Thursday 31 May 2018

Brazilian farmer and alien temptress

The story of the abduction of a Brazilian farmer was first presented to the attention of the English-speaking world in the magazine "Review of flying saucers" for 1965. It was based on a report by Dr. Walter Bachler from Rio de Janeiro, who interviewed this man in 1961. Bachler provided the editor of Gordon Creighton with a copy of the man's application and a medical report compiled by Dr. Olavo Fontes. These documents are dated 22 February.

Antonio Villas Boas usually farmed on a family farm near the city of Francisco de Sales.
He was half American, half Portuguese. By the age of 23, this guy had only primary education, but increased it on correspondence courses. Later, he was rated as a reasonably intelligent person.

On the night of October 5, 1957, there was a family celebration in the house, then Antonio and his brother Jao, with whom he lived in one room, went to sleep: it was about 23 hours. Antonio opened the window, as the night was very hot, and then he saw that the whole courtyard was flooded with a silvery glow. At first the brothers did not pay attention to it, but in the end curiosity overpowered Antonio, and he again approached the window.

According to his observations, the light moved towards their house. He slammed the shutters and woke his brother.Young people began to observe the light that penetrated through the wooden bars and moved to the roof. After nine days, between 21.30 and 22 hours, the brothers worked in the field on a tractor.
Suddenly they were struck by an intense bright red light at the northern end of the field, whose source was about 300 feet above the ground. Jao remained in place, while Antonio drove on the tractor to the lighted area. When he pulled closer, the light immediately moved to the southern part of the field.
Antonio followed him and there, but the glow quickly moved to its original position. So they "played hide and seek" once or twice. Charter, Antonio surrendered and returned to Jao. The light still remained for a while over the field, occasionally pulsating.
The next night Antonio worked on the tractor alone. Exactly at one o'clock in the morning he saw a big red "star" in the sky. Suddenly, the light became more intense and suddenly rushed down towards the young man. A moment later, the object was directly above him, emitting such a bright light that he was overtaking the tractor lights.Everything came from the red "headlight" installed in the front of the ship.
The farmer thought about how to escape, but really realized that the speed of the tractor would not allow him to do it. Running on a viscous dug up earth also fails. While he was pondering all this in fear, the ship dropped and was now a few feet above the ground. The farmer could now see it in detail.

"I distinctly saw the shape of an aircraft, which resembled a large oblong egg with three metal spurs in front (one in the middle and one on each side). There were also three metal rods, thick at the base and pointed at the ends. I could not discern their color, for everything was shrouded in bright reddish glow ... "
At the top of the car, something was spinning at great speed and also emitted a strong fluorescent reddish light. At the moment when the ship slowed down for landing, the light acquired a greenish tint, which, in my opinion, corresponded to a decrease in the speed of rotation of the propeller, which took the form of a round plate or a flatly flattened dome.

"Then I saw three metal supports, similar to the tripods, that appeared at the bottom of the ship, when it hung a few meters from the ground. Here I completely lost the remnants of self-control. These metal legs no doubt took over the entire weight of the device, as soon as it landed. Since the tractor engine was still running, I turned it aside, trying to get away.
But the tractor stopped after a few meters, as the engine stalled and all the lights went off at the same time. I tried to start the engine again, but the starter showed no signs of life. "

Antonio opened the tractor door, jumped down and rushed to run. Suddenly, someone grabbed his arm. In despair, the farmer jerked, managing to get the pursuer out of balance, but three other unknowns picked him up and lifted him into the air. These creatures were on his shoulder.

They were dressed in gray, tight-fitting overalls with helmets, which obscured all the features of their faces, except for the eyes that could be seen through thick lenses.
They also wore boots, gloves, three tubes stretched from the back of the head to the body. Antonio tried to resist, but without success.He was brought aboard the ship.
Inside, he found himself in a small square room, where it was light as in the daytime and which was lit by square lamps fixed on a metal ceiling. The door was closed so tightly that he did not even notice the cracks in the wall where it was. One of the kidnappers ordered the boy to proceed to the next room.
"We left a small room and went to a much larger, semi-oval in shape. I believe that this room was in the very center of the ship, as in the middle of the floor to the ceiling was a metal column, wide at the base and above a little narrower in the middle part.
It was circular and seemed to me very solid. The only furniture I saw was a strange shaped table standing at the wall and surrounded by several rotating chairs without backs. All this was made from the same white metal. "
The creatures looked at the young man in the room, talking to each other in a tongue resembling barking. Then he was force-stripped, covering the body with a thick, quickly dried liquid.

