Tuesday 31 October 2017

UFO mystery battle over Sweden in 1665

Fishermen at Barkhöft (then the territory of Sweden, now Germany) on April 8, 1665 at about 14:00 saw the heavenly ships fighting in the sky with each other. After the battle, a dark object hangs in the sky.

"A flat round shape appeared in the sky, like a plate resembling a big man's hat ... It had the color of a darkening moon, it hung over the Church of St. Nicholas. There she remained motionless until evening. The fishermen were scared to death, they did not want to look in that direction, and they covered their faces with their hands.The next day they all got sick. The fishermen felt trembling and pain in the head and limbs. Many scientists have pondered over this event, "wrote the German author Erasmus Finx in 1689.
Finx collected messages related to this event in 1665. "Scientists" could not explain this phenomenon and the cause of the disease of the fishermen.
In the June 2015 edition of EdgeScience magazine, Chris Obec and Martin Shaw studied this event. Obek writes articles on the influence of UFOs on culture. Shaw works at the National Aviation Study Center on Abnormal Phenomena (NARCAP).

Obec and Shaw tried to find an explanation. They immediately eliminated some optical phenomena. For example, the angle of the sun indicated in the message precluded the appearance of a halo.

Fata Morgana at Santa Cruz, California, May 7, 2007
Fata Morgana is a kind of mirages that appear above the horizon with a certain combination of thermal layers. Mirage is changing rapidly, and sometimes causes the illusion of ships appearing in the sky above the horizon.
But in the incident of 1665, events occurred higher than usual when Morgana appeared. Mirage does not explain the rounded object in the sky, which remained there until the evening. Fata Morgana has not been preserved for so long.
A huge flock of birds?
"Battle" began with the appearance of a flock of birds. Obec and Shaw summarized all the reports: "A large flock of birds appeared in the sky. Moving synchronously for some time, they took the form of a long corridor in the house.Then they turned into a warship that moved from the north, followed by other ships. From the south, another group of large airships appeared, they were heading north-east.
Two main ships fired shells into each other, fire and smoke appeared in the sky, which frightened the fishermen. Then the ship in the north retreated, then returned and moved south. Two other air flotillas appeared from the west and east with small ships.When the smoke cleared, the fishermen saw the ruined mast of the southern flotilla and a man in brown clothes watching the work and flight of his crew.
An incredibly large flock of starlings can create a similar scene, believe Obeeck and Shaw. Sometimes several packs of starlings are combined into a large mass, which has a bizarre changing shape. Perhaps in the spring of 1665 unusual weather conditions were observed, and a very large number of starlings created flocks to go to the west of the Baltic to the summer nest?
However, a flock of birds does not explain the dark object that remained in the sky until midnight. Is it possible that two unusual phenomena occurred simultaneously in the sky? One created the illusion of an air battle, and the other took the form of a suspended object in the sky?
Obec and Shaw believe that this is an "amazing case". It does not matter if it's true or not, it can be considered the first message about the "flying saucer" in history.

Monday 30 October 2017

A retired US Air Force colonel claims that he himself saw a UFO

The retired US Air Force Colonel Charles Holt claims that he has undeniable evidence of visiting the Earth by aliens, the newspaper The Independent writes.

As the serviceman told the publication, he personally observed a UFO in December 1980 over the Randlesham Forest , next to the US air force base in the English county of Suffolk.

The Randlesham incident is a series of unexplained lights and presumed UFO landings in the Randlesham Forest, Suffolk County, United Kingdom, in late December 1980, near the US Air Force base. According to some ufologists, this incident, along with the events in Roswell, is one of the most famous cases of UFO sightings in the XX century and even got the unofficial name "British Roswell".

According to him, his traveling colleagues saw his flying saucer. And they were silent for so many years because of fears that they would be mistaken for them. But now, after decades, they all retired and send the colonel "written evidence" of what he saw.
One of the eyewitnesses wrote to Holt that he saw a strange triangle glowing in the dark, deftly maneuvering between the trees. In the morning, Holt says, three dents were found in the forest and a high level of radiation was recorded.

According to him, the operators of radar stations noted the incredible speed of the object: flying around the forest in a circle, over a couple of seconds, he overcame about 100 km.
Randlesham Forest has been attracting ufologists-lovers for almost 35 years, hoping to find

Friday 27 October 2017

UFO overtook the plane in New York

A video appeared on the web, on which the mysterious object is ahead of the plane that just flew from the John F. Kennedy airport.

