Friday 22 September 2017

China has powerful Alien Disks linked to extraterrestrials

Ancient Aliens proposes the alien disks found in China may link to extraterrestrials, and confirm the purpose of other alien-related disks.

All throughout ancient history, disk-shaped artifacts are connected to celestial beings. Christian art and Chinese art depict disks as having a link to gods. Saints are displayed with halos that purportedly expand consciousness. Egyptians with golden disks on their heads representing an otherworldly connection. Disks were seen as points of communication with the divine, and sometimes as travel to other realms.

The Chinese Sun Disks serve as the foundation.

Man-made caves discovered by Chinese archaeologists in 1938 contained a treasure trove of oddities. There were skeletons of spindly characters with giant heads, and hundreds of round disks known as the Dropa stones.

Each stone is about a foot across, with a hole in the center and grooves like a record. Dated to roughly 10,000 BC, the disks were later examined in detail. Tiny hieroglyphs/petroglyphs were found within the grooves, relating the story of Dropa aliens who were all roughly 3 ft. tall.
Furthermore, they crash landed on Earth, were stranded here, and had the disks on their death. Could the disks contain extraterrestrial intelligence?

Did the Chinese Government cover it up?

Decades after discovery, Russian scientists studied the disks and made several revelations. The disks were made of cobalt, iron and nickel. Furthermore, the stones emitted an electromagnetic signal when put on a phonograph turntable with the needle. They additionally create electrical energy.

Chinese dwarves/aliens?

Ancient Aliens further attempts to cement the case by linking to the concept of a widespread Dropa dwarf culture in China, where the tallest person of the tribe is 3 ft. 10 in. This concept has been fairly thoroughly debunked, however, and only some of the people in the society are dwarves.
According to Ancient Aliens, the Chinese Academy of Scientists forbid publication of disks, but the story leaked any way. When the information reached Western cultures, it was received as nothing more than sci-fi. Nothing like dystopian obfuscation, alteration and concealment to stop a story from growing. Additionally, the disks were allegedly confiscated by Chinese government officials and have not been seen since.

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