Monday 16 October 2017

In Zarafshan (Uzbekistan) saw a UFO and a high aliens

August 15, 1990 in the provincial newspaper "Zarafshanskaya Pravda" published a note "UFO over Zarafshan?".Its author A. Arutykin, the head of the labor and wage bureau of mine "M" in the mountains near Zarafshan, described his meeting with a UFO.

"I would like to share with the readers of the newspaper impressions of what I saw" a miracle in the sky. " August 9 at 5:45 - after a morning walk with a dog - I watched from the gallery on the second floor of the house where I live, a brightly shining object moving across the sky in a southeasterly direction. After a few seconds, the glow stopped, and the object took a dark outline in the form of interconnected plates outside the outside.

The flight path of the object was sinusoidal - as if swaying, with an insignificant frequency and amplitude in the vertical plane. It is difficult, of course, not to be mistaken when assessing the size of a UFO, but, in my opinion, the size of the object did not exceed five meters in diameter, and its speed was no more than two hundred kilometers per hour.
The object moved in absolute silence. The total time of observation is about ten seconds. Further observation became impossible, as the aircraft disappeared behind a high house standing next to our house. "
It would seem that a typical observation of UFOs from the side, which thousands around the world. But unexpectedly this story received a continuation, or rather a prehistory, as described below occurred two weeks earlier.
Three days after Arutykin's report in the newspaper - August 18 - a new article appeared in Zarafshanskaya Pravda, now from the senior editor of the local radio M. Mukhtarova. It was called "Your eyes. We are giving details. "
That's what it was written about.
"The amazing is next door," the poet once said. And indeed it is. Here and there, there are meetings with mysteries and riddles, which people used to consider at best as the eccentricity of nature, at worst - devilry. About "flying saucers" before to speak, as about really existing, it was not accepted.

The official point of view was something like this: this can not be, because it can not be. But everything flows, everything changes. And we, who did not believe in anything yesterday, begin today to doubt our disbelief. An unusual case occurred recently with a resident of the Navruz microdistrict Almatai Zhaldybaevay.

Here's what she said about what happened in Almaty:
"It happened on the night of July 25th." I slept very hard, but suddenly I felt a kind of warmth through my sleep. She woke up and, opening her eyes, was surprised. I saw at home a huge man - taller than two meters tall.
He stood with his arms outstretched. He emanated strong heat and some kind of glow of blue. From this glow in the apartment it became even light. A strange stranger was wearing a silver-steel overall. Outwardly, he resembled a man, but his eyes were bright red! And another strange detail - the arms and legs were abnormally long.
Almatai was very frightened.
"With fright, I could not even say a word," she continues her story. - She lay in horror on the bed, staring at him. And he also silently looked at me and did not say a single word. So we stared at each other for two minutes or even three.
Then the giant with red eyes and abnormally long arms and legs was suddenly built from the spot. His steps were heavy, the windows rang and the frames in the windows trembled. The giant walked leisurely around the room and went out onto the balcony. Almatai immediately jumped out of bed and followed him.
"I wanted to see," she says, "what this mysterious man will do there." I see a strange "guest" froze on the balcony and suddenly, with a sharp gesture, extended his longest hands forward. Then suddenly I disappeared, as if I had disappeared into the night silence ... The next morning my thirteen-year-old son, just waking up, told me that he had heard heavy footsteps through the sleep and felt some warmth in the middle of the night.