An amazing video was filmed by an amateur director named Rick during the take-off of one of Virgin Atlantic's aircraft. On the shots you can see how a mysterious object, like an alien ship, catches up, and then overtakes a passenger plane.

"I think it's a UFO, so I can not find another explanation for the appearance of this object in the sky." I showed this video to my friends, but our opinions differed, so I decided to publish this video on the Internet, "Rick told The Daily Mirror.

It is worth noting that a heated discussion arose on the Web. Someone saw an ordinary bird on the video, someone noted that it was video editing, or just garbage was just in the frame.

However, experts in the field of ufology did not speak so categorically.
- It's hard to say that it can really be. Especially the quality of this video leaves much to be desired. You can say one thing, it's a little like a bird. If you look closely, it can be a UFO, "said British ufologist Rus Kellett. 

Wednesday 25 October 2017

"I saw a little alien in the basement of my school when I was a kid"

The researcher of "phantoms and monsters" Lon Strickler published a very strange message on his website a few days ago. He does not write where he took this story, there is only a mention that he recently "found this report".The author of this story writes about the fact that this happened when she was a child and it was 1967, she studied then in the 2nd grade at an ordinary school in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

"It was during the change, we played on the street, because it was very warm, it was spring or early autumn, I do not remember anymore." I was with my classmate, and other children played a little bit farther. "Suddenly our schoolyard sweeper Mr. Svan looked out from his cellar and waved his hand to us, beckoning to us.When we approached, he said that we need to go down to the boiler room, because he wants to show us something.
We went down and down there I saw a small disk. It looked like a flying saucer from the fantastic animated series "Jetsons" and was no more than a Volkswagen "Beetle" car. It had two seats for both pilots and on my disc was a silvery white color, more precisely I do not remember. It was very smooth. A classmate told me that Mr. Svan found this disc on our school field for baseball.

Then my friend wanted to sleep, she went to the wall and dozed off and then I saw a little man who came out from behind the stove. I remember that at first I laughed at the fact that my friend had fallen asleep, and then was very surprised at the appearance of the little man. He was as tall as I and I heard his voice in my head, he was talking telepathically. And I was not afraid of him.

His skin was the color of a shadow or like a cigarette ash, I do not remember any clothes or sex signs. His eyes were very large and black and I felt kindness and sincerity in them. He had no nose at all or had very small holes, his mouth was a little thin as a string.

I do not remember if he had ears, but his hands were very long and he had only 4 fingers on his hands. His legs differed somewhat from ours, but I can not remember what. His whole body was as subtle as a child, without muscles.

Drawings of the author of history
I remember how he told me in my head "We're here to remind you of who you are" and afterwards I still could not understand what that meant, and I'm 49 years old now. And he told me how his flying saucer works. A certain force of energy is pushed out from below the ship along with the force that is attracted.
He said the ship broke down, and the janitor took it inside to hide the disk while it was being repaired. Somewhere in the boiler room there was another little man, he was wounded. But I do not have any memories of him.
My mother told me that she remembered how I later went with her after school and talked to her about the flying saucer and that she was in the boiler room of the janitor Svan and my mother was worried that the janitor lured me to the basement. But after the conversations she was convinced that I was all right. But I never told anyone about a little man and something tells me that I should not have remembered this incident later, because I did not think about it until I was 29 years old.
I then asked about this case my classmate and she remembered only that disc. She described that there were many bolts and rivets. She did not remember the little man, since she fell asleep when he appeared. I told this story only to my friends and my children. And they study in the same school, only rebuilt.

I did not ask anyone in the school about the apparatus in the basement and Mr. Svana, who is probably now in 80 years, I just really want to understand what that little man meant when he said that they were here to remind me of who I was there is."

Tuesday 24 October 2017

The unusual activity of tall skinny aliens around the town of Hebbronville in Texas

American researcher of mysterious creatures Lon Strickler (Lon Strickler) published on his website the next letter from an eyewitness. According to Strickler himself, the most intense interest in him was caused not even by the very message that he received a few years ago, but the place that he described.

It was a small town Hebbronville in Texas, with a population of just over 4,500 people. However, according to Lon Strickler, he regularly receives reports of observations in the vicinity of this city of mysterious tall creatures, similar to bipedal pangolins or reptilian aliens.

