gray", but about such aliens sometimes tell eyewitnesses.
2. The dwarf or goblin or the so-called duende (about whom we recently published an article ).
3. The ghost. It's possible that this is a very strange looking ghost.
4. The fallen branch of a tree. Maybe this, because it is a park with tall trees and the weather was overcast, wind gusts are not excluded.
5. Walking child. For a child, the creature looks kind of weird, believe that it's a ghost or an alien much easier than that it's an ordinary child.
6. A monkey. What does a monkey do in the middle of a park far from the wild? Escaped from a menagerie or a private house? Then there would be announcements about it and someone else would see it.

Biographer Nikola Tesla claims that the scientist heard the conversation of aliens

"He said that it sounded as simple as people talking to each other, he made notes that he heard the conversation of sentient beings from another planet, they talked to each other." Although he did not know in what language they were speaking they said, he still felt that he understood them. "

Tim Schwartz , the famous biographer of Nikola Tesla , wrote in his new book that Tesla may have had some connections with the aliens. The book is semi-biographical and is called "The Lost Papers of Nikola Tesla: HAARP - Himtrails and Secrets of Alternatives 4" ("The Lost Papers of Nikola Tesla: HAARP - Chemtrails and Secrets of Alternative 4").

The name of the inventor and futurologist Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) is associated with a huge number of mysteries, mysticism and conspiracy theories. It is rumored that most of his records were seized by the US government and many inventions in the next decades are based on them.
According to Schwartz, while working on one of his inventions, Tesla once discovered radio signals coming from extraterrestrial communications. After this event, the inventor became obsessed with the idea of ​​creating a more powerful radio receiver.
"He wondered at the time that maybe he heard a greeting from one planet to another, as he put it, and from that moment on he had a kind of obsession to build an even better radio to try and see what he heard.
He claimed that he had actually accepted a voice transfer. He said that it sounded as if people were talking to each other. In his notes there are notes that he actually heard sentient beings from another planet and they talked to each other, although he did not know what language they spoke. But he still felt that he understood them. "
In those years, scientists only guessed that Mars was probably not suitable for intelligent life, and so Tesla thought at first that these signals may come from the Red Planet.

While most of the famous Tesla records and his personal notes are in the hands of the US government, Schwartz claims to have purchased a number of private records at an auction in 1976. And it was in them that he read about the fact that Tesla heard the conversation of aliens.
However, these records can not be seen personally. Schwartz claims that later everything disappeared without a trace after the visit of the mysterious "people in black."

Thursday 10 May 2018

The battle with the tattered aliens.

I believe that aliens should be avoided and do not enter into any contacts with them. Such meetings can end tragically. Believe me, I was convinced of this on my own experience.

The story, which I will tell you, happened to me in April 2011. This month is my friend's birthday. At nine o'clock in the morning I took a gift and went to him. We meet with a friend infrequently, so we have plenty of communication.And my friend is very talkative, he usually talks more, but I listen, occasionally inserting comments. However, at that time, which we are talking about, something did not work out for us. Comrade works in shifts and on the eve of going out on a night shift. Our conversation was sluggish, with pauses.
About thirty minutes later he says to me:
"You know, I was not able to take a nap at night, there was a lot of work. You sit a little, watch TV or listen to a dividist, and I'll go and sleep with an hour, and then we'll talk.
He went to bed. After sitting for a minute, I decided to go home. Let the person normally get enough sleep. He got dressed, slammed the door to the apartment and left. But managed to take only one step from the door to the elevator, when something suddenly happened. I seemed to be turned off, I literally disappeared into oblivion.
How much I was in this state, I can not say. I think about half an hour. I woke up completely in another place. I was sitting on a bench in front of a nine-story building. His left cheek hurt heavily-blood was flowing from her, a red puddle was already forming on the asphalt. Two meters from me on the sidewalk stood two women and talked about something lively. Then one of them turned in my direction and said with surprise to another:

"Where did this man come from?" We are standing here for fifteen minutes, the bench has just been empty!

