Wednesday 20 September 2017

The Anunnaki as Real People

If you have done any research you certainly would have run across the observation of just how humanlike these "gods" were. And that would be accurate. In the epics rather than being God like they have their arguments, disagreements, affairs, trickery, revenge and the like. Definitely not the behavior you would expect. The Anunnaki of the 100 were at one time mortals and hardly perfect. Some of their foibles were known and incorporated into the epics. These imperfections were often used to make a point and the choice of who does what is closer than you think. Only in a couple of instances that I can think of (involving Enki) is the wrong "actor" used. But not knowing the true point of some of these stories I could be wrong. 
"Fundamental to anything regarding the Sumerians are their gods and goddesses, whom as a group they called the Anunnaki (literally, “those who from heaven to earth came”). As in any later pantheon, the Anunnaki consisted of a number of very different personalities, that clashed with each other often and in an enormous variety of ways. While their very distinct personalities can be used to establish Archetypes, all of the evidence suggests that the Anunnaki were historical figures and not mythological.
   The Sumerian Family Tree, in fact, distinguishes between those Gods and Goddesses who were born on earth (the new generation) and those born in heaven. The Sumerian texts also describe the Epic of Creation (of which Genesis is a condensed version), as well as a continuing semi-sibling rivalry between Enki and Enlil, their offspring, and those humans who voluntarily or otherwise began the process of choosing up sides."
"Laurence Gardner has written: “Every item of written and pictorial attestation confirms that the ancient Sumerians were absolutely sincere about the existence of the Anunnaki, and those such as Enki, Enlil, Nin-khursag and Inanna fulfilled earthly functions with designated community duties. They were patrons and founders; they were teachers and justices; they were technologists and kingmakers. They were jointly and severally venerated as archons and masters, but there were certainly not idols of religious worship as the ritualistic gods of subsequent cultures became. In fact, the word which was eventually translated to become ‘worship’ was avod, which meant quite simply, ‘work’. The Anunnaki presence may baffle historians, their language may confuse linguists and their advanced techniques may bewilder scientists, but to dismiss them is foolish. The Sumerians have themselves told us precisely who the Anunnaki were, and neither history nor science can prove otherwise.” "
"For over a millennium, about 5000 years ago, there was one dominant and unchanging belief in what we would today call a religion. In this ancient time religion and culture were identical. The leaders and rulers of men were described as being in intimate contact with the "gods," who were collectively known as Anunaki. The growing dictionary of words and meanings that was being compiled by the translations of the Nippur fragments quickly hinted to something extraordinary. That the ancient "gods" took their name from "Anu," meaning heaven, and "ki," which means earth. Literally, they were "those who came from heaven to earth."

The following personal definitions are really too brief but they should give you an idea of the personality behind the name.

Anu IconAn Angelic/Rebel
As based on a pre-historical figure, most likely Caligastia the now defunct and dysfunctional ex-Planetary Prince. At the time of the rebellion he was proclaimed by his subordinate as "God of Urantia and supreme over all." (Urantia Book p755)
An is at the top as a creator god of the Sumerian pantheon but he is more like a retired god and may be the prototype for El. Distant in the affairs of humankind.

No home town. AKA Anu, Anus and the father of the gods
His palace is at the top in the heavens of the axis mundi.

Enlil IconEnlil - Watcher/Rebel
As based on a pre-historical figure, most likely Nod namesake to the "land of Nod" east of Eden. One of the leaders in the 100 (the commission on industry and trade). Most often second in command but also older half brother to Enki. Not the most popular god around as he is the one responsible for the Sumerian flood to wipe out the noisy humans. In some epics he is responsible for the mes. Marduk, a younger upstart Babylonian god, wrested the axis mundi from Enlil to his own temple Esagil at Babylon. According to Babylonian epics Marduk is Enki's son. Sweet.

Home town is Nippur at one time the spiritual center of Sumeria. AKA Ellil and the king of the Anunnaki/Lord of the Sky
His palace is in the middle of the axis mundi.

Enki IconEnki - Watcher/Loyalist
As based on a pre-historical figure, most likely Van as in the Kingdom of Van and Lake Van. One of the leaders in the 100 (the supreme court of tribal co-ordination and racial co-operation). Like Enlil he was deemed the keeper of the mes which are the declarations of civilization. A popular god who saved humanity from the Sumerian flood and other disasters. Although titled Lord of the Earth he is associated with sweet water as opposed to salt water.
Home town is Eridu the first Sumerian city. AKA Ea and the Lord of the Earth
His palace is in the abyss at the bottom of the axis mundi.