Some ufologists consider tall skinny aliens as reptiles, others are sure that they are insect-like creatures

So, the letter itself:
"It happened last week (June 2013) late on Thursday and Friday in Hebbronville, Texas." I went to my girlfriend's neighbor late at night to wash my clothes from her, she lives in a few houses below my house .

When I left, my children were already asleep, except for the older child (son) and I asked him, until I was there, to look after the house. It was not strange, I myself remained in the care of the younger ones when I was a child.

My husband was on the night shift at work, the time was around 10.45 pm and when I left, I felt something strange, like I should not have left children alone. But I thought that it was not far and I will be back soon. I went, loaded the washing machine with linens and returned to my house as quickly as possible. When I entered the house, it seemed to me that my son in the living room was playing with someone, probably with a cat.
I thought that everything was fine and I was worried in vain. I checked the living room, my son was already sleeping on the couch and I myself also went to bed. But the next morning my son told me that when he was sitting in the living room and playing with the cat, he saw something right outside the window. Someone was peering from the street into the living room window. The son described that he was tall and skinny and "with dark skin like an alien".
The son also said that the creature had a "cheerful head shape". When the creature moved away from the window, my son crawled cautiously to the window and looked at the street. He saw that there were "other people" walking around and peering through the windows of other houses. According to my son, he was very frightened and I was also frightened. On this day, I decided to stay up late and see what would happen at night. I sat almost until 5 am, but did not notice anything unusual.
The next morning was Saturday and I went to my friend's house again and told her about what my son saw. And then my friend told me that she also saw something that night between about 11 and 12 o'clock. After her story, I was even more excited. She was lying on the first floor on the couch and was asleep, and then she heard a strange sound from the door to the backyard. She saw that someone was trying to open the door and rotate the handle.And then the door opened.
At that moment, the woman was already in a state of panic and the only thing she could remember was that three dark creatures had penetrated the house, which in appearance were the same as those described by my son (tall, skinny).

At the same time, when I told my friend about what my son saw, I did not give her a precise description of the creatures, but she herself described them exactly, adding that the skin was dark green and mucous. Then I was convinced that these creatures did come, my friend is not the person who believes in aliens and UFOs. "

Monday 23 October 2017

A woman politician from Miami told that in her childhood she was abducted by aliens

The politician Bettina Rodriguez Aguilera , who is running for Senator in the US Congress from the city of Miami, Florida, said that at the age of 7 she was abducted by aliens. This is reported by the newspaper Miami Herald .

Bettine is now 59 years old, she is a member of the Republican Party, she gave interviews on her kidnapping on TV in 2009. Now the woman hopes to replace the outgoing senator from Miami and as a result of the search for materials about her, journalists found on YouTube two of her interviews in 2009 with very strange stories for the politician.

According to Bettina Rodriguez Aguilera, her abductors were three aliens - two women and one man, all of them tall and blond (probably a Nordic aliens race). They regularly visited her when she was 7 years old and communicated with her telepathically. They also took the girl with them to her ship.

                                                                     Nordic aliens

The woman in the interview described what she saw inside the ship. There were rounded structures and some "quartz stones" with which the ship was operated. The aliens told the girl many different things. We list them in the column:
- About 30 thousand skulls, "different from human", are in a cave on the island of Malta.
- The World Energy Center is in Africa.

- The famous Homestead coral castle in Miami-Dade, a strange megalithic structure built in an incomprehensible way by Edward Lidskalnin in 1920-1951, is actually something like an ancient Egyptian pyramid.

- God is a universal energy.
The Miami Herald journalists tried to directly ask Bettina about her abduction experience, which she told in old interviews, but did not get a clear answer. The woman only said that both Presidents Reagan and Carter reported on their observations of UFOs and that even the Vatican seems to approve of the existence of aliens.
Also, Bettina added that "I join most Americans who believe that in billions of stars and galaxies of our universe there must exist an intelligent life." At the same time, she said that she is a Christian and believes in God.
It is possible that Aguilera avoided a direct answer because strange stories about aliens could complicate her election to the Congress.

Friday 20 October 2017

"They looked like dogs standing on their hind legs"

The legendary Soviet and Russian test pilot, 102-times world record-holder Lieutenant-General Marina Popovich, in an interview for the radio station RSN, told about her unexpected encounter with strange creatures .

