Friday 20 October 2017

The astronomer believes that aliens should be sought in the asteroid belt

Scientist from the Scottish University of St Andrews Duncan Forgan told where to look for aliens, reports Express.

According to the publication, the astronomer read a whole lecture on this, illustrating it with amusing examples. Duncan Forgan believes that attempts to find extraterrestrial life have not yet been crowned with success simply because the earthlings are not looking there.
Search for alien ships, in his opinion, follows the asteroid belt , and not in some remote galaxy, but in the Milky Way.

We have not been able to confirm this hypothesis yet, because all the necessary tests have not been carried out with the means at our disposal," says the scientist. "At the moment, only a very small part of our galaxy is studied, and signals are searched only at a certain frequency. an increased concentration of hydrocarbons in the atmospheres of the planets, "nuclear ash" and ionization of gases. "

For his own words, Forgan illustrated with slides showing a football field with a small painted square.

In his opinion, the graph clearly demonstrates the ratio of the studied and unexplored parts of the Milky Way. The scientist believes that the search for extraterrestrial civilizations should begin with a belt of asteroids in the solar system.
"We believe that alien spaceships may be hidden there," the astronomer said, "or if traces of a lost civilization can be found amongst asteroids.If it turns out that Earthlings are the only sensible civilization within ten thousand light-years, then we should reconsider our view of our planet ".