Wednesday 11 October 2017

The story of a Muscovite, who was abducted by aliens and cured her aching leg

In 1994, an American psychologist Boris Landa (previously moved to the US from the USSR) flew to Moscow. He was very interested in the topic of UFOs and aliens, which in those years in the post-Soviet press was discussed particularly actively. Many probably remember the numerous reports about UFOs and barabashki in the pages of newspapers.

But the psychologist was especially attracted by the topic of the abducted by strangers and he wanted to get acquainted with the Russians who assured that they were abducted by aliens and conducted strange operations over them. Landa met with Russian researchers of abnormal phenomena, including ufologist Vladimir Azhazhay , who described the following story in one of his books.

Azhazha arranged for Lande to meet with two women affected by the activities of the aliens. One of them was a girl Natasha (her surname is not called), who worked in a certain Moscow scientific research institute. The psychologist asked Natasha permission to apply hypnosis to her to find out the details of her abduction, and so the girl sat comfortably in the armchair, closed her eyes and began the session. Landa began to ask the girl questions.
"What woke you up that night?"
- Voice, male, nice, called on the balcony. I do not remember how I got up and walked down the corridor. I found myself in the kitchen, in the corner, at the door, on the side where the hinges. Rather, on the wall under the ceiling, because I saw myself in the kitchen. In a homemade dress. I go to the balcony.
"In the dress?" Did you sleep in it?
- No. She slept in her nightgown. Where's the dress from? I do not know. I went to the balcony. I felt cold, it was September ...
- Wait. Let's go back. You said that you were under the ceiling and see yourself in the kitchen. So where are you?
- I was upstairs, looking and waiting. Yourself.
- How did you feel yourself there?
- Something light, weightless. It was my vision there. And the one I was walking in the kitchen was an inanimate, a doll. We joined the balcony. From the cold, I wrapped my arms around myself and bent down so as not to bang on the bar for the laundry.
"Did you want to go to the balcony?"
- It was necessary. I did not resist. They said they would show their planet.
- Who are they"?
- I do not know ... There was nobody.
"What did you see?"

- Our street. Night. Houses with lights. Construction crane. I was ordered to look to the north. The ball hung more than the full moon, beautiful, poured pinkish-yellow light.

"What else did you see?"
"That's nothing more then." In the morning I woke up in my bed, in my shirt. A few days later I got there ...
- There? ..
- Somewhere ... I was led along the path. It was dark, the sky was black. But everything can be seen. Path in pebbles, rows of dark green bushes, cut, with small leaves, similar to tea.
- You said "lead". Who led?
- Some creature, half my height, black, shapeless, like a three-dimensional blot. It seems, it held my hand, but the sensation of his hand was not - nothing.
"Where did you go?"
The bright white houses shone brightly ahead. With high antennas. Large windows. The glasses were opaque. On the threshold of the blot disappeared. I was left alone in the brown room. I knew that there was someone there, voices could be heard, muttering. They were out of doors doing their own thing. We did not perceive each other.Some depressing impression. I stood alone, I wanted to leave, but without the blot I could not. Finally a voice said: "This is how we live." Blot took me outside, out ...
"Natasha, what happened to your leg?"
- This is scary. I do not want to remember.
Natasha's face tightened, tears began to flow from closed eyes. But she went on to say:

Again I saw myself from the corner, from the wall, from above. I saw a green room and myself with her hair loose, twisted into something white, but not into my clothes. I'm lying on the table, my hands are free. I appeared, and we - the one that looked, and the one that was on the table - merged. And I felt panic. I wanted to get up, leave, but I could not. They told me: "You need it so."

- Who said?
- I do not know. Nobody was in the green room, but I saw a long, centimeters in 20, a metal rod, like a pencil. He seemed to be handed over to each other by someone's hands, like a surgeon's tool. But I did not see the hands.Then they put a green curtain in front of me and said: "Do not see this." I felt that my legs were there, behind the curtain, bent at the knees and hang over the table. And a wild pain in the right leg. Unbearable pain. In the leg, in the bone, from the knee to the ankle, this pin is pounded. Such pain can not be imagined, it was real.
- And then?
- Nothing. I never see the way back. I woke up in my bed in the morning. The leg did not hurt, only there was some heavy. I did not want to look at her.
- And before something happened to the leg?
"She was sick for a long time." Since my childhood I was engaged in figure skating. When the shoe was tied, it hurt.The right one is jogging. The pain began to get in the way so bad that I stopped to skate at 18. Her leg hurt when she put on her narrow boots when she touched. But I ran, walked, got used to this pain, did not go to the doctor and was afraid to tell my parents.
"Now it hurts?"
- No. Has passed. And there are no traces. But that pain and fear ... And the feeling that I can do nothing, I'm in someone else's power and I do not know what will happen ... I'm chasing this memory.
Tears rolled down Natasha's cheeks, and Boris Landa made her open her eyes. Gradually, she came to, tried to smile.
"I'm still there, in the green room ..."
- You will be better, you are freed from ...
From what? Memories? Feel? Sleep?
When the girl after the session said goodbye to Landa and ufologist Azhazh, the psychologist said that the girl told him that there was something else, but what she would never tell - too scary. Landa was sure that after several more hypnosis sessions the girl would tell him this part too, but whether they still met - it is not known, Azhazha does not mention it any more.
The story of the second victim will be published next time.