Popovich said that "they looked like people." The woman admitted that she was very frightened.

Excerpt from the radio interview:
L. KANDAKZHI: There are different myths that pilots meet in the sky some unidentified objects. Did you meet something like this?
M. POPOVICH: There, look.
L. KANDAKZHI: Marina Lavrent'evna shows me her book, which is called "UFO over the planet Earth." Very thick and weighty book. And what is in it?

M. POPOVICH: There are people like that. And I myself met.L. KANDAKZHI: And what do they look like?

M. Popovic: They look like people.
L. KANDAKZHI: Did you see it during the flight?
M. POPOVICH: No, on a journey, in the forest. We went to the mountains, and the attendant said to me: "Someone is walking there, like bears on human feet." I say: "It can not be. Monkeys, whether that, have escaped from a zoo? ». We then arranged for duty and saw tall creatures with a piercing gaze.
They looked like dogs standing on their hind legs. We had a whole tent of women, and I also have a small child. We were so scared! Now everywhere they are written about, and they wrote before. In Perm they meet.
L. KANDAKZHI: And why in Perm?

The astronomer believes that aliens should be sought in the asteroid belt

Scientist from the Scottish University of St Andrews Duncan Forgan told where to look for aliens, reports Express.

According to the publication, the astronomer read a whole lecture on this, illustrating it with amusing examples. Duncan Forgan believes that attempts to find extraterrestrial life have not yet been crowned with success simply because the earthlings are not looking there.
Search for alien ships, in his opinion, follows the asteroid belt , and not in some remote galaxy, but in the Milky Way.

We have not been able to confirm this hypothesis yet, because all the necessary tests have not been carried out with the means at our disposal," says the scientist. "At the moment, only a very small part of our galaxy is studied, and signals are searched only at a certain frequency. an increased concentration of hydrocarbons in the atmospheres of the planets, "nuclear ash" and ionization of gases. "

For his own words, Forgan illustrated with slides showing a football field with a small painted square.

In his opinion, the graph clearly demonstrates the ratio of the studied and unexplored parts of the Milky Way. The scientist believes that the search for extraterrestrial civilizations should begin with a belt of asteroids in the solar system.
"We believe that alien spaceships may be hidden there," the astronomer said, "or if traces of a lost civilization can be found amongst asteroids.If it turns out that Earthlings are the only sensible civilization within ten thousand light-years, then we should reconsider our view of our planet ".

In Mexico, a pensioner accused a UFO in an attempted kidnapping

A 68-year-old resident of Mexico appealed to the police, accusing aliens of attempted kidnapping.

A curious case occurred in the small town of Paso de Ovehaas (Veracruz), previously known only for the fact that he was shooting the film "Apocalypse" Mel Gibson. According to the applicant, Francisco Acosta Tostada , at night he rode a bicycle along the highway towards the city, when suddenly an unidentified flying object appeared from behind the forest.
He allegedly flew to the pensioner so close that he fell off a bicycle, knocked down by air currents. However, the kidnapping did not take place: on the road appeared a car that scared a UFO. Nevertheless, the pensioner is now afraid to go out into the street and constantly sits in his house.

Despite the fact that the police accepted the statement, no one believed the story of the elderly man: Francisco Tostada has the reputation of a city odd fellow, some fellow countrymen even consider him crazy.

Nevertheless, ufologists are inclined to think that the incident should be dealt with more carefully. First, targets for abducting aliens are often people who are - for one reason or another - their friends are not inclined to believe in full.

Secondly, in the state of Veracruz, and earlier, there have been extraterrestrial activity. The peak occurred in 2002, during which time there were several signals of massive UFO sightings in the sky and kidnappings of people.

In the photo with Canar UFO released the drone and disappeared from sight

A resident of the Tegessa municipality, who is on the island of Lanzarote ( Canary, Spain ), witnessed the phenomenon of UFOs . During the observation, the man took several photos of two unusual flying machines, which, he said, performed very strange maneuvers in the daytime sky.

According to the source, the eyewitness is Bernardo Campiglio . He shared his photos with YouTube channel Paranormal Crucible, which, in turn, published a video showing them.
Bernardo claims that first there appeared a disk-shaped UFO - he flew out of a kind of portal that opened in the sky.

