Wednesday 20 September 2017

The Anunnaki: The Seven Great Gods

Who are the Anunnaki Exactly?

For those who are unfamiliar as to who are the Anunnaki the following is a brief definition. The Anunnaki are the pantheon of Sumerian gods. Depending where you get your information and what epics are being referenced the total number varies with Enoch giving the number of 200 which is the number the Urania Book gives as well which includes the human associates who were modified to be sustained by the Tree of Life. The ones most important are the seven great gods as pictured above. It is mainly these seven that comprise most of the Sumerian epics. The pantheon of "gods" in the above description is the most broad description but fails to explain who and what they were. The Anunnaki were real and just as the Sumerians wrote they did come from a place we call heaven. The Sumerians were writing/documenting their own history for they are directly connected to the Anunnaki. There are a lot of sites devoted to the legend of these Anunnaki. Almost all of it is myth. First are the Sitchen sites and how the Anunnaki came from Nibiru. Then there are the believers that the Anunnaki are from a reptilian race (a reference to the Winged Serpent?) or have something to do with UFOs all of which is pure fantasy. The Anunnaki grew out of the legend of the Caligastia 100 and the Lucifer rebellion. One tipoff is the fact that they were a council with a leader (An). A very earthly arrangement that reflects a heavenly one and one they would have been very well aware of and fashioned themselves after:

"God's heavenly council was made up of angelic servants often called “sons of God” (Job 1:6; Job 2:1). 

God sent these servants from the council from time to time to do His bidding (Job 1-2).
For Jeremiah the sign of false prophets was that they had not “stood in the counsel of the Lord” (Jeremiah 23:18). 

The Caligastia 100 are the original Anunnaki whose mission was to teach early man the ways of civilization. You can find a reference to this statement in the Book of Jubilees as noted elsewhere on this web site (Lucifer). Jubilees uses the term Watchers which is also the Biblical term for the Anunnaki. This is what the Sumerian statement refers to that civilization was a "gift from the gods". And like just about everything else the Sumerians wrote about, it is true. At that time the Anunnaki were the government of the planet. Their authority was divine. This is also why the statement that "kingship descended from heaven" was Sumerian as well. Then came the Lucifer rebellion, that "war in heaven". And it is because of this event that there was a split among the ranks of the Anunnaki with some considered as "good" and some considered as "bad". Those who are the "bad" Anunnaki are the ones who were the progenitors of the Nephilim.

The Sumerian stories about all of this prehistory for the most part uses the main and most important seven sages to tell these epics. These "gods" play different roles in these stories, roles which may not be accurate. But the stories themselves are. What I find interesting is that many of these stories are about Adam and Eve (Eve mostly), the Tree of Life and Eden. They too are a part of the Anunnaki and just like the Caligastia 100 they came from heaven. 
The Sumerian account of civilization coming from heaven is true even though it includes two different divine regimes. Adam and Eve came well after the rebellion and they were the new planetary government. The statement "kingship descended from heaven" is much more appropriate to Adam and Eve than the much older Caligastia 100. The Edenic influence could be considered greater than the older participants because one, the stature of Adam and Eve and the stronger of the two, the closer proximity on the time line to us of Eden vs. the original 100. We are talking about extreme lengths of time which is a major contributor to the confusion regarding the interpretation of these so-called myths. For example the division between Enlil and Enki. Both knew each other at the time of their arrival. In the Sumerian story of the flood they are in conflict. The story of the flood is true, there was a great flood and described as a "world flood" which in reality it was not, only to be mistakenly identified as such much later. But neither role of these two opposing forces is true because they were no longer around at the time of the flood. Enlil, who was Nod, was less than dust by this time and Enki, who was Van, had returned long ago to where he came from. But that does not negate the story itself that to the Sumerians there was a world flood - as far as they were concerned. Who would have thought that the Sumerians created the first Hollywood using the same actors in different roles to tell different stories? 
The "canonization" of the Anunnaki is well after the establishment of the second garden. The council of the Sumerian Anunnaki was not entirely ancient Anunnaki, that is, Nodite - of the fallen although there is a very strong Nodite influence. It includes the Adamic and Vanite and points to, I think, it's Andite roots. The Andites appear at about 25,000 BC. Their bloodline includes both Adamic and Nodite. They may even be the "smarter humans" created by Ninhursag. They were smarter. By 3,000 BC the Adamite and Nodite bloodlines were quite blended and the stories about the Anunnaki reflect both cultures.