Friday 20 October 2017

"They looked like dogs standing on their hind legs"

The legendary Soviet and Russian test pilot, 102-times world record-holder Lieutenant-General Marina Popovich, in an interview for the radio station RSN, told about her unexpected encounter with strange creatures .

Popovich said that "they looked like people." The woman admitted that she was very frightened.

Excerpt from the radio interview:
L. KANDAKZHI: There are different myths that pilots meet in the sky some unidentified objects. Did you meet something like this?
M. POPOVICH: There, look.
L. KANDAKZHI: Marina Lavrent'evna shows me her book, which is called "UFO over the planet Earth." Very thick and weighty book. And what is in it?

M. POPOVICH: There are people like that. And I myself met.L. KANDAKZHI: And what do they look like?

M. Popovic: They look like people.
L. KANDAKZHI: Did you see it during the flight?
M. POPOVICH: No, on a journey, in the forest. We went to the mountains, and the attendant said to me: "Someone is walking there, like bears on human feet." I say: "It can not be. Monkeys, whether that, have escaped from a zoo? ». We then arranged for duty and saw tall creatures with a piercing gaze.
They looked like dogs standing on their hind legs. We had a whole tent of women, and I also have a small child. We were so scared! Now everywhere they are written about, and they wrote before. In Perm they meet.
L. KANDAKZHI: And why in Perm?