After some time the flying saucer released a small rounded UFO and soon just

 disappeared. At the same time the drone headed to the side, flew near the monastery 

of St. Francis and disappeared from sight.

According to the witness, he sent these pictures to experts from the UFO organization 

Former US Air Force officer told about the abduction by aliens

Former US Air Force officer Niara Terela Aili was allegedly kidnapped by reptilian aliens . At that time, she was only twenty-five years old, and she worked as a radar tracking officer at the Tovnop site in Nevada.

This is reported by a number of Western media, including mirror.co.uk and metro.co.uk.
True, even under hypnosis a woman can remember very little, because there is a suspicion that the aliens have erased her memory and even all the records in the subconscious (or skillfully blocked them).

But she remembered (in a state of hypnotic regression) how for several months she was taken away and taken to the Moon (!) About ten times. It happened at night. She was given an injection in the neck, and after that she became like a zombie.
On the Moon, Nyara was forced to work, mostly to carry weights, but more often she was simply raped, and this was usually done by one of the reptilians in front of numerous "spectators".

On the Earth's natural satellite, the reptilians were helped to build their military base by the so-called "gray aliens", in addition, there were quite a few people among the servicemen. The reptilian Aili describes how humanoids with tails, yellow eyes and vertical slit pupils. And they were, according to the woman, very powerful and cruel.

Currently, Niara Terela Aili lives in Colorado with her mother. It has long been bothering nobody, except for ufologists who come to the contactee to consult with her on certain issues relating to aliens, and in the first place - reptilians.
Let's clarify that in the state of hypnotic regression, a person remembers everything that happened to him in this and even past lives. Thanks to hypnosis, scientists have proven the existence of reincarnation, the presence of extraterrestrials on our planet, not to mention the fact that many earthlings remember that in past lives they themselves were from other planets and visited our Earth as aliens.


With the change in political priorities, many documents from the secret KGB archives are now in the public domain.
But how much can they be trusted? Any employee of the state security will confirm: business papers are rarely declassified in their original form.

They are preliminarily "cleaned", cleaning up information that the agency does not want to publish for any reasons.
Still, such documents can give researchers interesting information - in particular, about the problems of aliens and UFOs, which, it turns out, were engaged in our special services.

The KGB was the State Security Committee, which operated from 1954 to 1991. The main functions of the KGB were external intelligence, counterintelligence, operational search activities, protection of the state border of the USSR, protection of the leaders of the CPSU and the Government of the USSR, organization and provision of government communications, as well as combating nationalism, dissent, crime and anti-Soviet activities.
Double standards
Over the years, the USSR has had a dual policy with regard to unidentified flying objects. The population was explained that no UFO exists, it is supposedly a hostile propaganda, and the celestial bodies that citizens watch from time to time are simply technical devices of NATO states intended for espionage for our country.
Enthusiasts who distributed "samizdat" materials about UFOs or aliens were intimidated with accusations of anti-Soviet agitation.
At the same time, many UFO witnesses gave written testimonies, which were carefully stored and systematized in the KGB archives. That is, in the department itself, it was entirely assumed that such facilities exist - and may even threaten the security of the country.
The history connected with activity of one of founders of domestic ufology of Felix Siegel (1920-1988) is interesting.In November 1967, his speech on the central television set the beginning of a mass gathering of information about UFOs. Several hundred documentary testimonies came to the address of the scientific group he created under the USSR Academy of Sciences. But they could not be studied, the group was disbanded, and all of its materials were transferred to the KGB.

"Blue folder"
Igor Sinitsyn, an assistant to the head of the KGB, Yuri Andropov, told the Observer magazine about how he saw in his chief's cabinet an extensive dossier on the UFO phenomenon.
This happened in 1977 - after the appearance in the sky over Petrozavodsk incomprehensible huge object. Sinitsyn was responsible for monitoring the publications in the foreign press, so he brought Andropov a translation of the article from the magazine "Stern" about the case in Petrozavodsk.
The head of the KGB carefully studied the material, then took out a blue folder from the table and offered Sinitsyn to get acquainted with its contents.
In the folder there were reports of counterintelligence officers about meetings with UFOs. Andropov asked to take all the materials to the chairman of the Military-Industrial Commission, AP. Kirilenko.He left the documents with him.
Soon, on the orders of Andropov, a program was developed that obliges every serviceman to report on all cases of UFO sightings.The most interesting information fell into the "blue folder", with the contents of which the top leadership of the country got acquainted.
In 1991, at the request of pilot-cosmonaut Pavel Popovich, then president of the All-Union UFO Association, the "blue folder" was transferred to her disposal. There were 124 pages of printed text: reports, reports on meetings with unidentified objects.
Failed to knock down
Here is the content of some documents stored in a mysterious folder.