Two led Antonio to another room, where blood was taken from him through a long tube. Then left alone, and he lay down on the gray sofa to rest. Suddenly, the young man felt a strong nausea and noticed that from several tubes on one of the walls there was steam. Antonio went into a corner where he vomited.

After a while a naked beautiful woman came into the room. She had blond hair and a face with wide cheekbones, pointed chin, elongated blue eyes and thin lips. The stranger had rather wide and big hips.
The woman approached Antonio and began gently hampering him. The farmer came to, and twice between them there was sexual contact. Antonio generally liked this episode, although he was almost spoiled when the woman suddenly began to grunt. He had an unpleasant sensation.

After sexual intercourse, the door opened, and the "man" appeared on the threshold, ordered the person to leave the room. "But before she came out, she turned to me with a smile, pointed at me and her stomach, then looked up at the sky."

This meant that the woman told Antonio that she was going to endure and give birth to their child on her home planet. The "girl" left, then another creature brought Antonio clothes and gestured him to dress. He was led back to the central room, where several creatures were now.

They talked about something with each other. Antonio decided to take a thing that looked like a clock that would serve as proof of such an unusual adventure. But Antonio could not take it, because the object was taken from him.
In the end, the kidnapped was taken outside, he was given a scheme of the ship in which certain details were marked. Then he was returned to the field, and the ship flew away. He was on his board 4 hours and 15 minutes.The young man did not tell anyone about this incident except his mother. Then he contacted the journalist Jao Martinez, who wrote articles about UFOs.
Dr. Fontez commented on the farmer's report:
"He does not have any psychotic traits. Quiet, freely speaks, without nervous tics or signs of emotional instability, all his reactions to the questions asked were completely normal. He spoke decisively and did not lose control of himself when presenting the facts.
His behavior exactly corresponds to what one would expect from a person caught in an unusually strange situation. At some point, even knowing about our doubts about certain issues and mistrust, he still answered quite clearly: "I do not know anything about this" or "I can not explain it."

In his medical report, Dr Fontez wrote that Villas Boas arrived home exhausted and slept almost all day. For the next two nights, he could not fall asleep and suffered from severe headaches and nausea, resulting in loss of appetite.

During the second sleepless night, he felt a burning sensation in his eyes, accompanied by lacrimation.

From the third night, Villas Boas began to feel the increased lethargy, which lasted for a month, and he always wanted to sleep. On his hands and feet, then there were small wounds that left scars after treatment, and on his face - two yellowish spots.
There was a suspicion that these are symptoms of radiation sickness. Yet the symptoms were minor, probably they should not have led to any long-term health problems.

To these cases, as well as to others that happened later, they reacted with skepticism. After all, until now, the human experience was reduced to the observation of objects from any distance or to contacts with aliens. The case with Antonio provoked fear in people, so a new scenario arose in which a person became a victim, not a chosen one.

But this case did not appear as a harbinger of what followed. Villas Boas remembered perfectly the moment when he was taken aboard the ship, whereas people who were abducted in our time suffer from "amnesia" and can not even remember under hypnosis how they get there.

About medical research is mentioned in most reports. In many current cases in America, sperm and eggs were seized from people by medical procedures, whereas in Villas Boas, sperm were naturally obtained.
Most American researchers assumed that the material used is used to reproduce hybrids in order to strengthen the alien race that is declining because of a reduced genetic fund.
In the 1960s, researchers claimed that a female specimen who came into contact with a Brazilian farmer was such a hybrid. It is curious that the broad face, sharp chin and thin lips are characteristic for the appearance of modern alien beings. However, the detailed description of the ship and the connection itself has much in common with the technological and sociological studies of the 1950s.
In 1978, Antonio Villas Boas interrupted the silence, which lasted twenty-one years, and gave an interview to Brazilian television. To his personal opinion, it seems, now treated with attention, because he became Dr. Villas Boas, a respected lawyer, was married and had four children.
He admitted that he decided to speak, because he was annoyed by the interpretation of the incident that happened to him. He again described the incident, without any contradictions, but added that during the contact with the "woman" the second time she used a special vessel for collecting sperm.

Before his death (in 1992), Villas Boas also said that in the 1960s he was invited to America by "security agencies" to identify the wreckage of the UFO crash. In the future, he always shied away from discussing this fact even with his family.