Then she looked at me and exclaimed with concern:
"Look at his face, it's all covered in blood!" It is necessary to call an ambulance.
This woman ran home after the towel. I folded the cushion from it and pressed it to the cut. The second woman called the ambulance. About five minutes later the ambulance stopped at the house. I was examined by two young women in white coats.
"Yes, it's bad," said one of the others. "We must take him urgently."
- Man, can you go into the car yourself? they asked me.
I climbed into the ambulance, and the car immediately started.
Along the way doctors began to ask me who I was, where I lived. I somehow decided not to answer. By radio, they also reported to the center: "The victim does not want to talk about anything." We drove for about four kilometers, and the car stopped at a traffic light. And suddenly a powerful voice sounded in my head: "Get out of the car!" The order was with such a strong energy that in the first instant I froze. The order was repeated.
"I live near here," I told the doctors. "Thank you for your help, but I'd rather go home."
While I was talking, I noticed that something is happening with women, or, more correctly, nothing happens. They did not turn to my voice, as if they had not heard me, just continued to look forward through the glass of the driver's cabin. Their faces, which I saw in the mirror, seemed frozen. Then I got up, opened the side door and got out of the car. Nobody called me, did not stop me. I went to the sidewalk and walked towards the house. In fact, I lied to the doctors: from that place to my house was about four kilometers.
Yes, only I passed only about fifteen meters and then switched off again. And everything repeated like the first time.When I woke up, I realized that I was twenty meters from the entrance of my house, slightly off to the side, under a tree. On me was turned inside out a blood-soaked warm jacket. I clamped my cheek with my left hand, and held the keys to the apartment in my right hand.
I went to the entrance. Sitting beside him on the bench women at the sight of me were silent and began to be regarded as some kind of curiosity. Of course, they never saw me like that! I entered the apartment. My wife was at home. From my look, she almost fainted. She rushed to me with questions. And I can not explain anything, since I myself do not know who disfigured me that way. Undressed, went to the mirror hanging in the corridor. I looked terrible: a shirt and a face in blood, my cheek was swollen, my face warped. He took hydrogen peroxide and cotton wool, began to wipe the blood.
At the request of my wife, my son immediately arrived. He also wondered why I did not know who had "worked" with my face. After all, I was absolutely sober, this never happened to me.
That day I decided not to contact the doctors for help. Only after lunch the next day did I realize that if I let things slide, after healing, there will be a scar on my cheek. Then I called my son and asked him to take me to the ambulance. I was lucky, it was on this day that the doctor on duty was a maxillofacial surgeon. I paid for the operation, and the doctor, a man of about forty, began to work on my face. The first thing he asked was:
"Who did this to you?"
"There were problems," I answered shortly.
When the doctor after the wound treatment began to impose a cramp (16 pieces!), He noticed with surprise:
"It looks like a surgeon worked on you." The specialist is no worse than me. Made very professionally.
The doctor explained that I had two clear cuts on my face. The first passed under the lower eyelid to the nose, then smoothly changed direction and went along a large mole on the cheek. Then the scalpel shifted to the left of the mole and went to the chin. The incisions were rather deep.
Three years have passed since then. The wound has healed in a week and a half. Braces I took off on my own, and the scar on my cheek looks like a big wrinkle. During these three years, I often wondered: what then happened to me? But I could not remember anything. What is surprising, besides cuts on the cheek, on my hands, on the knuckles of my fingers, my skin was knocked down. It happens when you hit someone with your fists. And I vaguely remembered that I really beat someone, and very strongly. During these years, I was looking for a hypnotist psychologist who could conduct a session of regressive hypnosis, but in our city there were no such specialists.
And then one day I bought a book "In pursuit of UFOs" in the store of the "Book lovers' club". When I began to read this book, something suddenly began to clear in my mind. First it's fragmentary, and then day after day it's getting better and better. Now I remembered everything that happened in the period of failure in my mind.

And it was so. I lost consciousness on the way to the elevator and woke up in some white room measuring about 3.5x2.5x2 meters. I was lying on a white narrow centimeter 60 in width and two meters long with a table. I was completely paralyzed: I could not move my hands or legs. At the same time I was absolutely calm, completely indifferent to everything that is happening. On the left side of me there was an opening, like a door, but there was no door. Behind the wall was a built-in cabinet with glass doors. Near me, there were two small creatures, half a meter and a half tall, with gray skin and ugly and disproportionately large heads. They tinkled in the locker with something metallic. Then they stood next to me: one at my head, and the other on the right.

- Have begun! - rang out in my head.
A thin hand with a scalpel immediately appeared over my face, and I began to cut under the lower eyelid of the left eye. I feel, blood ran down my cheek. The pain was wild, because they cut without any anesthesia. Apparently, my paralysis disappeared from severe pain, I felt that I could move. I tried to raise my hands, they were tied to the table. My legs were free.
In my youth I did a lot of sports: boxing, gymnastics, shooting and throwing grenades. To my old age I managed to maintain the speed of reaction and physical strength. In that situation, I was helped out by gymnastics. I quickly pulled my bent legs to my stomach and made a somersault over my head. I knew this was pretty dangerous, because if I had not pulled my hands out of the shackles, I could easily have broken the ligaments. But I managed to escape.
I landed on my feet. Obviously not expecting such a turn (in the literal and figurative sense), the gray tadpoles swam along the table at a pace. I once again emphasize: it was floated, but did not go! With my left hand I grabbed the nearest of them by the neck and hit him on the head with my fist. From the nostrils of the tadpole, a greenish liquid with a nasty smell splashed with two jets. Something this smell was like the smell of creosote (this substance was previously impregnated with wooden sleepers, so they do not rot).
The second tadpole, meanwhile, managed to slip past the glass cupboard and pulled out a box from there. I realized that this weapon, but he did not have time to apply it. My fist overtook him before. All this happened within five to seven seconds.
I picked up a box dropped by one of the tadpoles. But to consider it and did not have time. Another gray appeared in the opening, pointed the same box to me, and I seemed to disappear into oblivion.
After that I woke up in an unfamiliar place. Apparently, the gray tadpoles abducted me again after I escaped from the ambulance, and completed my experiments.
So, people, be wary of aliens. Contacts with them are dangerous!