On July 28, 1989, mysterious disks appeared over the missile arsenals located north-east of Kapustin Yar in the Astrakhan region. The numbers of the military units in the documents are smeared with black ink, but the notes of the Chekist who reported on this situation are left.

The servicemen of the transmitting center observed three objects, and on the basis of liquidation - one. UFOs were disks with a diameter of 4-5 meters with a hemisphere at the top. They shone brightly, moved silently, sometimes descending and hanging over the ground. The commander called the fighter (the flight room number was also covered with black ink) did not manage to fly close to any of the objects, they constantly left him.
Reports of Captain Chernikov, Ensign Voloshin, Private Tishaev and others indicate that the flying object emitted light signals resembling a flash.
Other documents of the "blue folder" describe the contact with the UFO that occurred in 1984 over Turkmenistan.The air defense system saw a spherical object flying along the coast of the Caspian Sea at an altitude of 2000 meters to the state border.
He did not answer the requests. In the air, two fighters were raised, but all attempts to knock down the UFO failed.Moreover, when the object began to fire, it fell sharply to 100 meters above the ground - to a height that did not allow fighter aircraft to continue firing at it.
There are several dozens of such cases in the "blue folder". These documentary evidence point to two facts: first, UFOs existed, and secondly, despite their official denial, the KGB was actively engaged in the collection and systematization of information concerning unidentified objects.
Now documents from the "blue folder" are stored in the archives of the ufological committee of the Russian Geographical Society.
Letters from another planet
But the KGB would not be itself without mysteries and mystifications. One of them Western scholars consider the so-called Ummit letters. In the 1960s and 1970s, letters were sent to people in Spain (and partly to France) in different languages ​​with elements of a previously unknown speech. The senders were represented by the inhabitants of the planet Ummo, populated by reasonable inhabitants who flew to Earth.
The total number of letters was more than 260 copies, their volume exceeded 1000 typewritten pages. Each page of these documents was marked with a special lilac color icon.
In the letters "ummit" they described the history of their stay on Earth. They flew here in 1950 on three spacecraft, six of them, including two women, they investigate and analyze the Pasha's life.
Photo of the "ship Ummo", published June 1, 1967

The French journalist R. Marik, who studied these letters for many years, came to the conclusion that the creators were the workers of the KGB of the USSR. His arguments: the social system of the Ummo planet described in the letters is very similar to the communism promoted in the USSR.
The "Ummites" did not conceal their sympathy for the politicians of the Marxist trend. Their views on the arms race were exactly the same as the classical themes of Soviet propaganda.
But the main thing is that in all countries of Europe legal communist parties already existed, and in Spain the dictator Franco and the Communist Party were banned. In 1975, Franco died, Christian Democrats came to power in the country, and the Communist Party became legal. And the flow of letters stopped! Did the "Ummites" achieve their goal?
The USSR had its alien?
In the West, the topic of the downed air defense of the USSR of a flying saucer of extraterrestrial origin and the study of the corpse of a humanoid who controlled it periodically is raised, which was comprehensively studied at the Semashko Institute. UFOs were shot down in 1968 in the Urals near the town of Berezniki. Now everyone who is interested in ufology knows that this is nothing more than a hoax.

The shots of the "UFO shot down in 1968" and "the alien's autopsy" have been recognized by many as counterfeit, but is it so?