Inanna IconInanna - Adamic/Loyalist
As based on a pre-historical figure, most likely Eve. Sometimes referred to as the Earth Goddess. As a "late comer" she may have been grafted onto an earlier version of the Goddess if one existed. Origin of the Earth Goddess is not certain but may date from deep into the Paleolithic. Despite her lower status within the Anunnaki pantheon she wields great power. Her strongest associations are with the sacred tree, the serpent and the bestower of kingship. She was also a very popular goddess.
Home town is 
Erech/Uruk (along with Gilgamesh). AKA Ishtar and the Goddess of Love and War and the Queen of Heaven

Utu IconUtu - Adamic/Loyalist
As based on a pre-historical figure, most likely Adam. As Genesis states Adam was an agriculturalist. As Utu the Sun god he has many roles which include agriculture. Like his "sister" Inanna he too is of a lower rank. This may be due to the lateness of their arrival after the rebellion with An, Enlil and Enki being far older gods with their standings within the 100 or the fact that Adam and Eve are not Nodite. However, they were superhuman planetary rulers, connected with Enki and thus their importance to the Sumerian pantheon. 
Home town probably none as he was always rising in the east and setting in the west. AKA Shamash and the god of justice

Nanna IconNanna - Nodite?/Aboriginal?/Semetic
As based on a pre-historical figure, unknown but is male. May have been included within the pantheon due to the importance to the hunter/gatherers. Would have had an ancient tradition prior to agriculture. "Before Dilmun existed, palm trees grew in my city" so says Nanna in the Sumerian epic The Journey of Nanna to Nippur. May have kept power because he was a lunar marker of religious feasts/festivals (Easter partly follows the lunar calendar). In the Sumerian texts he is the father of Inanna and Utu. Associated with Astrology because of his connection to the lunar calendar and cycle. He was very powerful.
Home towns Ur and Harran. AKA Sin and as the Lord of Wisdom.

Ninhursag IconNinhursag - Watcher?/Nodite?
As based on a pre-historical figure, unknown. She could be one of the oldest goddesses as she personifies the earth as Ki at the time of creation. Her symbol is an omega shape that represents the uterus (the womb of creation). In the epic Enki and Ninmah (
Ninmah as Ninhursag) they try to create the first humans from clay. Her interactions with Enki may have more to do with Dilmun than with Eden.
Home town unknown but could be Kish. AKA Aruru and the mother of the gods.

In the later Babylonian epics these gods have their counterparts plus the god Marduk who is the Swiss army knife of all gods. He does it all. He creates the world by defeating Tiamat, he creates the first humans, dethrones a top Sumerian god and declares Babylon as the center of the world. Not bad. The following quotes have a semblance to the situation at the time of the rebellion, in particular that of Nod so it could be a retelling of that story when after they had chosen up sides.

"The sixty members of the planetary staff who went into rebellion chose Nod as their leader. They worked wholeheartedly for the rebel Prince but soon discovered that they were deprived of the sustenance of the system life circuits. They awakened to the fact that they had been degraded to the status of mortal beings. They were indeed superhuman but, at the same time, material and mortal." (Urantia Book p 757)

"Enoch elaborates with the leading Watcher, Semjaza, in fear of receiving all blame for their passions: 
Semjaza, who was their leader, said unto them: “I fear ye will not indeed agree to do this deed, and I alone shall have to pay the penalty of a great sin.” And they all answered him and said: “Let us all swear an oath, and all bind ourselves by mutual imprecations not to abandon this plan but to do this thing.” Then sware they all together and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it. And they were in all two hundred; who descended in the days of Jared on the summit of Mount Hermon, and they called it Mount Hermon, because they had sworn and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it." (
Enoch 6:4-7) 
"Thus freed from all burdens [Marduk created man as their slave], the gods wanted to show their gratitude to Marduk, and as a token they took, of their own free will, for one last time, spade in hand to build Babylon and Marduk's temple Esagila. In the new temple the gods then assembled and distributed the celestial and terrestrial offices. The "great gods" went into session and permanently appointed the "seven gods of destinies," or better "of the decrees," who would formulate in final form the decrees enacted by the assembly." (From the Myth of Atrahasis)

"Marduk then announced his intention of building a city for himself, Babylon, with room for the gods when they come there for assembly. His fathers suggested that they move to Babylon themselves to be with him and help in the administration of the world he had created. Next, he pardoned the gods who had sided with Tiamat and had been captured, charging them with the building tasks. Grateful for their lives, they prostrated themselves before him, hailed him as king, and promised to do the building."