However, not so long ago, a journalist and television interview on this topic was given in the United States by a certain P. Klimchenkov, who introduced himself as a former KGB officer - and showed his identity on television.
His words are confirmed by an article from the newspaper Vecherniy Sverdlovsk of November 29, 1968. In her witnesses of the incident claimed that before their eyes a brilliant disk fell on a steep snow-covered slope. Then the military arrived on the scene and carefully combed the area.
P. Klimchenkov argues that the operation to detect and capture a UFO was code-named "Myth". Further anatomical dissection of the dead humanoid convinced scientists that he is not a man.
How reliable is this information?
Neither in the "blue folder" nor in other published documents of the KGB, nothing is said about it. But the documents shown to Klimchenkov impress the authentic. For example, the order of Defense Minister A. Grechko to the commander of the Ural Military District A. Ponomarenko that at all stages of detection of UFOs KGB officers were present.
Their reports, according to Klimchenkov, quickly came to the disposal of Colonel A. Grigoryev, the head of the KGB research department. In the documents shown, not only the scientific institution where the humanoid was autopsied was named, but also the names of the doctors - Kamyshov, Savitsky and Gordienko. For unexplained reasons, all of them suddenly died on the same day, a week after the autopsy was completed.
All three were real lights of science - and the KGB would hardly have cracked down on the first people of Russian medicine. The death of doctors still raises many questions.
Some foreign journalists argue that the leakage of information about the activities of the former KGB has occurred deliberately. But then for what purpose? In response to a similar story about the capture of a UFO and the opening of a humanoid in the United States? As is known, in 1995 many American media accused the CIA of concealing this fact for many years, but the official authorities announced that there had been no capture of the UFO.
Perhaps the mercantile interests of the former employees of the once formidable agency played a role? The American television company TNT does not hide that documents and video materials about the "Soviet alien" were bought in Russia from retired KGB officers.
In particular, photos of the humanoid opening were purchased for 10 thousand dollars. Of course, the TV company did not name the names of the employees who sold the materials.
The activities of the KGB have long been overgrown with rumors and legends, which can not be dispelled even with the declassification of archives. And to separate the truth from controlled disinformation is extremely difficult. The existence of a UFO still affects the interests of state security - and therefore, some documents are unlikely to ever be published.

Abnormal adventures of a resident of Tula: Meeting with a robot boy and subsequent abduction by aliens

In the early 90's Elena Potapova from Tula wrote down in detail, then published in the local newspaper a curious "contact history" that occurred with a middle-aged lady. The lady's name is Tatyana Gavrilina.

In the summer of 1987, Tatyana Grigoryevna went to the store one day. Coming out of the house, I saw a boy of about six standing on a hillock in the shade of a tree. He chained her attention to the fact that he froze on the hillock motionless, "as a monument," and, most importantly, was dressed completely out of season. On the street was a terrible grueling heat, and the child was very tight fitting overalls. The head was covered with a hat that looked like a helmet.

"Wow, what an interesting hat was tied up," Tatyana Grigoryevna thought absently. - Attached to her on top decorations, similar to antennas ... "Pondering this simple thought, the woman was just passing by the bump on which the boy froze.
Suddenly, he asked her in a strange "metallic" voice:
- Who are you?
"I'm a mother," she answered. - I'm going to the store for shopping. Here I want to buy my daughter shoes ...
Tatiana Grigorievna went to the department store, where she soon returned home. Then she went shopping a couple of times, but this time to the other - grocery. And every time, leaving home or returning home, again and again stumbled across the same motionless boy standing.
As soon as he saw her, he spoke loudly to her with another question:
"And now what did you buy?" And now where are you going?

Having finished that day with purchases, Tatyana Grigorievna sat down in the kitchen on a stool and became thoughtful. What is this boy? Why is he so strangely dressed? Why behaves no less strange - stands idol on a tubercle, without moving even fingers of hands? Yes, and the robot is talking ...

She never saw this boy again. But it is difficult to say anything definite about the existence of a connection between the appearance of a strange "robot boy" and further events in the life of Tatyana Grigoryevna Gavrilina. However, for some reason it is believed that there is such a connection.
On further events, let TG Gavrilina tell herself:
- In the evening of November 25, 1990, I went to bed as usual. But, contrary to her habit, she could not sleep for a long time. I'm lying, I'm spinning on the bed, I'm spinning - I can not sleep! And suddenly the door to my room opens. A woman enters in a silver overall. She stood by the door and looked at me with her huge eyes. Seeing her, I was frightened and crossed herself. And the woman continues to stand near the door and stares at me fixedly.
After a few seconds the stranger lifted her right hand up and forward with a smooth gesture and, as it were, aimed her hand at Tatyana Grigorievna. The sensations of the latter immediately began to penetrate her body some rays.They exerted maximum effects on the head, which began to grow dull under the hairline. TG Gavrilina realized that she was being euthanized. In a panic, she tried to block off these rays with her hand. There was a feeling: the rays pierced through the hand, and she instantly became numb.
Tatyana Grigorievna lost consciousness.
- How much time passed - I do not know, - she recalls. - After waking up, I saw that I was sitting in an oval hall on a soft brown seat. To my left are two quite earthly, pretty girls. Before us is a low object, like a long table.
Behind him, in the distance, near the opposite wall of the hall, there is a certain structure resembling a small control panel, above the "console" there is a screen on the wall, and in front of the "console" two men are sitting in the armchairs. Both are dressed in exactly the same silvery costumes as I was on a stranger who went in without a request to my house ... To the left of the screen hangs a curtain on the wall.
TG Gavrilina continues her story:
- Suddenly, because of the curtain came two women, one of which I immediately recognized. She was the uninvited guest to my house. Her companion, just coming out from behind the curtain, sat down at a small table, standing on the sidelines. And my "old friend" went to me ... Further I do not remember very well. I felt myself at that moment as somnolent, inhibited. Only by effort of will forced myself not to sleep ...
Suddenly I realize that I'm sitting on a long table, pulling my knees to my chest. Next to me is my "old friend". In her silver suit is mounted at the level of the belt a light bulb that illuminates me. The lady with the bulb on her stomach starts to talk, and I understand that she communicates with me telepathically, mentally.

She says:
- Now I will check your health, I will examine the body, starting with the ankle joint.
And he begins to light my feet with his light bulb, a ray of light from which runs up his legs from his feet up, lingers on his knees.
I say:
"Why are you checking my knees, dear?" There is nothing interesting in them. - Then pointing at the two girls standing at some distance, and I advise: - Look those young, study. Nothing to study me. I'm no longer a young man.
"Well, maybe you are right," says the lady with a light bulb on her stomach, as if in passing, but continues to drive a glowing beam through my body.
While she does this, one of the men sitting behind the "console" watches me, from time to time glancing at the "console". The second does not pay attention to me, is engaged in some of their own affairs.
Here comes a kind of insight: I got into an experimental group of people-earthlings who are checked to see if there is at least one healthy person among them. Appears strange, as if embedded in the brain from the side, the thought that the piece of paper that lies on the side of the "remote control" in front of the man watching me is the list of the experimental group, and I'm on the last list.
A woman with a light bulb at the waist suddenly says:
- Your knees are normal, but your stomach is in terrible condition.
- Is it possible to cure it? - I'm interested.
And I hear a telepathic answer:
- To cure, you need to put a twig of the tree into the night ...
The answer is strange, incomprehensible, but I do not have time to think it over and ask clarifying questions. I lose consciousness.
T. Gavrilina came to her senses after an indefinite time and realized that she was again sitting on a soft brown seat, and was no longer on the table. The man sitting in the armchair behind the "console" and translating from time to time the view from Tatyana Grigorievna to the "console" and then back to it, also does not boast already in her chair. He stands next to Gavrilina and gives her some narrow little boxes made of something that looks like cardboard.
"I take the boxes in my hands," recalls Tatyana Grigorevna, "and I sense that the two earthly girls who are right there in this oval hall are very envious of me. I look at the boxes and listlessly think: Well, why do I need so many of these boxes? There were six or seven of them in my hands. I turned them in my fingers, examined them from all sides and decided to leave for myself two - the shortest and the longest.
And all the others gave those two girls ... You would see how happy they were! The man who handed me the boxes, stands silently next to me, does not interfere in anything. I open a long box. I see there are figures like chess there, but not chess. I open a short box, and in it - something reminiscent of the dominoes, but also not a domino, but something else.
The man, addressing me, says mentally:
- This is our marmalade in sugar. Try it.
I took out two candies from the box. One gave the girl who was closer to me than her partner. And put the other candy in her mouth. And immediately something was aching in my stomach-a great pain began. A man in a silver suit, this "Martian", "commander of the Martians", as I designated it for myself, saw that I felt sick. He quickly stepped to the "console" and pressed some buttons on it. A loud bell rang and I instantly disconnected.
TG Gavrilina came to her senses, lying on her bed in her own house. As she got home, the woman did not remember. The pain in my stomach calmed down completely. Tatiana Grigorevna felt great.